Chapter 246

"Ah, don't come here, I don't know if Jeremy has bathed you? It's so dirty..." Huang Taijing held his nose in disgust, and was forced to retreat helplessly.

"Meow~meow~" Huang Taijing, Huang Datou, if you dare to provoke me, just be mentally prepared, don't think that I will let you go...

"Meow?" Suddenly a bowl of hot porridge appeared in front of him, with a strong smell of shrimp, Kong Kong couldn't help but stop, wrinkled his small nose and sniffed the smell, it was definitely seafood and shrimp porridge.

Haha, Huang Taijing is lying on his body halfway, holding a small porcelain bowl in his hand. He is swinging back and forth at the moment, tempting Kong Kong to squint his eyes, and his body involuntarily follows his movements, walking back and forth, small sample, a cat is a cat, and it can fight with me?Huang Taijing looked at the scene in front of him and thought naively. "Heh~" Inadvertently laughed out loud.

Surprised by Huang Taijing's soft voice, Kong Kong's body froze for a moment, and he reacted, damn it, is this cat nature?Hearing the smell of seafood, he was so desperate that his body moved on his own.

On Huang Taijing's side, what I saw was Maoli's small body slightly arched, her round eyes widened, and she actually contained complex human emotions, such as annoyance, vigilance, alienation, and a flat face. Some nondescript.

"Meow..." Suddenly there was an unhappy meow, and the palm holding the bowl lightened, and when I looked again, the yellow and white cat had already bitten the half-sized bowl and ran away.

Huang Taijing actually didn't bother anymore, and returned to the room with a dazed expression, sitting in front of the desk in a daze, his eyes were really similar to the one he met today, uhey, the national fairy, what kind of person is he?

The filming was dragged down by Gao Meinan, and finally ended, and Xinyu and Jeremy left after the end, saying that President An wanted them to bring a junior sister, and they were going to debut with Gao Meinan.I didn't care too much, but Gao Meinan went to change clothes. At this time, she could only go to the swimming pool, that is, she rescued her by herself in the swimming pool, but she was sent to the hospital. Finally, someone came to pick her up , said that there is a photography team outside, and it is a short film for fundraising that uhey, the national goblin, came to the hospital to shoot.

In the entertainment circle, there are some things that everyone knows well. Heh, the kind uhey, the national goblin who is loved by thousands of people, is nothing more than that. To be honest, in my heart, I am not as good as Gao Meinan. Although I lied to everyone, But don't pretend too much, white lies are always easy to be forgiven.

But I didn't expect that when he was waiting for someone in the nanny car, uhey would actually get in the wrong car, and a meeting would approach him so casually...

Uhey came out of the shooting location in a daze, saw a familiar car, opened the door and went in, "Lan'er, give me the cold medicine from before, I feel a little unbearable..." Obviously it is the season of late autumn, In order to take a photo of a thin suit, uhey got into the car and leaned on the back of the seat, feeling a little dizzy from his head.

On the back seat of the car, Tai Jing was fiddling with his mobile phone boredly. The moment the car door opened, he thought the assistant had come back, and finally he could go back. Unexpectedly, a woman came in, a thin woman, for the sake of youth. Mei, I don’t regret freezing to death, this kind of thing is commonplace, I wanted to drive her out with a cold face, the photography team is still here, save a while when the paparazzi catches me, and I have to talk about it again and again.

Hearing the woman's soft and weak voice, for some reason, he suddenly changed his mind and was stunned for a while, thinking that she would turn around impatiently, but he didn't expect such a thing to happen, and was going to check her Situation, after getting closer, she has a bulging steamed bun face, blushing, and there seems to be a trace of cold sweat on her smooth forehead. At this moment, she is trembling unconsciously. Huang Taijing has a serious cleanliness addiction. Touching other people easily, reaching out and touching her forehead impatiently, damn it, it's so hot...

Going back to the seat at the back, I took my coat and covered her body, found her mobile phone, and wanted to call her agent or assistant, but unexpectedly, the call came in time, and after I opened it, there was There was an anxious voice, "uhey, where have you been, the photography team has been waiting for a long time, come here quickly..."

After hearing the assistant's words, Huang Taijing's suppressed fire immediately erupted, and his voice was so indifferent that it could freeze people to death, "Hello, uhey you got on the wrong car, and you are currently in our AN, JELL car, and now you have a fever and are about to die , are you sure you want her to go back to filming?"

The assistant's panicked voice came from the opposite side, and then he didn't expect it to be so serious, so he went to pick her up immediately, and so on.Huang Taijing didn't give any face, sneered and hung up the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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