Chapter 262

It's just that Kongkong's attention seemed to be attracted by something, slightly frowned his delicate eyebrows, put his right index finger gently on the side of his red lips, opened his red lips lightly, "Shh...", then pulled his palm, quietly going in one direction.

Yin Zhihou seemed to have heard something, but his attention was focused on the hands of the two holding each other. The soft touch has a cool breath, which is very suitable for this summer.

The two quietly followed the traces of the sound to a blind corner, hid behind the building, and looked at the surrounding environment empty-handed. This place is located in a blind corner between the gymnasium and the sports equipment room. Few people come here, but here, It seems to be called the "death corner", which means that this is a place where bad students fight. In every school, there are always such a group of students who rely on their own advantages to bully the weak.Whether it is their own strength or their own family power.

And there is obviously going through such a thing inside, it can barely be seen that a boy wearing glasses is being beaten by a group of sloppy people, and there are wailing sounds from time to time, and his eyes are empty. He took out his cell phone and sent a text message, then continued to observe the situation inside.

Judging by the attire of this group of people, they should also be students in this school, but the school uniforms of this group of students are dressed in strange shapes, with colorfully dyed hair, nose studs, ear studs, bracelets, waist chains, dripping clangs, hands They are still holding baseball bats, machetes, and other controlled knives. Fuck it, they look like a group of delinquent teenagers, and they can't be confronted head-on.

Kong Kong quickly grabbed Yin Zhihou who was about to rush out, and said to him in a low voice, "There are too many of them, let's wait a while. I have already notified Junbiao and them, and they will bring the teacher here later."

Enen, Zhihou nodded unwillingly, and continued to stretch his head to look at the situation inside.

The child who was beaten seemed to be in a bad situation, his body was covered with blood, and as long as he tried to struggle, he would be beaten violently, and even hit his head with a baseball bat, and was ruthlessly held on the forehead. Stomach, he could only helplessly curl up his body to the minimum to reduce the area being beaten.He couldn't stop begging for mercy, but the group of people just laughed and pointed at him, and even a few people were videotaping...

This group of people is really too much, Kong Kong widened his eyes angrily, bit his lower lip fiercely with his teeth, and even printed a few obvious teeth marks, calculating that Gu Junbiao and the others should be arriving soon, if they rush out At least it can reduce the time for him to be beaten, and it is estimated that if the beating continues, he will die!

"The teaching director is here with the teacher!" Kong Kong suddenly yelled in their direction.

Hearing a burst of confusion coming from inside, but quickly calmed down, an arrogant voice came from inside, "The teacher is here...haha, let's not talk about why the teacher didn't come to this place specially, even if the teacher came, I would Don't be afraid! Brothers, let me go out and see, who is this little girl who knows nothing about the sky and the earth?"

Kong Kong just remembered that in this school, there are too many high-ranking children, and it would be a bit of a delay to mention the teacher, but... so I hope it can be delayed for a while...

"Sister Ruixian..." Seeing that something was wrong, Zhihou wanted to pull up Kong Kong and run away, but there was too little time, and he was soon stopped by a group of people behind him.

"Boss, it's Min Ruixian from the third year of junior high school, and Yin Zhihou from the second year of junior high school. They are not something we can provoke..." One of them recognized their identities, and hesitantly asked the boy in front.

"I know, they are very famous, Min Ruixian, the goddess of academic dominance, and the gentle prince Yin Zhihou..." The boy who took the lead carelessly pulled the dense earrings on his ears, tilted his head, and spit out the chewing gum with a voice With a bit of disdain, "We always don't offend the river. I don't know why you came to spoil our brothers' good deeds this time?"

"No reason, we just came to this place by chance and happened to encounter this incident." Yin Zhihou stopped Kong Kong behind him, looking at him indifferently with a protective attitude.

"We just feel that he is very pitiful, so can we let him go..." Kong Kong consciously put away his fangs and claws in front of this group of people, looking like a goddess Fan Duan, should he be so natural, noble and elegant.

"Haha, poor, I don't know if you have any. I heard a saying that a poor person must have something to hate. There is no intersection between us, so if you leave, I can let you go, but If...then don't blame me for being rude..." The person in the lead had dyed a head of fiery red hair, and the half-length broken hair in front of his forehead was thrown out violently, and he unconsciously brought a few words into his words. Very fierce.

"Boss, they are all people with a handsome appearance, I'm afraid..." A man with mischievous eyebrows and mischievous eyes beside him whispered in front of him, admonishing him.

Hearing Gu Junbiao's name, the person in the lead froze and frowned, obviously hesitant. Everyone knows that Gu Junbiao is the heir of the largest Shenhua Group in South Korea. , Offending him, I am afraid that it will be hard for everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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