Chapter 250

In the early morning, the sun exposed half of his face and half covered his face while still holding the pipa, shyly exuding a light that warms everything.Wisps of sunlight shone through the window on the two people on the bed.

"..." Tu Su woke up with a frown on his brows, his dark eyes were full of haze from the early morning, he felt the pain in his left shoulder uncomfortably, his whole body was stiff and numb, he reached out his hand reflexively to rub it, but unexpectedly touched it A warm stuff, the pupils of the confused eyes narrowed slightly, and instantly widened, and slowly turned the head, the delicate and handsome face came into view, the face was smooth and white, the handsome and prominent features, the perfect face shape, and the two thick lines The eyebrows also have gentle ripples, as if they are always smiling, curved, like the bright first quarter moon in the night sky, the fair skin reveals a light peach color because of the sound sleep, and the deep red lips are untouched. Hong, occasionally murmured softly twice, resting his hairy head on his left shoulder, his even and long breathing slowly hit Tu Su's neck, Su Su was so soft that Tu Su couldn't help shivering.Ling Duan's right hand rested on his waist, and even one leg rested on his body.Tu Su's face turned red, and he couldn't help stretching out his hand to slowly push Ling Duan away, slowly moving his arms and then his legs, and he quickly pulled away to leave, and glanced at his bed again. With his clavicle and fair skin, and two spots on his chest, Tu Su couldn't help but grab the quilt beside him and cover him gently.

After packing up all these, Tu Su let out a sigh of relief, and went to the back mountain to practice his sword as if fleeing for his life.As for why he ran away, he didn't know, it was no big deal for a man to sleep with a man, but why did he blush?Why escape, this is a question that I don't understand.

At this time, under Tianyong City, a woman in a sky-blue gauze dress, with long black hair hanging behind her back, short bangs drawn in a rounded arc, picturesque eyebrows and eyes, revealing a sexy collarbone, hanging on her neck She was wearing a white jade pendant, and on her slender wrist was a snow-white jade bracelet.A bun was randomly pulled up on the head, and it was fixed with a long light blue plain hair band.With a small bundle behind her, she was talking and laughing happily with a gentle man in a golden long gown.Anyone who has seen the ancient sword knows that at this time Feng Qingxue and Ouyang Shaogong, the demeanor of the two of them is obvious to all.

On the second day, Tianyong City recruited new disciples, and the senior brother was not there. Lingduan was so busy that one person wanted to use it as two people. Holding a brush in his hand in front of a long sandalwood table, he was registering the details of the new disciples, Ling Duan was still very relieved.There was a long line in front of the table that looked like a long dragon, Ling Duan could still see at a glance, the two people in the line, Feng Qingxue and Ouyang Shaogong.

Ouyang Shaogong, wearing a yellow robe inlaid with gold trim, is like a piece of flawless beautiful jade melted into a jade man. Even if he stands there quietly, he is also handsome and beautiful, with a unique charm, giving people a feeling of noble Tsinghua University.He seemed to be aware of Ling Duan's gaze, and was taken aback for a moment, as if he was considering whether he knew this person, but he would still smile gently and politely, Ling Duan just looked at him quietly without responding.

He didn't come back to his senses until he heard Xi Lin's amazing gasp, Feng Qingxue?But it was a bit different, they didn't know each other at this time, how could there be such disgusting eyes, although it was only for a moment, it was covered up.Xiao Baozi said before that there was a person who was reborn, could it be Qingxue?
"Little Baozi? Is the reborn person you're talking about Qingxue?" Ling Duan decided to confirm his conjecture to Xiao Baozi.

"I have nothing to say about this. The host needs to obtain real evidence to complete this side mission. I believe in you, come on, host." Little Baozi's cheerful voice could not be stopped, and Ling Duan rolled his eyes at him.

"I know, relying on no one is worse than relying on myself..." Ling Duan complained in his heart as he came to Xilin.

"We have never accepted women in the assessment of new disciples in our sect. This situation cannot be accepted. Let's go back..." In order to test whether the reborn person is Feng Qingxue, Ling Duan had to restore the original plot as much as possible.

"Confiscated, doesn't mean it can't be taken." Feng Qingxue looked at Ling Duan provocatively, and looked at Xi Lin as if asking for help.

"That's right, Second Senior Brother, you can't stop other girls from getting started just because you only have Junior Sister Fu Qu in your eyes." Xi Lin seemed to have been shocked, smirked, then turned around, looked at Ling Duan and complained.

"You know what a fart, but you can't accept it!" Ling Duan looked at Xi Lin with a serious and threatening face.I beg you, can you stop your saliva, it's embarrassing, when you see Qingxue, your eyes don't turn away, it's like you've never seen a woman.

"Little brother, Tianyong City didn't expressly stipulate that women cannot be recruited." Ouyang Shaogong still looked gentle and adhering to justice.

"I want to say, first of all, I am not a little brother. After you pass the examination, I will be your second senior brother. Second, there is no express rule in Tianyong City not to allow female disciples to pass, but there are many male disciples in Tianyong City. , I'm afraid that this girl will be inconvenient in Tianyong City where there are many wolves and few flesh." Ling Duan slowly walked down the stage and approached the two of them, wanting to observe their expressions carefully.

"'s okay, I'm not afraid. Aren't there female disciples and Jurchens in Tianyong City? They are not afraid of me, nor are they afraid of me." Feng Qingxue's calm expression was slightly surprised.

"What happened?" Junior sister Fuqu came here with angry and anxious steps. She came to find Lingduan, and his pet Tuantuan took the little red koi that she begged the senior brother to bring down the mountain with great difficulty last time. Let's go, she's here to settle accounts.I didn't expect so many people to gather here.

"I want to go to Tianyong City to cultivate immortals, but this senior brother actually disagrees..." Qingxue watched Fu Que coming, and quickly complained in a low voice, Fu Que was the most feared person in Lingduan in her previous life.

(End of this chapter)

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