Chapter 261

"Mr. Xiao, how are you?" Mi Duo ran over in two steps, patted his back lightly with one hand, and ordered a glass of boiled water for the bartender. "Mr. Xiao, come drink some water first..." Holding the water glass, he carefully fed it to him.

Looking at Xiao Liang who was drinking water in small sips, his empty heart melted. It would be great if this could be done in the future.

At this moment, Kongkong was lying on the dressing table and sleeping in the dark. Jason came in with food, saw Kongkong who was asleep, and lightened his steps. She was exhausted these days, and she hadn't had a good time for almost five or six days until now. After resting, when he turned to leave, Jason suddenly had a heart move, straightened the crooked fringe on her forehead, took out his mobile phone and took a light photo of the beautiful picture at the moment.

Dressed in a red brocade robe and palace dress, her long hair like splashed ink is scattered on her shoulders, revealing a full forehead dotted with golden tassels, the long hair in the front stands up high, with golden jewelry on it, and the slender eyelashes cast dark shadows on the eyelids. shadow.The tip of the small nose is slightly wrinkled, and the ruddy cherry mouth is glowing with a lustrous and charming color...

There are adverbs below: There are beauties in the north, who are all over the world and independent. When you look at the city of Qingren, and then the country of Qingren, you would rather not know about the country and the city. Beautiful women are hard to come by!

All of a sudden, all the microblogs and the media were reposting this picture frantically... Gao Wen had always had modern makeup, reappeared in an ancient costume image, and thoroughly interpreted the gentle and noble lady in the picture. Said, Gao Wen became popular again... Since then, she has been crowned as the most suitable actress in ancient costumes.

And Xiao Liang is known as the most enviable man.What about Xiao Liang, our most enviable person at this moment?Drinking so much that he didn't know where he was going, Mi Duo finally found out the address of his home after a lot of effort, and he was lying on the bed in a daze.

"Mr. Xiao, do you have any hangover medicine at home? Where do you put it? Wake up..." But how could Xiao Liang be woken up at this time, Mi Duo had no choice but to take off his shoes and coat virtuously , by the way gently cover the quilt.

Mi Duo was afraid that Xiao Liang would lose his temper after waking up, so he didn't move around. He just looked around, but couldn't find it in the end, so he had to borrow his kitchen to make something to sober up, but found that she had something like tomato egg noodles. No, not to mention that Xiao Liang's refrigerator was completely wiped out, and there was no food in it.Hey, I poured some water and ran upstairs, Xiao Liang lay on the bed in pain and vomited...

Mi Duo hurried over, let him drink some water, cleaned up by the way, and finally decided to look for anti-alcohol medicine, she couldn't bear to see Xiao Liang in pain.

I searched here and there, but still found nothing, but...

In the drawer of the study, I rummaged through it, and accidentally opened a cowhide folder...

"What is this? Gao Wen? How could it be her?" Inside the cowhide file, there are pictures on a large scale, but the surprise is that these pictures are of a person, Gao Wen...Xiao Liang's girlfriend ...

Is it because of this incident that Xiao Liang went to get drunk?How could Gao Wen do this?Mr. Xiao is obviously so good, why did you betray him!The treasure he held in the palm of his hand was trampled on by others with disdain, Mi Duo tightly held the hand holding the cowhide bag.The handsome brows were tightly wrinkled, and the bony fingers rubbed the painful forehead weakly. This is the aftermath of a hangover... He moved his legs with difficulty, but he couldn't move. He stood up suspiciously, but found that it was someone else's leg , actually lay on his lap, and someone fell asleep beside him.Turning her head in shock, Mi Duo's sleeping posture stretched all over came into view.

"You! Mi Duo, wake me up, why are you at my house and on my bed?" Xiao Liang instantly turned into a roaring emperor, nervously checked his clothes, and found that there was nothing but his coat. There is nothing else... Only then did I feel slightly relieved...

"Ah?...Mr. Xiao, yesterday you were drunk and I met you, so I sent you back. Seeing that you have no one to take care of you...I just..." Mi Duo rubbed his eyes in a daze, He tried to make himself more awake, but his eyelids still kept fighting. "I don't care what your reason is, just pack up and leave immediately!" Xiao Liang lifted the quilt and stepped back, looking at her with disgust. For some reason, he now has a guilty conscience. Is this considered a betrayal...

"I...right away..." Mi Duo woke up immediately, with tears in his eyes, and nodded in a panic regardless of his messy hair.

"Hmph..." In fact, meeting Mi Duo and nothing has happened, it's much better than meeting a messy upside-down woman, having a one-night stand and the like.Isn't it, now even with it, Mi Duo is much more pleasing to the eye.At least the tofu block quilt folded into a square is very pleasing to the eye.

"Warning, host, currently Xiao Liang's favorability for the heroine Mi Duo is 55, please pay attention to the host, don't be passive and sabotage..." Xiao Baozi suddenly issued a warning, Kong Kong, who was filming, paused for a while.

"Ka, Gao Wen, don't stop here, the joyful atmosphere doesn't need to be deep, let's do it again." The director's piercing eyes immediately caught Kong Kong's mistake, and mercilessly accused him.

(End of this chapter)

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