Chapter 213

"Is that so, Assistant Professor Liu, have you also heard about Gu Xiaobai?" Qian Baobao asked in embarrassment as he came to the empty desk despite Xiao Wenyu's blank eyes.

"Yes, I've heard that Gu Xiaobai's gunshot phobia must have been caused by a huge psychological stimulation that left a certain shadow in his mind, so this kind of Gunshot phobia is actually a kind of psychological disorder, and it is generally treated with psychological counseling and hypnosis in foreign countries, and the effect is very significant.”,

Kongkong has heard about Gu Xiaobai's matter. This matter has been the news in this military academy recently. Of course, for soldiers, everyone knows what gunfire phobia means, so Li Tianhan will not let it go. Anyone who has passed such an opportunity, any chance to hit Xiang Hao once.Needless to say, this matter was done by him again.

To be precise, it should be said that he encouraged Xue Shaohua's younger sister Xue Shaoqi to do it.Speaking of Xue Shaoqi, she is considered a poor girl in the whole show. Because of her brother's death, her mother cried and went blind. She thought that her brother went to the demining competition with Xiang Hao and Shen Wentao. Why was she the only one who died in the end? brother, and the two of them can live well, completely forgetting the pain their family has endured, so the poor girl wanted revenge, and was used by Li Tianhan, ruining her innocence, not to mention, the last The ending can be imagined.

"That's good. Then I'll arrange the time as soon as possible. I hope Assistant Professor Liu can cure Gu Xiaobai." Qian Baobao often exhales.

"Okay, just let me know when Instructor Xiao arranges." Kong Kong's perfect smile showed no other thoughts, only full of joy and an attitude that could not find any meaning or mistake.Kong Kong couldn't help but sarcastically said in his heart, he thought he was really worried about Gu Xiaobai, it was because the principal had just decided that Gu Xiaobai was one of the tasks of the trial, so was it because he was able to stay and breathe a sigh of relief just now?If you really want to leave the military academy, this is a good opportunity.

"Okay, thank you Assistant Professor Liu, I'll make arrangements first." Qian Baobao thanked Kong Kong for a while, and then prepared to leave.

"It's really shameful. I am a dignified doctor in Germany, but I still need to find someone else to treat my mental illness. I think it's just an embroidered pillow. What an excellent psychology instructor, hmph, I'm not as good as a teaching assistant." Shen Wenyu is Seeing that she was not pleasing to the eye, he raised his chin haughtily, lowered his eyelids slightly and glanced at Qian Baobao at the door.

"..." Qian Baobao, who walked to the door, paused. The neatly ironed military uniform sleeves blocked her tightly clenched fists, lowered her head slightly, and left.

"Uh, it may be that instructor Xiao's training abroad does not include hypnosis. Does he have a specialization in surgery? Wen Yu shouldn't be so serious? Okay, smile, keep your face like this, and if you go on like this, it will gradually become The second Director Xie..." Kongkong approached her slowly, poked her waist unexpectedly, then leaned closer to her ear and whispered a joke.

"Haha, I hate it, whoever wants to become Director Xie's tomboy, how can he find a boyfriend in the future." Shen Wenyu twisted her body to avoid Kongkong's scratching, and then retorted with a smile.

Suddenly, a dark blue figure appeared in front of Kongkong. The two of them were facing the door, while Shen Wenyu had his back to the door and was facing Kongkong. Kongkong quickly winked at her.

"What's the matter, Liu Lu, your eyes are cramping? Haha, could it be that you are imitating Director Xie, that manly woman? You don't look like that, haha." It's a pity that that idiot Shen Wenyu couldn't understand Kong Kong's wink at all, and pointed at him instead. Kong Kong laughed loudly.

Kongkong lowered his head helplessly, gave Shen Wenyu a self-seeking look, and said in a stammering voice, "Ahem, I... suddenly remembered that I still have something to do with Instructor Xiao. ...Let's go first..." He was about to leave in a hurry, and when he passed by, he reminded him quietly, "Um, Director Xie is at the door..."

When Kongkong walked to the door, he saw Director Xie's dark face that seemed to be painted with thick ink, and smiled at her, then fled in despair.

Not far from the door, Kongkong heard Director Xie's majestic roar, "Shen Wenyu ignored the discipline of the military academy and made loud noises in the office. I will give you a serious warning!"

And Shen Wenyu's wailing, and, "Liu Lu, you ran away by yourself without regard for your loyalty!"

In the end, Kongkong chased Qian Baobao in the garden, "Instructor Xiao, please wait a moment, I have something to tell you."

"Ah, what's the matter with Assistant Professor Liu?" Qian Baobao froze, and turned around despite his displeasure.

"I heard that the headmaster used Gu Xiaobai's affairs as a task to test you. I feel that this is an opportunity. You can take this opportunity and leave without any danger to your life. Your mother and Gu Xiaobai's It's all about me." Kongkong opened up the matter to her, and it was up to her to choose.

(End of this chapter)

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