Chapter 247

"Jin Minzhu! I'm sorry, everyone. It's my junior sister today. I've been reckless. Please allow me to apologize to you on her behalf. I'm sorry." Suddenly, there was an equally bad Chinese voice from behind, and this was probably Min Shenghao, Jin Minzhu's senior brother. , for Min Shenghao, Guang Ya still appreciates him, he is very kind, but lacks courage.He walked through the crowd, like an eagle catching a chick, directly lifted her shoulders, threw her to the black-clothed bodyguards behind him, and bowed deeply to Guangya and the others.

"It's okay, Jin Minzhu, I hope you can figure it out in the future and apologize like my father. Let's go, don't send them off." Guangya stood up, looked at Jin Minzhu indifferently, took the towel in the hands of the disciples, wiped the sweat on their faces, and sent them away .

Min Seung Ho left with Kim Min Joo, who was muttering words and swearing constantly...

Afterwards, whoever posted the video of today's match on the Internet, it instantly became popular on the Internet, and Qu Guangya and Jin Minzhu were also on the hot search list.In the subsequent exchanges with Xianwu Songbai and other gymnasiums, I only know that Min Shenghao grounded Jin Minzhu, but she did not participate. That is to say, if Jin Minzhu did not meet Qi Baicao in Songbai, can she still participate in the gymnasium challenge smoothly? ?Oh, I almost forgot, Qu Xiangnan went to Songbai before, and they agreed to take Baicao as their disciples, so now they are wearing the Taoist clothes of Songbai.

Songbai's men's dormitory...

"Hey, Ruobai, Ruobai... Hurry up and take a look." Hu Yifeng lay lazily on the sofa, playing the game of Whirlwind Girl, and was defeated by Fan Xiaoying again. When he was frustrated, he stopped playing, I opened the most popular video, but I didn't expect the big title to be "Qu Guangya defeated Jin Yishan's daughter Jin Minzhu with one kick!" He was so scared that he sat up straight and shouted at the desk not far away. Ruobai.

On the clean white rice paper, Ruobai was writing with a pen, there was a sudden noise, his right hand paused, and the flowing brushstrokes were smudged by the thick ink, Ruobai's mouth twitched, silently comforting himself, Hu Yifeng has been so crazy all day long , haven't you gotten used to it yet? "Didn't I tell you? Don't disturb me when I'm practicing calligraphy."

"No, Ruobai, look, this is really scary." Hu Yifeng opened the video with a shake of his hand, as if a buttock had found fire, he jumped and ran towards Ruobai, lying on the desk with his upper body lying on the desk, handing over the phone. In front of Ruobai.

Ruobai narrowed his eyes slightly, let out a long sigh of relief, pushed Hu Yifeng away, put the brush near the inkstone, and then picked up the phone. At this time, the video had been broadcast for a while, and what he saw was Guangya stretching her legs horizontally. The moment the kick directly kicked Jin Minzhu out, "Look, is this Jin Minzhu too weak, or is Qu Guangya too strong?" Hu Yifeng whirled around in circles.

"Kim Minzhu will definitely not be weak. She is well-known in South Korea and even in the international youth group. But what about Qu Guangya..." Ruobai stepped back from the video for a while and continued to watch the game, but what came to mind was , In the past two years, the wind and rain have been constantly tempered, this is the capital of Qu Guangya's victory, but for some reason, he suddenly doesn't want to say it, maybe this is his little secret every morning.

"Ruobai, Ruobai..." Hu Yifeng listened to Ruobai's analysis, but it was only halfway through, and he had to finish speaking. Turning his head to look at him, he saw that his eyes were blurred and absent-minded. Obviously, his mind was distracted, and his mind was wandering away. , reaching out and shaking in front of him, trying to regain his consciousness. "What are you thinking, so engrossed?"

"Ah, it's okay. Anyway, in this year's gymnasium challenge, maybe the dark horse will be a complete winner." Ruobai recovered after a moment of shock, because Guangya said so, so he is willing to believe that she can succeed.

"That's not necessarily the case. Even if there is Qu Guangya in the complete victory, don't forget that this is a team competition. She is the only one who wins two out of three rounds. What's the use?" Back on the sofa, picked up the game console on the side, started the game, and pressed the keyboard randomly, showing a little indifference.

"Maybe..." Ruobai picked up the brush again and began to practice calligraphy. He likes to use the brush to practice calligraphy, unlike Yuan Wudao, which makes him feel passionate. Practicing calligraphy is like the opposite of Yuan Wudao. However, he also likes the tranquility of calligraphy, the whole heart is immersed in the strokes, and when it is fully precipitated, the mind will also be quiet.

"Tsk tsk~ It's really amazing." Guangya leaned on the door of the Songbai Gymnasium and watched. The disciple trained inside, Qi Baicao, was wearing a white Taoist uniform with the pine and cypress logo printed on her chest. She kicked Fan Xiaoying who was training against her. One foot was stronger than the other, and even Fan Xiaoying stepped back step by step and fell directly to the ground.

"Xiaoying..." Hu Yifeng, who was practicing against Xiuqin, quickly helped Xiaoying up, checked her whole body to see if there was any discomfort, she was obviously worried, but she just joked about it.

Listening to Fan Xiaoying saying that Baicao's strength is too great, she can't hold the foot at all. Then, Ruobai asked her to try kicking with backspin, kicking the foot he was holding. After kicking, Ruobai's body tilted obviously.

(End of this chapter)

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