Chapter 210

In the end, Shen An's arms were still too thick for his thighs, and he resentfully agreed to let Song Ning follow him to Weiguo.

Early in the morning, Shen An followed Kong Kong with a look of hesitation, Kong Kong simply ignored him, ignoring him, and Qingqing simply packed up his luggage and came to the gate.The servants and soldiers outside the gate were all ready, so the master was sent to take his place and give an order.

There are many people in the convoy, but there is only one car.Kong Kong and Shen An were standing on one side, when they heard Rong Min's voice behind them. "Young Master, Miss Liu is weak, and this servant has the audacity to ask for Miss Liu to take a carriage..."

"No, the young lady is just recovering from a serious illness. Besides, only the young lady can take the carriage. How can Miss Liu take the carriage before passing through the door?" Qingqing, who obediently followed Kong Kong and acted as an invisible person, heard Rong Min's unreasonable request , regarded as a provocation, stepped forward angrily, and retorted.

Shen An's first reaction was to look at Kongkong, his beautiful face was expressionless, with the frost of the cold winter and the twelfth lunar month, like a red plum blossomed from snow and ice, his heart could not help but feel a little bit of sadness...

"Don't speak in vain, Qingqing, Miss Liu is the young master's savior, we should treat each other with courtesy, and let Miss Liu take my carriage. Song Ning is a person who lives on horseback in bloody battles, so lead the horse."

Kong Kong looked past Shen An who didn't know what he was thinking, his back was straight, and the demeanor in his words could not be matched by a petty person. He took the horse led by the servant, jumped on the horse's back, and gently caressed the horse with his slender fingers On the cheeks, the sun cast shadows through the eyes focused on nostalgia.

"Ma'am, you are like this again. The doctor said rest and do not do strenuous exercise. What should I do if the wound ruptures?" Qingqing said indifferently, staring at Kongkong.

"...cough cough..." Kongkong felt a little guilty, could it be that she was the only one who was overthinking and exercising vigorously... Well, Kongkong knew that Qingqing was doing it for her own good, so he wanted to persuade her.

The convoy stopped and stopped, but it didn't go out of the border of Chen Country after a day. The reason was that the girl Liu Qiqi got sick in the carriage. After walking a few steps, she would vomit. She has lost nearly a circle of weight, and her originally small and exquisite figure is even thinner. She is probably standing with Kong Kong, no matter who looks for trouble first, it must be Kong Kong's fault in the end, because she is tall, and according to everyone's usual impressions, she will also like this.So Kong Kong almost never gets close to her, if anything happens, she can't be blamed.

The exhausting day finally passed, and the night came as expected, and the empty people and horses were now on the hillside watching the sun that was about to disappear in the distance.The clouds in the sky are rendered in brilliant orange, and there is such a spectacle at the junction of heaven and earth. Kongkong is shocked by the scenery of nature, and only by experiencing it can he understand the feeling.

"The setting sun is infinitely good, but it's almost dusk..."

The verse blurted out, she slowly closed her eyes, raised her hand delicately, took a deep breath of the fresh air, and exhaled all the depression in her heart, her whole body gradually became clearer, and the afterglow of the setting sun lingered on her face. Topped with a light orange tint.

What Shen An saw when he came was this scene, harmoniously like Kongkong blending with the setting sun, driving the horse to her side.

Sensing someone approaching, she slowly opened her eyes, "Is there any serious problem with Liu Qiqi's body?"

"I should have thought that she is so weak that she can even ride in a carriage, how could she carry me for several days and nights?" The corners of Shen An's mouth curved, it was a sarcastic smile.

"No matter what? She did take care of you, so it's up to you whether to stay or leave, how you treat her is up to you." Kong Kong no longer wanted to argue with him about the savior, and it was no longer necessary at this point.

"Song Ning, I...I always thought she was you, so..." Shen An explained.

"Shen An, I understand what you said, you have always been a proud person, so I don't want to tell you too much, let's go, I know there is a kind of wild fruit on the way back, it is sweet and sour, you can pick it Some for her to eat." Kong Kong interrupted his words, and ran out first on horseback.Song Ning, am I really going to miss you?Shen An watched Song Ning's far away back, as if she wanted to merge with the boundless sky...

People in the world are always self-righteous. Only when they think they are smart, they realize that the people who get along with each other day and night have long been far away. Since then, there is only one thought in their hearts. If you look back again, you will definitely be good with you. Someone said that the reason why opportunities are called Opportunities, because of their limitations, once missed, no longer belong to you.

Back in the simple tent, it was a blessing not to sleep in the wilderness on the way. Under Qingqing's service, I ate some food and fell asleep early.But after sleeping for a short while, he was woken up by loud noises, Kong Kong frowned and woke up irritably, put on a piece of clothing, and went outside the tent, "What's wrong, Qingqing? Why is it so messy?"

(End of this chapter)

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