Chapter 259

"Xiao Han, we are safe." The white wolf looked at the cargo ship, "This cargo ship will pass a Notre Dame and arrive at it, then we will be completely safe."

"En..." Du Xiaohan's pale eyelashes fluttered like butterfly wings as his eyes opened and closed, leaving faint shadows on the eyelids, and there was no blood on his pale lips.

"Xiaohan? Hold on, I can't pull out the ax on your body now, so your blood won't stop, so hold on." The white wolf caressed the black hair on her forehead that was soaked in sweat. .

"En..." Du Xiaohan raised his heavy eyelids and replied angrily.

"Ding, the white wolf's favorability degree is 10, and the current favorability degree is 90, host, come on."

This is not Du Xiaohan pretending, but for some reason, the analgesic pill he took seems to have no effect, no, it seems to be more painful than before.

"What's going on with the system? Why do I feel more pain?" Du Xiaohan asked the system quite painfully.

"Uh,... the host is sorry that I forgot to remind you just now, this analgesic pill only lasts for an hour or two, after which the previous pain will completely return." The system's cheap voice came from the mind. "Also, it seems that in the original drama, the bullet that the white wolf blocked with his arm to save Jiang Xin, just now because your pain has been reduced to disappear, the undead just hit you, so..." The voice of the system dropped at least a few times Decibels, said weakly.

"System, your sister, I want to complain to you." Du Xiaohan yelled at Xiao Baozi angrily.

"Don't do this, how about I give you a compensation task, ding, the compensation task is started, so that the white wolf's favorability for you can reach more than 95, the task reward, the reward point is 800, start from the next world. Feel free to reduce and increase the host's physical sensitivity , including the degree of pain." There was a slightly flattering voice from the system in his head.

This is almost the same, Du Xiaohan subconsciously pulled a smile, but accidentally pulled the wound, " hurts." Du Xiaohan frowned, and then his eyes went dark, and he fell into a sea of ​​unconsciousness and didn't know anything. .

In the gorgeous and warm room, the sun shines through the beige curtains, and the fresh white roses on the table are as shy and pure as an innocent little girl. On the big bed in the room, there is a pale face that still cannot cover her delicate features, It adds a bit of fragility, echoing with Jiaohua, like a sleeping beauty in the sun.Suddenly, Twinkle Eyelashes opened her eyes, her eyes were dazed, and she raised her hand to cover her eyes, as if she wasn't used to such harsh light.

"This is? System, where am I?" Du Xiaohan stood up with difficulty, gasping for pain while clutching his shoulder, suddenly seemed to understand something, rolled his eyes, and asked in surprise: " This can't be the male lead's house, can it?"

"That's right, host, you got shit luck. After you fainted, the white wolf carried you back. Even after being greeted by the stones, they rejected their request to carry you home. Host You are so honored." The system felt a burst of envy and hatred in its mind, "Oh, host, when the doctor treated your wound, Bailang learned that you had been shot again, and he almost died of guilt, and his favorability directly increased to 98, host, you are my idol."

"Ding, the compensation task is completed, so that the white wolf's favorability for you reaches more than 95, the task reward, the reward point is 800, starting from the next world, you can freely reduce and increase the host's body sensitivity, including pain. The current score is 751 800 = 1551."

(End of this chapter)

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