Chapter 208

"Little Xiong, how are you? Are you injured? He is no longer normal, Xiao Xiong, let's go back." After realizing it, Yin Xiaofeng ran over quickly, pushed Mu Kongkong away, and looked at Xiong Ya nervously in the morning.

Mu Kongkong frowned slightly, unable to stand for a while, staggered, and stopped.

And Xiong Ya, who was being watched by Yin Xiaofeng, shook his head casually. In fact, his attention was on Mu Kongkong who was pushed aside by her.

"I don't know who is abnormal now." Xiong Ya was very emotional, suppressed emotions for a long time, and shouted, "I can feel the emotions of people around me, which doesn't mean my heart won't hurt, I hurt as much as you hurt," Xiong Ya pointed at his heart with a painful expression, "and my pain is far double that of yours, so just come on, if one of us will feel better."

The impression of Xiong Ya's gentle gaze turns out that the brighter the surface, the more oppressive and painful it is deep down.Now Xiong Ya, Mu Kongkong has an impulse, wanting to rush over to hug him, tell him that everything still has her.You are not alone so don't be so miserable...but...

"Ding, Xiong Ya's favorability for the host is 10. The current favorability is 75. Xiong Ya's favorability for the heroine is -5. The current favorability is 25. Ding, start a random task to guide the male partner Xiong Ya, so that the favorability is 100. Falling in love with you, mission rewards, points 1000, attribute points 10, a failure free card." The voice of the system's voice came from the mind.

Xiong Ya's favorability has increased so quickly, maybe he is too lonely, alone for too long, struggling in the dark, longing for someone to accompany him, longing for warmth and light.

The anger on Wang Charlie's slashed handsome face was still there, "Yin Xiaofeng, get out!" This woman was overconfident and tried to block her full blow, but she just dodged so irresponsibly if she couldn't stop it. Do you know who is behind you?And push people so rudely.Mu Kongkong, a silly woman, also, why did she save that sick bear.

"Ding, the hero Wang Charlie's favorability towards Yin Xiaofeng is -5 and the current favorability is 30."

"No, Charlie Wang, you are too impulsive, you are blinded by hatred, and you can't see anything because of sadness, Charlie Wang, you are too impulsive." Yin Xiaofeng let go of Xiong Ya slowly, opening his arms in a protective state.

Mu Kongkong walked to Xiong Ya's side and supported him, "Xiong, you..."

"I'm fine." Xiong Ya felt deep concern and distress from this girl, and there was clearly visible worry in her clear eyes.Xiong Ya smiled weakly.

"What do you know?!" The sword in the lake in Wang Charlie's hand was ready to move.

"I understand, you are not the only one who is sad, I am more sad than you, I have known Xiaoyang longer than you, Xiaoyang and I are the closest relationship beyond blood..." Yin Xiaofeng growled at Wang Charlie, swearing to himself Her identity and ownership of Xiaoyang seemed to be the only way for her to be sure of her close relationship with Xiaoyang, and Xiaoyang was not taken away.

"Ding, the hero Wang Charlie's affection for the heroine is 10. It is currently 40."

"Ding, Xiong Ya's affection for the heroine Yin Xiaofeng is 5, and it is currently 35. Host, come on."

"It turns out that I...became an outsider..." The breeze blew away Mu Kongkong's murmurs, but her unique cold and choked voice was enough for everyone present to hear.

"Kongkong..." Xiong Ya didn't know how to comfort Mu Kongkong like this, she was surrounded by deep sorrow.

"Ding, the hero Wang Charlie's favorability degree for the host is 10, and the current favorability degree is 65. The favorability degree for the female protagonist Yin Xiaofeng is -10, and the current favorability degree is 30."

"Ding, Xiong Ya's favorability for the host is 5. Currently it is 80, the host is great."

"Xiong Ya, don't think I'm afraid!" Charlie Wang felt that his anger in a year was not as much as it is today, and his slender fingers tightly grasped the sword in the lake in his palm. As for Mu Kongkong, she was just Xiaoyang's. Sister, I'm only worried because of Xiaoyang, that's all...

Mu Kongkong's beautiful eyebrows were slightly frowned, and his calm round eyes were gradually stained with blood-red fighting intent, and the lightning-like ghostly skills left only afterimages in the air.Wang Charlie, who was about to attack Xiong Ya, was sensitive to the hostility from the front left, and retreated quickly, blocking the attack with his sword in the lake. "Choke" For a while, the sword in the lake and the blood blade of the wolf were in a stalemate, and the two of them stuck together instantly. When they got close, Wang Charlie could clearly see his own clear figure in her eyes full of fighting spirit, and the corners of her lips raised slightly. With a charming smile, his lips parted slightly, "Oh, come again."

Wang Charlie's mind moved, and there seemed to be four bloodstains in the darkness, and then the blade shining with blood red light came to his neck.

"Charlie Wang?! How are you?" Yin Xiaofeng ran over, and a blue ray of light rushed towards Mu Kongkong from the [-]-kilometer fan.Then Mu Kongkong teleported directly to help Xiong Ya leave.

Her unique cold voice came: "Have fun today, we will meet again some other day." Only Yin Xiaofeng who looked up and down nervously and worriedly at Wang Charlie and Wang Charlie who watched Mu Kongkong leave were left.

"Let's make an appointment another day, I will definitely not lose." Charlie Wang's long and narrow eyes were full of fighting spirit, and he slapped Yin Xiaofeng's hands away with cool strides in his pockets.

"Hey, Wang Charlie, wait for me..." Yin Xiaofeng scratched his head inexplicably, as if he was puzzled by his irrationality, and in a blink of an eye, he seemed to feel that it was normal for him who was arrogant.

Mu Kongkong helped the weak Xiong Ya back to his luxury residence. Kate solved the tasks of those perverts today, but there was no bear, Mu Kongkong and Yin Xiaofeng. She was waiting anxiously, and finally heard the movement , "Xiong, what's the matter with you?" She hurried over to help him sit on the sofa.

"I'm fine." Xiong Ya said in a distant manner, ignoring Kate's worried eyes.

Kate opened her mouth and hesitated to speak. She felt that she was trying to get close to Little Bear, but Little Bear always pushed her away. She was isolated outside the tall castle built by Little Bear. He opened the castle. The door, Xiaoyang was able to enter in the past, but now it may be her... Mu Kongkong. "Have you been with Xiaoxiong all the time? As a member of the villainous girl group, do you know that the villainous girl group just went on a mission? You haven't participated in a mission since you joined the group, you..."

"Kate! That's enough, it's getting should go home..." Xiong Ya can understand Kate's behavior, but he doesn't understand why Kate, who is usually common sense, becomes so aggressive. It was unexpected.

(End of this chapter)

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