Xueba's Resurrection

Chapter 330 The old maniac

Chapter 330 The old maniac

The foreign visitor who claims to be from the earth is a young girl in fluttering white clothes, graceful and upright, very bright and beautiful, supernatural and refined.

"Li Xiaoman pays homage to Brother Hua!"

Oto Xiaochuan distorted the light and stood in the corner. At a glance, he could see that this was a green tea bitch, a scheming bitch, pure on the outside, but stalking on the inside.

Hua Yunfei was still elegant, looked at the girl in front of him softly, and said calmly: "Yesterday you said that you came from a foreign land, is it called the earth? I checked the classics, but found nothing."

"Brother Hui, it's called Earth, it's a blue planet, and its area is smaller than Donghuang one or two."

As soon as this sentence came out, Yi Xiaochuan frowned slightly. A person from the earth actually used selling the earth as a bargaining chip.

If it wasn't for the fact that the earth has become a transfer station for all the heavens and worlds, and it is completely chaotic, he is going to slap her to death right now.

"Come here by pulling the coffin in Kowloon? Can you tell me in detail?"

"Of course, more than five years ago, nine dragon corpses were 20 meters long, pulling a [-]-meter-long bronze coffin, and our group was taken from the top of Mount Tai to Mars. On Mars, we saw the Great Leiyin Temple , I found half of Yu Ruyi and a bronze Buddha statue, both of which were imprinted with divine marks, and we were attacked by the crocodile ancestors in the Daleiyin Temple..."

The girl described it vividly, and finally said: "In the end, the Nine Dragons pulled the coffin and fell into the abyss of the ancient forbidden land. We only managed to reach the Eastern Desolation after a narrow escape..."

Hua Yunfei tapped his fingers on the table in a rhythmic manner, and said, "Okay, you go! Practice hard, you have drunk the sacred spring in the ancient forbidden land, and your qualifications are very good. From now on, Xingfeng and Taixuan will need you Come and protect."

"Senior brother, I have some doubts about my practice, I wonder if senior brother can give me some pointers!"

"I have something important to do today, and I'll call you over when I'm free."

"Yes, brother!"

Watching the girl leave, Otokawa walked out from the distorted light.

"Sir, do you need me to find out?"

"Check it out, I'm very interested in that Earth!"

Oto Xiaochuan is really interested. If there is no mistake in time, they should have been brought to this world from Mount Tai by Kowloon in 2010.

After all, their arrival caused a wave of waves in Donghuang, and everyone could check it out in their hearts.

But at that point in time, there was no Kowloon coffin pulling event on the earth.

If it appeared, the whole world would have been shocked by how the country lived in hiding.

Although puzzled, Otokogawa has at least two theories to explain this phenomenon.

One, parallel universes.

Second, the high-dimensional shuttle, the difference in dimensions conceals all the truth before the spiritual recovery.

Before Hua Yunfei found out any useful information, an important news reached Taixuan.

A crazy old man appeared in Wei State, suspected to be a peerless master 6000 years ago.

This news shook dozens of countries around, and the Ji Family, Yaoguang Holy Land, and Taixuanmen all had peak powerhouses dispatched and pursued.

"It's actually an unrivaled powerhouse in the past. He has lived for more than 6000 years and still exists in this world. It's incredible!"

"How can a person live for 6000 years? It is simply a living history book. It has gone through various dark or bright ages. It is really a miracle!"

In the Taixuan Sect, many people are talking about it.

And Hua Yunfei also passed the news to Yi Xiaochuan immediately, and explained the origin of the crazy old man by the way.

"Sir, 6000 years ago, the Tianxuan Holy Land was extremely prosperous. With all the strength of the faction, they invaded the ancient holy land and disappeared forever. They were removed from the world. The beautiful barren slave in the ancient holy land was Tianxuan. The saint. The crazy old man who appeared this time is the only survivor of Tianxuan Holy Land. Many people want to know what happened 6000 years ago, and what kind of existence is the "Desolation" under the endless abyss... ..."

"Six thousand years ago, that old lunatic's cultivation was earth-shattering, and it was rare to meet an opponent in the Eastern Desolation. A supreme figure like him has lived for another six thousand years, and he is still alive. Everyone wants to know how far he has reached. No matter how far away, I want to listen to teachings."

"Especially for the supernatural powers like the Ji family and the Yaoguang Holy Land, the elders in the gate don't want to have a dialogue with such a world-class figure. Such an existence comparable to a living fossil, for the great figures of the world, is more powerful than the Donghuang people." The ancient scriptures are attractive."

"Unfortunately, that unrivaled powerhouse is completely insane. There is no one to talk to. He is crying and laughing, unable to communicate. Many celebrities have been blown away by his sleeve, and no one can approach him..."

Oto Ogawa bowed his head slightly, the characters from 6000 years ago, if this is on earth, it should be the era of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors.

The puppet who is as beautiful as a fairy in the ancient forbidden land is called Huang Nu, the slave of Huang.

Those puppets can't talk, but this old lunatic, although crazy, can always communicate.

Even if you can't communicate, it's good to have a fight.

