Chapter 209

Hearing the system's voice, Du Xiaohan couldn't help but get excited, finally it's here, Bai Xiaolang, you made my sister wait so long, ahaha.

At this time, the white wolf who had just walked into the hall could not help but shudder, and Shitou asked quickly, "Second Master, do you have a cold?"

"It's okay, if you don't know, it's a matter." Bai Lang waved his hand indifferently.

At this time, "No, I don't want to wear it, it's too revealing." A woman ran out from the backstage.

A few men followed behind, they were servants of Lei Mansion, "You can't get in, you can't get in." They were ready to move, as if you would be miserable if I caught you.

Du Xiaohan took a sneak peek and saw a tall and handsome man standing not far in front. Among the crowd, Du Xiaohan still saw him at a glance, White Wolf, I haven't seen him in five years, he is much more handsome, full of With a mature and stable breath, Du Xiaohan hurriedly ran to hide behind the white wolf, "I won't go, how can I perform in this way? I'm here to perform, not to sell myself." Du Xiaohan just embezzled without any shyness The words of Jiang Xin in the original play. "Hey, help me." Then he pulled the white wolf's sleeve, raised his head and stared at the white wolf with big eyes.

White Wolf looked at the girl who was pulling his sleeve in front of him:
Wearing a short black tube top skirt and stockings of the same color on her legs, but with a small foreign-style bow tie on her neck, Xiao Han's two slender arms, round shoulders, and butterfly-like delicate collarbone are exposed.Slightly curly long hair scattered on the shoulders, slightly round face, small nose, long and curved eyelashes like flying butterflies, originally tender and red lips turned pale from fright, staring round and moist eyes looked at His eyes were full of pleading.One hand tugged at his sleeve, and the other tightly held a warm blue coat.

The white wolf couldn't help thinking of those round eyes full of worry back then, and the eyes could talk, "Du Xiaohan?" The white wolf couldn't help uttering the name with a movement of his lips.

"Second Master." The voice of Lei's servants came, covering the voice of White Wolf, so Du Xiaohan only heard the voice but didn't hear what was said specifically, her eyes were full of doubts.

"Is this how your Lei family bullies girls?" The white wolf turned around and taught them a lesson.

"This is a set of foreigner magician's clothes that the housekeeper found. He explained that they have a set for each of them. This girl can only wear skirts because of her height, but she doesn't want to wear them." One of the servants of Lei Mansion respectfully Said to the white wolf.

"What is my height? Look, he, he bullied me..." Du Xiaohan skillfully pulled Bai Lang's arm and pointed at the servant who was speaking. When she turned to look at Bai Lang, she found that Bai Lang The wolf looked at her playfully, Du Xiaohan let go of his hand silently, stuck out his tongue awkwardly, and wiped his nose.

White Wolf took off his coat, compared it to Du Xiaohan, handed it to her, and said: "But I think this coat is more like a foreign female magician. Come on, put it on." The wolf turned around and ordered to the others: "Turn around."

"Thank you." Du Xiaohan took the white wolf's black coat, and did not ask the white wolf to turn around like Jiang Xin did in the original drama, but handed his warm blue coat to the white wolf. The skin looked extraordinarily beautiful, looking at the white wolf staring at him, Du Xiaohan blushed and turned around to put on his clothes silently.

Seeing Du Xiaohan's shy movements, the white wolf couldn't help but evoked a knowing smile, but inadvertently saw a peach blossom knot lying on the ground, which was different from the one he picked up back then, so the white wolf couldn't help touching his pocket.

(End of this chapter)

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