Chapter 237

"Kongkong..." Ning Zhiyuan ignored the puzzled Le Yan, turned around and came to her side, calling her softly in distress.

Mu Kongkong raised his head in Huizi's arms, his palm-sized face was red, his eyes were hazy from crying, there were wet tears on his face, and his eyes were red and swollen.As soon as he saw Ning Zhiyuan, he broke away from Keiko's embrace, turned around and ran away wiping the tears on his face.

"Kong Kong!" Ning Zhiyuan shouted worriedly, turned around and said to Keiko, "Keiko, I'll go and see Kong Kong, be careful yourself." Then he quickly chased towards the place where Kong Kong left. "Empty!"

Just as I wanted, Keiko looked worriedly at the direction they were leaving, walked slowly towards Le Yan, and began to talk and test with Le Yan.

Here, Ning Zhiyuan anxiously went after Mu Kongkong, and finally ran to the small bridge by the river and saw her, "Kongkong, you..."

"Don't come over!" Mu Kongkong frowned like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, he waved his hand to stop Ning Zhiyuan from coming over. "Don't come over..." Kong Kong looked excited, slowly slumped down, and finally embraced his knees with both hands, buried his head deeply and muttered to himself.

"Kongkong, what's the matter with you?" Ning Zhiyuan scratched his head anxiously. He has always had a lot of weird ideas, but this time he also knelt down, completely helpless, just like when she was a child, when she cried, she didn't know what to do. What are you doing.He finally made up his mind, he couldn't wait like this any longer, and wasting it like this was not an option, so he slowly approached Mu Kongkong.

He slowly approached Mu Kongkong, slapped her twitching shoulder lightly, couldn't help holding her in his arms, "Kongkong, don't be like this... What's wrong with you, is there anything you can't tell me?" ? Let me help you solve it"

Mu Kongkong trembled, then pushed him away, looked at him with tears in his eyes, "Tell me, will the young master help me?"

"As long as I can do it, I will help you." Ning Zhiyuan made a promise like an oath.

Mu Kongkong's long and curly eyelashes were stained with the tears he just cried, and his dark eyes were full of himself, as if he was the only one in the whole world, "I like you, Ning Zhiyuan, can you help me? I love you, Ning Zhiyuan, can you help me get your love?!"

"Kongkong, you..." Ning Zhiyuan's pupils opened slightly, his narrow peach eyes widened with surprise, and he looked cute and cute.

"We've known each other for ten years, and I've loved you for ten whole years." Mukongkong's eyes were as clear as a heavy rain washed with persistence and stubbornness, and then as if he knew something, he smiled wryly, "I'm a maid, you're a young master." ...I understand..." Mu Kongkong left slowly in a daze, she was betting on whether Ning Zhiyuan would come after her.He just asked Xiao Baozi that Ning Zhiyuan's favorability degree is currently 85, and it would be in other worlds. At this time, the male lead has already found his liking, but this world, just like Xiao Baozi said, has risks and rewards in this world In the world of being together, the rewards are heavy, which means that the risks are also great.

Ning Zhiyuan finally came to his senses from the shock, took her hand and ignored her struggle, held her face in both hands, and slightly brought his own face closer to her, with eyes that were not usually serious, "Empty, I'm very confused." , you know? There was a time when I thought I liked you, but then you came back to America again, I know, you came back to America because of my nose, but I just couldn't stand you leaving me behind, and then , I met, Le Yan, I found that I love to quarrel with her, because it makes me feel very relaxed, so I wonder if I like her, but when you say you like someone else, I will I'm very jealous, so I don't know...give me some time and let me think about it, okay?"

"Okay..." Mu Kongkong knew that he shouldn't push it too fast, what should he do if the loss outweighs the responsibility?After all, his bet is not without any chance of winning.

At night, Mukong empty room~
"Ding, trigger a random mission to destroy the kiss of love between the hero and heroine on Demon King's Ridge. The mission reward is a space-time fragment and invisibility potion*1. Wow, what a wonderful mission reward. Come on host, I suggest you complete more random missions." The little bun covered his mouth in surprise. Time and space fragments are actually time and space fragments. How many points are needed to redeem them.

(End of this chapter)

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