Chapter 260

"The seal is loose? It's not impossible, Mu Yang, I will leave the matter here to you first, and I will go to her world to take a look." Try to bring Kong Kong back as soon as possible... This is what Lin Mofeng said from the bottom of his heart. With pitiful or resentful eyes, he resolutely threw the work at hand to them, and then came to the world where Kong Kong is now.

It is said that Kongkong took advantage of the dark night to come to the eldest brother’s house. When he arrived, there were already more than a dozen people in the house. He took a closer look and found that they were all powerful and important officials from the time when the Wei Kingdom had not yet perished. , and some people dismissed it.

The content of the discussion was nothing more than when to raise troops, when to revolt, and when to retake the land and political power that belonged to the Wei state.In the strategy discussed together, Kong Kong played a very important role, which is why some people looked at him differently.

After seeing off these people, Kong Kong returned to the room with the elder brother, and the elder brother personally brought tea and water, "A Ning, in fact, if you don't want to do this, the elder brother will never force you."

"Brother, looking forward to the reunification of the Wei Kingdom is the only light in my dark life. Ah Ning is willing to do this, with no complaints or regrets." Kong Kong turned his head and nodded firmly.Some people say that the eyes are the windows of the soul, and there is determination in the dark eyes.

"Ah Ning, brother's wish is very simple. I just want you to be like an ordinary woman, and I don't want you to be involved in any military affairs, but it just doesn't work out." The elder brother sighed, his bearded face and dark skin froze. It is to see the deep sorrow.

"It's okay, brother, don't worry about Ah Ning's affairs anymore, Ah Ning should have understood earlier, it's getting late, and I'll go back." Kong Kong pretended to say goodbye to his elder brother calmly, jumped lightly, and started again , Running in the dark, the darkness ahead seems endless, and there is no end to it.

"Senior? Are you really a senior? Why did you come to school all of a sudden? Why didn't you contact me?" In my memory, my neat bangs were plastered on my full forehead, and my waist-length hair was scattered behind me. In the back of her head, she quickly ran to the man who was smiling as gentle as jade not far away. The white pleated skirt restrained the girl's youthful shyness one by one.

The familiar man in front stopped and turned around, with a quiet and beautiful face, and a polite and distant smile.The exquisite and beautiful woman beside her, who was as exquisite as a Barbie doll, took his arm naturally and affectionately, "Brother Mofeng, who is she? Do you know her?"

"I know her, but I'm not familiar with her. She's a lower-level school girl." His eyes fell on Kong Kong and he turned away.

"Senior, didn't you say that you like me and want to date..." Kongkong murmured in disbelief.

"Like you? Did I hear you right? It turns out you're just a self-confessed and sentimental wretch. I advise you to look in the mirror more. Only when you see yourself clearly will you know whether anyone likes you or not?"

Different from the gentle pampering that can drip out of water that I heard every day before, the cold irony is like a knife piercing deeply into his beating heart before.

Until now, Kongkong can’t forget the feeling of pain in the bottom of my heart, the helplessness of inferiority, the pain of being ridiculed by others, the pain after being suppressed, the despair, indifference and numbness of knowing the last...

Because, those who bully you will not feel pity because of your forbearance, your retreat will only make them more rampant... "Young Madam, are you awake?" Reality intertwined with each other, after finally waking up, it was dawn, Qingqing came in to wake her up.

"I'll get up right away." Kong Kong rubbed his tired eyes, got up and prepared to wash.But seeing the look of Wei Qing who was hesitant to speak beside him, Kong Kong glanced at her suspiciously, and continued to move his hands, "What's the matter, just tell me if you have anything to say."

"Young Madam... Quexia Palace, Miss Liu is moving to Quexia Palace. Just now, the slaves saw that they were moving things..." Qingqing glanced at Kong Kong secretly, took a step back silently, and said cautiously.

"What? Who gave her the guts to... go, go to Quexia Palace..." Kong Kong didn't notice his face for a moment and fell in response, tucking his hair back in disorder, and ran out angrily.

Qingqing, who was behind her, patted her chest thankfully, thankfully she ran so far. "Stop, what are you doing!" Kongkong ran to Quexia Palace, there were people coming and going here, the maids were carrying or carrying things to other places, it was Zhen'er's stuff, no one allowed them to move.

"Young Madam, Miss Liu moved into Quexia Palace and told us to throw away these useless things." The servant girl quickly stopped and answered her respectfully.

"Miss Liu, what qualifications does she have to live in Quexia Palace? That's Zhen'er's bedroom, and no one is allowed to live in it!" After Kong Kong finished speaking, his eyes were red with a vicious light, like a cat seeking revenge. "Give me all these things and move them into the Quexia Palace. It will be exactly the same as it was before!"

That's right, as long as someone bullies you and you keep forbearing, he will only think that you are better to bully, so you will be slaughtered forever!
Everything in the past seems to have happened yesterday as vividly. In the huge movie theater, a lonely person is locked inside, but a bloody horror movie is broadcast live on the big screen in front of him.The lunch box was full of rubbish, the textbooks were thrown into the trash can, and she was beaten up after school for no reason... Are these things she should bear?

(End of this chapter)

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