Chapter 236

Ling Duan took out his handkerchief and wiped the rain on his face carefully, then turned around and shot them with sharp eyes, "Tell me, who told you to come, let alone Xilin, I just saw pass him."

"Eh... this...Second Senior Brother, we are here to defend Senior Brother Xi Lin and Second Senior Brother..." The outer disciples in plain white clothes seemed a little frightened when they saw Lingduan coming.

"Injustice? But we didn't feel injustice, who told you to come, and this..." Ling Duan pointed to the frame that was kicked to the ground with his toe.

"This... this..." The few people who bowed to the ground faltered and couldn't say anything.

"Okay, this place is almost finished cleaning, you guys clean up here. Tu Su, let's go..." Facing the indifference of the few of them, Ling Duan immediately became gentle when facing Tu Su, and held his somewhat cold hand slowly. leave slowly.

The few people left behind looked at the long steps behind, and roared, "Is this the way it looks like it's almost finished cleaning?"

Tu Su's room...

The clothes of the two of them were completely wet, and drips fell on the ground, forming patches of water...

"Tu Su, this is the ginger soup I made to drive away the cold. I wrapped it with magic spells. It's still hot. Drink it while it's hot." The ginger soup in the yellow spell circle removed the spell and brought it in front of him.

"Second senior brother, thank you..." Tu Su took the bowl, the ginger soup was steaming hot, Tu Su suddenly felt his eye sockets sore, it was the heat of the ginger soup that wet his eyes, Tu Su thought so.As the ginger soup was swallowed in big gulps, a burst of warmth spread along the limbs to the whole body.

"My body is wet, I really want to take a bath...Tu Su, take a bath too, and then have a good sleep. I'll go back first." Ling Duan frowned and looked at the clothes on his body impatiently. Clothes, he really wants to take a hot bath now, "Ah..." Ling Duan had just walked to the door, when the late autumn wind rushed in through the open door, he shivered heavily, and couldn't help but shudder again. a sneeze. "It's so cold." Ling Duan subconsciously wrapped up his already soaked clothes.

"Uh...Second senior brother, it's raining too much now, why don't you take a bath at my place first, wait for the rain to stop, and then go..." Tu Su quickly pulled over the mausoleum, slammed the door, and said domineeringly .

"Um... okay" For this kind of time with Tu Su, oh no, it's time to be alone, Lingduan will never refuse, Tianyong City will recruit new disciples soon, so Qingxue and Ouyang Shaogong will also come, These are all rivals in love, not to mention that Feng Qingxue is Tu Su's official partner, even this Ouyang Shaogong is not uncommon in the real world with all kinds of sensuality, these two people have to guard against it.Being alone is the best time to use beauty tricks, haha...

"En... so comfortable..." Ling Duan couldn't help moaning as he washed away the cold and exhaustion from his body in the warm water bucket.Just looking at the tub in front of him that can only hold one person, Ling Duan couldn't help but feel a little frustrated. Is it fun to take a bath together?Ling Duan here is complaining about himself, while Tu Su is on the other side.His face was so red that it was indescribable.Now his mind is filled with the image just now.

The blue-purple robe was wet and stuck to his body, outlining his thin figure, the outer shirt was completely faded, the white clothes had black hair, and the feather crown was slowly removed with slender fingers, and the long hair was scattered. Untied and fluttering slightly, his skin was faintly lustrous and flowing, and a thousand kinds of glazed lights flashed in his eyes.His appearance was picturesque, his face was like fat, his eyes were like lacquer, he gently took off his robe, revealing his white and crystal clear skin, like pearls and jade, glowing with glittering light, slowly, he lifted his jade feet lightly and stepped into the bath There was a touch of indifference and wantonness on Ruyu's face surrounded by heat, and the water was gently splashed, and the water droplets splashed, leaving behind echoes of ding ding dong dong, splashing out ripples, which also hit Tu Su's heart, Sink into the water gently, close your eyes, your eyelashes tremble slightly, covering the emotions in your black eyes...

Tu Su's eyes were glued to that gentle and handsome young man for a long time and he couldn't take it back. His Adam's apple moved slightly. After being dazed, he suddenly remembered that it had been almost an hour, but the second senior brother hadn't made any movement. Tu Su slowly approached the bathtub, and indeed saw his long hair wet. Like water plants half-scattered in the water, the crystal clear skin reflected the clear water. The man leaned on the bathtub, his thick eyebrows slightly raised upwards, and under the long and slightly curly eyelashes, his eyes were slightly closed to cover The amorous feelings in his eyes, but Tu Su knows that he has a pair of clear and gentle eyes like morning dew, a straight nose bridge, pink and tender lips like rose petals, and fair skin...

"Second brother..." Tu Su couldn't help shaking the mausoleum, but as soon as he touched the smooth skin, he felt an urge not to let go.

"En?~" Ling Duan frowned slightly, and opened those eyes that made Tu Su nostalgic. There was a thick mist in the dark eyes, and he looked at Tu Su in confusion, as if he had recognized a familiar person, and he slowly Slowly closing his eyes, "I'm so sleepy, Tu Su... I won't go back... Take me to sleep..." Ling Duan whispered on his shoulder with a thick nasal voice and a somewhat hoarse voice.

"Second senior brother..." Tu Su felt the soft and slightly cool Lingduan in his arms, hugged him helplessly, felt him rub against his arms, and then fell asleep in peace, Tu Su's face flushed red stiffly walked towards his bed.

(End of this chapter)

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