Chapter 252

"En." Mu Kongkong slightly raised the corners of his mouth, and walked towards his seat.

"Does your body feel better?" Kate turned around and looked at Mu Kongkong.

"Well, it's much better." Sitting on her seat, Mu Kongkong took out her textbooks and arranged them. She put her schoolbag in the table hole, and then she found a milk-yellow lunch box.She looked around suspiciously.

At this time, Xiong Ya's clear and bright voice came through sound transmission, "Kong Kong, your breakfast. I think you may not have breakfast."

"Thank you, little bear." Mu Kongkong looked up at Xiong Ya's gentle smile, which directly broke into her heart.She responded with a faint smile.

"Okay, Kong Kong is back. To welcome Kong Kong's return, let's celebrate with a party." Ariel said excitedly, waving the lollipop in her hand.

"Okay, let's go have fun tonight." Yan Yan agreed with a rare joke.

"Okay, it's good for you to go and relax, but don't go back too late, and be safe." Xiong Ya raised an angelic smile.

"Hey, Mu Kongkong, here you are!" Charlie Wang strode towards the classroom, took out a lunch box and put it on Mu Kongkong's desk.Said with an unnatural expression.

"Er... this is..." Mu Kongkong looked at the two-layer bright green lunch box in front of him in surprise.

"Breakfast, I don't think that people who have tossed themselves until their appendicitis is removed will eat well. Someone came to deliver lunch at noon, and this young master specially allows you to eat with me." Charlie Wang sat proudly on the seat on the right, and said that the young master invited you, yes Your honored look.

"Uh, no need... I..." Mu Kongkong secretly glanced at Xiong Ya, only to see Xiong Ya's slightly frowned eyebrows, turned his head in disappointment, opened the book, and never looked back.

Charlie Wang secretly watched the interaction between them, a successful smile flashed in his eyes, and he packed up his things and prepared to go to class.

In the evening...Mu Kongkong and them had hot pot in the secret base to celebrate...

At this time, Xiong Ya came over via voice transmission and said that in the afternoon they had sensed a wave of demonic energy in the place where they performed their mission. He suspected that this had something to do with the group fainting of school classmates recently, but they had been to that place this afternoon, and only one An old purebred daywalker, or a purebred daywalker who is in poor health and has a waist.According to Ariel's investigation, the places where the students fainted were all near the school, so they decided to go to the school to have a look.

After they changed their costumes, they rushed to the school. Following the seemingly invisible magic energy, they came to the abandoned classroom in the back mountain of the school.They cautiously searched for traces of monsters in the dark.

"Kate, did you feel anything?" Xiang Ning asked softly.

"It feels like..." Kate frowned, trying to detect the traces of the monster.

Mu Kongkong sensed a malicious smell mixed with blood coming from one direction, "Here, I sense a strong devilish energy..." Mu Kongkong pointed to that direction, and said seriously to everyone.

"But I didn't feel it..." Kate looked there suspiciously, holding Mu Kongkong to move forward, she would rather believe in herself.

"Believe me, although I don't have much experience, I believe in my destructive power index..." Mu Kongkong shook off her hand expressionlessly, and ran towards that direction.

"Is her destructive power index high?" Yin Xiaofeng scratched his head in doubt.

"Kong Kong, although Kong Kong has never made a serious move, I can see that her destructive power index is higher than all of us. I believe her." Xiang Ning ignored Kate's worried cry behind her and ran towards Mu Kongkong. She had always had an intuition that Mu Kongkong might not be as superficial as they knew.

"Xiang Ning!" Yan Yan and Ariel looked at Kate and Yin Xiaofeng anxiously, and chased in the direction where Xiang Ning ran.

"Let's go there too..." Kate was a little annoyed. She was obviously the captain, but now everyone was not allowed to follow her own will.

"Ding, Kate's favorability with the host is -5, and the current favorability is 25." Mu Kongkong was hiding behind the stone pillar and focused on watching the group of monsters, ready to wait for an opportunity, but the system prompted the sound, which made her almost scream out.

"System, remind me later, shut up for now!" Mu Kongkong couldn't help scolding Xiao Baozi in his heart, he didn't know how to look, no wonder it was just a small system, hum, Mu Kongkong expressed contempt for him.

(Speaking here is voice transmission and encryption)

"What is he doing?" Xiang Ning lay on Mu Kongkong's shoulder and looked at a man in black sitting there. There was a classmate unconscious beside him, and the key was that he held the classmate's hand high and placed it on the wrist. .

"It's Ding Dong." Yan Yan saw that the student wearing the Macaron Academy uniform had Ding Dong's iconic creamy yellow hair.

"Oops, she's sucking Ding Dong's blood, if this continues, Ding Dong will be in danger." Kate, who had just followed up, said with a serious expression.

"Stop! What are you doing?" Yin Xiaofeng teleported impulsively and shouted, trying to stop the man in black from moving.

"Xiaofeng!" Seeing her rushing out, everyone hurriedly chased after her, fearing that she might be in danger.

The man in black slowly lifted his head, which was sucking Ding Dang's blood energy. Ding Dang, who had lost too much blood, fell pale and fell to the side of the stone pillar. The man in black stood up, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his thumb, and smiled evilly, Some will be delivered to your door automatically. Haha”

This is three men slowly walking out from behind. They all seem to be purebred sunwalkers, and their military strength should not be low.

"Be careful, these people should be purebred sunwalkers..." Mu Kongkong put his hands in a defensive posture, and the blood-red fluorescence was flickering.

(End of this chapter)

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