Chapter 254

Mowangling is like spring all the year round, even in the cold winter, spring is warm and blooms quickly. In this world of singing birds and fragrant flowers, the soft wind like spring breeze blows blooming flowers. On the green path, four people are walking leisurely, in a harmonious way. The scene, when I looked closely, I found that the atmosphere seemed a bit weird, and a handsome big boy was flattering a pretty but expressionless girl with a bit of dog legs.The other two girls were pointing at the back, covering their mouths and laughing.

"Kong Kong, look at the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers here, the scenery is so beautiful, you look at the clouds..." Ning Zhiyuan carefully tugged at the corner of Mu Kongkong's clothes.

Mu Kongkong took a deep look at him, silently pulled out the corner of his clothes, turned his head, and continued walking forward.

"Um... I don't want to watch it. Hehe, we are going to watch the mountain sacrifice ceremony. By the way, Kongkong, I carry all the incense you gave me with me. Look..." Ning Zhiyuan took it from his right pocket. Taking out the bottle of light yellow incense, "You see how much I cherish it, I always carry it with me."

Mu Kongkong just stopped, rolled his eyes, and walked away silently...

"Kongkong..." Ning Zhiyuan put the incense in the pocket on the right again, and hurriedly chased after it.

Behind her, Ning Peishan covered her mouth and lay on Keiko's body, secretly laughing.

Mountain Festival~
A mage dressed in a blue robe, with silver waist-length hair, holding a slender scepter in his hand, there is a table in front of him, on which is a jar covered by a black step, Mu Kongkong's expression fell on it, his eyes sparkled After a flash, she knew that the one inside was a golden butterfly.

Sure enough, the archmage was casting a spell, and finally lifted the jar covered with cloth, revealing the golden butterfly inside, which was shining with golden light, and it was dancing in the air.

"It's so beautiful~" Ning Peishan looked at Fadie flying in the air and danced excitedly.But soon she found that the butterfly wanted to fly in her direction, slowly flew towards her, lingering on her hair.

"Miss Ning! It turns out that the reincarnated Demon Princess is Miss Ning!" The president of the flower club said in surprise as he slapped the table and stood up.

"As instructed by the Holy Spirit, I have completed the task according to the instructions of the gods, and the next thing is not for me to sacrifice to the sorcerer." The archmage who was bribed by An Yichen looked like he would not eat fireworks, but he had already acquiesced to this fact.

"Arrest her and send her to Mowangling..." The crowd who came to watch the mountain sacrifice ceremony booed below.

"Who dares to touch my sister! As long as I, Ning Zhiyuan, are still around, no one will touch my sister." Ning Zhiyuan stood in front of Ning Peishan, confronting the flower farmer who wanted to arrest Ning Peishan.

"Brother, I'm not the devil concubine." Ning Peishan hid behind Ning Zhiyuan in fear.

Looking at the emergency situation in front of him, Mu Kongkong suddenly got an idea, approached Ning Zhiyuan, took out the butterfly love flower in his right pocket, and applied it on his body, then, regardless of Ning Zhiyuan's surprise and obstruction, he turned to the open space on one side As she walked, she ignored the strange gazes from others, and danced wantonly in the sun. The dancing posture was solemn and enchanting, agile and stagnant, as if water and fire were kneaded together and bloomed together, which was beyond words.Her movements are astonishingly light and quick, and her fingers and waist are even more graceful, like a frightened bird.To the extreme, there are only the endless flow of wind and the clashing sound of silver bells tinkling like spring water.

Along with her dance, the fragrance of Dielianhua gradually dissipated, and the big golden butterfly slowly flew towards Mu Kongkong on the top of Ning Peishan's hair, and the butterflies in the distance also seemed to smell some unique fragrance, and rushed over one after another , together with Dafadie, danced around Mu Kongkong, and Kongkong among the butterflies was like a butterfly fairy, spinning and dancing, and at the end of the last dance, Fadie landed on Mu Kongkong's raised fingertips.

The flower farmers seemed to be bewitched by this scene, and finally someone shouted, "She is the real devil princess! Arrest her!"

Then Mu Kongkong was surrounded by flower farmers who had reacted.

(End of this chapter)

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