Chapter 212

"Damn it, I thought that as long as I stay with Zhihou in the country well and concentrate on gaining favorability, it will be OK, but I didn't expect to make such a moth, hey...God will kill me." Kongkong sighed, Throwing himself hard on the big soft bed, he hugged the quilt and rolled around indiscriminately, letting his half-length hair messily cover his face.

After thinking about it for a long time, the best strategy is to hurry up and increase the favorability. As long as the favorability is enough, no matter what kind of golden grass or silver grass in the future, you will not be afraid...

Time is like flowing water, turbulent and endless, taking away all the time that has happened, and only in the memory can there be traces to follow. Is everything in the past vivid?

In a blink of an eye, Kong Kong has become a third grader in junior high school, and F4 have also reached the age of second grader in junior high school. As children from rich families of various famous families, they are busier than other children. Since the third grade of elementary school, I have been exposed to the deliberate training in the family, so Kongkong spends less and less time with them...

Of course, apart from Zhihou, Grandpa Yin has listened to Kong Kong's opinion, and now he and Zhihou depend on each other for life. After breaking through the misunderstanding, the relationship is even closer than before.Grandpa Yin has successfully dealt with the incident about the president and opened a small hospital, enjoying himself.So I don't have too many demands on Zhihou, I just hope that Zhihou can be happy.

Kongkong, as the only daughter of the owner of the largest law firm in Korea, in addition to the usual aristocratic etiquette and talent classes, there will also be financial training courses. Although Kongkong wants to go far and not inherit the family business, he wants to use his own strength Let's talk, but you have to lay a good foundation, right?

Between the back and forth, the relationship between Kong Kong and Zhihou became more intimate.

On the teaching building of the junior high school of Shinhwa Middle School, Zhihou and the other three went to the restaurant to eat with Kongkong.But after waiting and waiting at the appointed time, there was still no trace of Kong Kong...

Gu Junbiao, the tyrannosaurus rex, has gone through the baptism of time, even though he has time to train him, he still has a fiery temper.With frowning eyebrows, gloomy face, and the appearance that others owed me millions, the students who passed by couldn't help but obediently detour and leave.

"You guys go first, my sister probably hasn't finished her homework yet, I'll go find her, and she will definitely bring it on time within 10 minutes." Zhihou cleverly signaled the three of them to go to dinner first, because they just finished a class In the physical education class, several of them have gone through strenuous exercise in the physical education class. The children are in the period of growing up, so let's go to the restaurant quickly.

"Hmph..." Gu Junbiao crossed his arms with his hands, the posture of the second uncle, and his curly hair curled up a bit. If it wasn't for Sister Ruixian, who dared to make me wait so long, I would be dead!

"Okay, let's go, let's go, my stomach is about to be flattened." Song Yubin waved his hands carelessly to signal Zhihou to go quickly, touched his belly, and seemed to be able to hear the sound of gurgling and yelling for hunger.

Su Yizheng pushed the black-rimmed glasses above the bridge of his nose, nodded solemnly, and left with the others.

Zhihou happily went to ask Kong Kong to eat, and he was always so happy about this matter.Came to Kong Kong's class with ease, and when he opened the door, he saw that only Kong Kong was studying hard in the class.

It is said that he wants to get a lawyer's certificate, and wants to use his own strength to tell others that he can actually rely entirely on himself, not a rich second generation who only relies on the power in his family.

Zhihou approached Kongkong gradually with light steps, because it was early summer, the sun was already a little hot, and the figure not far away seemed to be sprinkled with a layer of golden yellow. As the distance continued to shrink, he could see Tiny drops of sweat on Kong Kong's forehead.

I remember that Kong Kong once said that if you want to be respected by others, you must be strong enough to make others bow their heads and bow their heads, not because of your parents' remaining prestige.

Such an independent Kongkong made him respect, admire, and like him. The obsessive color of the gray eyes became more and more intense, so intense that Kongkong could feel being stared at, and when he looked back, he saw the gaze that the boy had no time to retract.

"Zhihou, why don't you go to eat?" Kong Kong put down the pen in his hand, tidied up everything on the desk, then stood up and looked down at Zhihou in front of him slightly.That's right, looking down, girls who entered puberty early inevitably grow a little faster, and now Kong Kong's height is generally much taller than the four of them.

I hated them so much that their teeth itch, especially Ju Junbiao with his cock-duck voice, his voice was hoarse like a broken gong, and he was ridiculed by Kong Kong more than once in private, so now seeing Kong Kong Basically, he didn't speak, just stared fiercely, and then snorted coldly.In order to tease him, Kong Kong specially nicknamed him "Little Gong".

(End of this chapter)

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