Chapter 253

"En, good." They responded one after another.It's just that Yin Xiaofeng saw that Dingdang said before he fainted that he wanted to join the villainous girl group, and in a fit of anger, he sacrificed his weapon and launched the first attack.The war was on the verge of breaking out. After a few moves, Xiang Ning, Ariel, and Kate were all defeated. Mu Kongkong had been fighting with one of them with bare hands before. Watching that group of supernatural powers rushing towards his face in horror, he forgot to move.Mu Kongkong immediately threw out the silver-white Flowing Wind Whip, and while the monster dodged, he rushed to Xiang Ning, and stretched his claws forward with his right hand, five blood-red paw prints cut through the group of abilities.The destructive power index directly soared to 1 points.

"Xiang Ning, are you alright?" Mu Kongkong blocked Xiang Ning behind him worriedly, and asked slightly, his eyes still staring nervously at the enemy.

The enemy was obviously taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect that she would take this move.

"It's okay." Xiang Ning looked at Mu Kongkong who stood in front of her with a complicated expression, feeling... very familiar, yes, the last time I saw Jie Ke for the first time, there was a very fast figure, looking at the claw marks, it should be Kongkong Bar.

"Kong Kong's destructive power index is as high as [-] points!" Yan Yan, who was looking for a gap to contain the enemy, held the bow of Athena in his hand, and stared at Mu Kongkong with round eyes in surprise.

Kate was also very surprised, but after Mu Kongkong defeated someone, she found that Yan Yan was restrained. Mu Kongkong was not very worried because she knew that the headmaster of the plot would come to defeat them.

Afterwards the headmaster really came, she sealed the two purebred sunwalkers who were willing to bow their heads, and then directly wiped out the two seeds, and after returning to Xiaoxiong's house, they were still discussing that there would be such a purebred sunwalker on campus day walker.

"System, tell me, has there been any change in favorability?" Mu Kongkong returned home, lying on his warm bed and asked in a good mood.

“有啊,凯特对宿主好感度 5,目前好感度为30,香凝对宿主好感度为65 5=70.艾莉儿对宿主好感度为60 5=65.炎炎对宿主好感度为50 10=60”

"En, yes, it's a good sign. Go to bed, good night, little bun." Mu Kongkong rubbed the quilt to sleep contentedly.

"Good night, host." The little bun in the system yawned big, and quickly got under the covers.

This morning, Mu Kongkong was leisurely eating the breakfast brought by Wang Charlie. Since the time of appendicitis, Wang Charlie has been bringing her breakfast and having lunch with her.

Ding Dong came in with big bags and small bags, and distributed clothes to everyone, "Kate has a cool one, and Xiang Ning has a sweet style, and it's empty, this one is purple, Ariel, and black.

"This weekend, I hope everyone can come to my cosplay birthday party. The girls will act like a bad girl group, and the boys can only play bad guys." Standing on the podium, Ding Dong sincerely invited everyone to her birthday party.

"Are we going to pretend to be a villain girl group?" Xiang Ning fiddled with the wig and raised her head to ask for advice.

"I think this is very good. Don't Ding Dong very much want to join the villainous girl group? We can just fulfill her dream." Yin Xiaofeng stood up and ran to Xiang Ning.

"Ding Dong's wish is the same as the kitten's, so I will go." Kate thought of her best playmate, kitten, who wanted to join the villain group, but died in an accident with malice, and came back , is just a kitten who wants to attract his attention, for her, it is also one of Ding Dong's wishes to be fulfilled.

"Boring, who cares if you have family or not." Charlie Wang fiddled with the birthday invitation card given by Ding Dong, and threw it away.

Mu Kongkong on his left stood up silently, squatted down, picked up the card and put it on his desk again, "You won't understand the feeling of celebrating your birthday alone."

Charlie Wang hesitated to speak, and a complicated look flashed across his handsome face.

Xiong Ya watched Mu Kongkong return to his seat, put on his earphones, and looked out the window with empty eyes, as if he was concentrating on it, but he didn't see anything in his eyes.

Jingle at home on the weekend~
Everyone came to Ding Dang's house dressed up as a villainous girl group. At this time, Xiaoxiong felt a very weak demonic energy. Because there were ordinary classmates, everyone could only be more cautious, and everyone dispersed to find the malice.

Because Mu Kongkong knew the plot, she went directly to the door. At this time, Charlie Wang walked in in casual clothes. His fair skin, impeccably handsome, enchanting, tall figure, and the sky blue denim jacket with a youthful atmosphere seemed a bit Lazy, rebellious, black casual jeans.

Mu Kongkong looked away, "I didn't expect you to come."

"What? You can come, why can't I come? But what you are wearing today is...very feminine..." Wang Charlie habitually folded his arms, raised his eyebrows, and showed a wicked smile. looked at her.

The wine-red long hair is slightly curled and cascading down, looking a little tired and rebellious, the expression on her face is as cold as ice, her slender willow eyebrows are painted dark purple by her, under the dark eye shadow, the brown eyes covered by long eyelashes flicker With the light that rejects people thousands of miles away, it hides an imperceptible sadness, which is deeply covered by coldness.With a tall and narrow nose, she was delicate and indifferent. She was wearing a light purple miniskirt, and her upper body was a tight-fitting off-the-shoulder T-shirt of the same color.

"What? I can't be feminine?" Mu Kongkong glared at him viciously, then turned around and left with light purple high heels.

"Hehe, of course, hey, Mu Kongkong is waiting for me." Wang Charlie looked at Mu Kongkong breaking his indifferent expression in a good mood. In his eyes, it was like looking at a cat with its hair blown up. He chased forward funny .

(End of this chapter)

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