"Brother Li, I'll come back as soon as I go..."

Yi Xiaochuan greeted Li Ruoyu, and then strode away, within two or three steps, he had disappeared into the Taixuan Mountain.

Although Hua Yunfei had already seen the strength of Yi Xiaochuan, a half-step powerful guardian, was slapped to death, but it is still difficult for him to estimate how strong he is.

"Uncle Li, do you know how strong Mr. Li is?"

"How strong?" Li Ruoyu thought for a while, looked around with his cloudy eyes, and seemed to not think of anything to compare with: "Probably very strong!"


As the sun set, the sunset glow dyed most of the sky red, and Oto Xiaochuan had traveled tens of thousands of miles with the help of gravity.

Finally, he saw a white-haired old man running in the setting sun.

He was dressed in rags and looked very old. He didn't look like the clothes of this era at all. He was muttering something in his mouth, and there were two lines of teardrops hanging from his cloudy old eyes.

A strong man came chasing after him. The old lunatic looked back at him, and then turned his head to look at the red sun that was about to sink.

He is chasing the sun.

It seems that everything in this world seems to be difficult to attract his attention, only the bloody red sun can attract his full attention.

"That year, the setting sun was like blood, and Tianxuan was bleeding. On that day, everything withered, and Tianxuan fell... Chase... catch up with the sunset, and all tragedies will not happen!"

But the bloody setting sun still disappeared on the horizon.

In an instant, the old lunatic's eyes shot out two sun-catching brilliance, which pierced through the void, and his sadness was completely suppressed. He suddenly turned to face Yi Xiaochuan.

He seemed to have changed into a different person, like a peerless sharp sword emerging from the abyss, showing its sharpness, making the mountains silent, and all the birds and beasts were trembling.

Fortunately, this is a desolate and desolate place, otherwise I don't know how many people will die.


This old lunatic is like a mountain, and the huge pressure flowing out is unimaginable. He actually released a gravitational field comparable to an asteroid with mana.


Suddenly, the old lunatic swung his fist. The movement was very slow but terrifying. The mountain was about to be smashed to pieces.

The old lunatic didn't say anything, just punched him like an asteroid.

"Planet hits Earth!"

Oto Xiaochuan was taken aback and was extremely shocked. The old lunatic's fist was very slow, but his pace was extremely fast.

That power is not weaker than that of an asteroid falling into the earth.


"Boom! Boom!"

Every time the old madman swung his fist, there was a kind of force of earth-shattering. The dead mountain was completely shattered, and the land began to crack, which was shaken open by the aftermath of his fists.


Countless large cracks appeared, and this piece of land was about to disintegrate like an earthquake, and it made a terrible sound, and it was about to start to collapse.

Part of the power is blocked by the gravitational well of Fan Tianyin, while part is absorbed by the vibrating gold cells, which start to gather vibration waves and start to gather strength.

Finally, after the vibration gold cells approached the limit, a high-frequency vibration force oscillated from Otokawa's body.

At the same time, everything around Otokawa, the bluestones, the air, and the clouds in the sky were shattered, everything turned into powder, nothing was left, as if it had melted, leaving only pure particles.

Only the old lunatic stood around with his fists closed, with more than half of his clothes gone, exposing his chest full of wounds.

Finally, his eyes cleared up for a moment, and he stared at Yi Xiaochuan firmly.

"Forbidden Land... You have been there... Tell me... How to break the curse of Huang? How to save Tianxuan? Tell me! Tell me!"

And this kind of clarity only persisted for a few seconds, and gradually his eyes returned to that crazy state.

But instead of continuing to punch, he cried and laughed loudly, beating his feet and chest.

"Dead, dead, everyone is dead..."

He kept repeating, extraordinarily desolate and pathetic.

Then, he displayed a mysterious footwork and started to leave.

Taking one step forward, the endless mountains and rivers and the earth are all behind you. It is a veritable shrinking of the ground, which is countless times faster than others.

"He is really an unrivaled powerhouse, but unfortunately he is not conscious..."

Oto Xiaochuan didn't chase after him, and it didn't make much sense to chase after him.

At this time, on the edge of the battlefield, among the ruins where the mountains were shaken, a large rock moved and was cut open. It was a green dagger that came out from the ground with a crisp sound. Metal vibrato, lingering green clouds, extremely sharp.It is no more than half a foot long, like a pool of clear water, crystal clear, with bursts of cold air radiating from it.

Then, a fat Taoist priest emerged from the underground crack with his head covered in dust.

"That Tianzun Wuliang, why did the earthquake happen? I almost buried Daoist me... a powerful tomb! It was destroyed like this, and it was about to break the prohibition to take treasures...I...I Go... what's going on?"

The fat Taoist stared at the countless collapsed mountains in shock, feeling the scattered aura.

He was banned and isolated in the tomb, and he found nothing abnormal.

Now as soon as he returned to the ground, he immediately felt terrified.

"MMP, this was broken by a peerless powerhouse!"

At this time, a figure fell beside him: "Hello, Taoist priest! We are really destined!"

(End of this chapter)

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