Chapter 258

"What did I do wrong just now? Please give me another chance..." Qi Baicao gave Xiaoying a pitiful look, then bit her lip and looked at Ruobai.

Guangya behind the pillar immediately lost her composure, what the hell is this, can you stop doing this, just now she smiled when she turned her head, really, swear!Guangya now wonders if she is pretending, she clearly knows that her feet are not weak, why do she have to use so much strength, even if you don't know!But when Xiaoying picked up your feet at the beginning, it was a bit difficult to hold your feet, can't you see that?Should listen now!

Now Guangya gets angry when she sees her standard pitiful appearance, as if someone is bullying her, "What should I do? Little Baozi, I'm so angry, I think I have personal emotions, I can't complete the task properly .” Guangya hid behind the pillar, and couldn’t help asking Little Baozi for help.

"This...maybe it's the emotions of your body." The little bun in the space wiped his sweat and found an excellent reason.

"But, I don't remember the enmity between Qu Guangya and Qi Baicao in the original drama." Guangya scratched her head, trying to think if there was any hidden plot in the plot.

"Maybe it's...Qi Baicao's character is unpleasant, I hate her too, really!" Xiao Baozi pointed to the sky to express his firm stance, seeing that Guangya seemed to be a little shaken, and then continued to comfort her a few words.

Looking at Kongkong, he continued to look indoors.

The little bun exhaled a long breath, it seemed that the dusty memory was a little loose again, the memory of the real world was disturbed by the power of each world with the experience of different worlds, it was necessary to tell the host.Really, how miserable Kong Kong's previous opportunities were, the host once said that changing Kong Kong's overly kind and cowardly character in each world is also a very important task.

Because I have been hurt before, I am sensitive to disgust.

"Senior Brother Ruobai, I can just practice with Xiaoying. I..." Xiaoying will be kicked to death by you, okay?Didn't you kick desperately just now, didn't you just want to change people?Why be hypocritical now.Guangya rolled her eyes blankly.

"Papa..." Guangya clapped her hands and walked out slowly, "You are really kind, but when you kicked just now, you were so hard, Xiaoying will get hurt if this continues."

"Qu Guangya! What are you doing here with Songbai?"

"Could it be possible that you came to see the deployment of our Songbai Gym Challenge?"

"Qu Guangya, the one who defeated Jin Minzhu with one kick last time, she won it all."

When Songbai's disciples saw Guangya coming out, they talked a lot, but most of them were discussing the match between Guangya and Jin Minzhu some time ago.

Guangya still didn't hold back, and she didn't know why, she just hated people with this kind of personality, her head was in a trance, and there seemed to be such a picture in her memory that made her trance.

A girl with curly hair and a sweet smile, beckoned her to pass by, holding a lunch box she had prepared in her hand, it seemed that the long-lonely person had finally found a friend, she passed happily, but she did not expect her to smile with the lunch box in her hand When it poured on her body, the provocative eyes instantly became pitiful, and there were hot tears in the round eyes, blinking and blinking, the tears were about to drip, hanging tremblingly on her eyelashes, looking at herself in disbelief, Xiao Qiao The bright red lips said something, and then a group of classmates came from nowhere, and pushed him to the ground fiercely. The words that did not hit his ears, like raindrops of fists, fell on him fiercely, and he could only feel helpless Weeping in a circle around the body, like a little beast licking its wound alone.

Guangya shook her head, trying to wake up, her good professionalism brought her back to normal in an instant.There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he continued to walk forward.Stretching out his hand to touch the sole of Ruobai's hand, "Can I try it too?"

"En." It is undeniable that at the moment Guangya appeared, his eyes lit up. He didn't go to exercise this morning, so he didn't see Guangya. It only takes 21 days to form a habit. , how many 21 days, sometimes, is a habit, or like...

Today, Guangya is wearing a black base layer with a small skirt, and a tight-fitting black long-sleeved upper body, showing the girl's inconspicuous curves. Black is the color of clothes that appear most often in Guangya's closet, and I don't bother to change again .

Although many of Songbai's disciples expressed dissatisfaction with this, Ruobai took a look and stepped back one after another. Guangya took a step back without even putting down the bag on her shoulders. She turned around and kicked the blue foot with her spinning leg. , Guangya couldn't tell what kind of emotion she was carrying, whether it was anger or suppression, the moment her legs were put down, Songbai's disciple was dumbfounded, Guangya looked up, Ruobai was a little unstable because of her leg strength, After falling, Guangya reached out to help him, but...

"Wow..." Hu Yifeng's eyes widened, hands in front of his face were at a loss, his mouth was wide open, and his face was a little playful, "It's really..."

(End of this chapter)

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