Chapter 249

"Miss Ruqin, you may wish to speak directly." Aunt Tong's voice was very gentle, although the speed of speaking was very slow, it made people feel very sincere.

"Aunt Tong, I seemed to make Shaogong angry yesterday, and I don't know why? Today Shaogong still doesn't want to talk to me, I just want to ask, Aunt Tong has been with Shaogong for many years, do you know of any way to make him Calm down?" Ruqin asked nervously as she put her hands on the corners of her clothes nervously.When eating breakfast today, Shaogong didn't say goodbye to him like before, and didn't even look at her. Shaogong, who is gentle and polite to everyone, just ignores himself...

"Shaogong angry?" Aunt Tong felt unbelievable. It is true that when Shaogong came back from the back garden yesterday, his expression was a little strange. He just said to let himself have a good rest, and then went back to his room. Angry, "Shao Gong has always kept his colors on the surface, but this time because you are angry, he must be concerned about Ru Qin, so it means that Shao Gong will most likely forget the past because of you and start over."

"Caring about me? Aunt Tong, to tell you the truth, I really like Shaogong, but the Xunfang that Shaogong likes is not me..." Ruqin's eyes lit up when she heard Aunt Tong's words, but then dimmed dull.

"Ruqin, Xunfang is the past after all, Shaogong can't just live in the past forever, he will start again sooner or later. You see..." Aunt Tong took Ruqin's hand, patted it lightly to express comfort, pointing Looking at the qin on the table, "Shaogong loves the qin. This qin is made of excellent Fengqi sycamore wood, but it's a pity that it lacks the thousand-year-old ice silk as the strings. For Shaogong, the qin represents his past. One day someone can find the right strings for him, I think, then he will be able to walk into his heart..."

"Thank you Aunt Tong, I will definitely find the right strings for Shaogong, I don't expect to be able to walk into his heart, I just hope he won't be angry with me again." Ruqin's sad and depressed emotions were swept away, Go away like a happy bird.

Looking at the back of Ruqin leaving, she couldn't help muttering, " are in love with Ruqin,'s just that you haven't noticed it yet...I hope this time, you won't wait until you lose it before you know how to cherish it." ..."

Ruqin got the news from Cha Xiaoguai that there is a reclusive Jiaoxian in the Wuling Mountain Stream, who loves to collect rare treasures. He has thousands of years of ice silk.After Ruqin returned, he immediately sent someone to drive a carriage to Wuling Mountain...

Ruqin got off the carriage and looked at the rolling hills and lush trees in front of him, but the road became narrower as he went inside, the carriage couldn't pass, so Ruqin had to get down and walk forward...

At the same time in the Fang family, Qingxue was disturbed by Xiangling's arrival recently. She couldn't even talk to Tu Su normally, if one didn't work, change to another, but recently, Lan Sheng didn't talk to him, and she couldn't see anyone all day long, and when she saw someone, she surrounded her Xiangling wandered around, in the name of buying food for Xiangling, and bought a lot of all kinds of high points, and wanted to try a piece, but was glared at... What is the matter?As for Shaogong, it is reasonable to say that Xiangling's arrival has little effect on Shaogong, but I don't know what happened recently, my whole body is full of low pressure, although I smile cheerfully when I get close, but there is always a creepy feeling, Knowing the plot, she also knew that Shao Gong was not a kind person, so she didn't dare to provoke him...

I was walking in the yard, thinking about how to expel Xiangling, when I heard a commotion at the door, I walked over and saw that it was Cha Xiaoguai, who was being stopped by the servant, and he shouted excitedly, "Hurry up and take me to Ouyang Shaogong Hurry up, go play and the second lady's life will be lost!"

"What's going on, ah, at this time, Ruqin should have gone to the Wuling Mountain Stream, what will happen if Shaogong can't rescue her in time?" Qingxue reached out and picked off a leaf, scratching her slender nails inadvertently Scratching its edge, it was suddenly crushed, and the green juice dripped down between the fingers.

(End of this chapter)

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