Chapter 263

Kong Kong retracted his gaze without a trace, then looked straight ahead, staring straight ahead.

"Hey, wait a minute, hey, stop!" Kong Kong finally passed the handsome man, and then heard his shout from behind, Kong Kong didn't stop, and continued to walk forward.

"Why, are you deaf? Stop, Liu Lu!" Xiang Hao caught up with him in a few steps, and grabbed Kong Kong's wrist, his tone was very impatient.

"What are you doing? Why did I stop? You didn't call your name. I'm sorry I don't know who you are calling, and I am your teacher. It turns out that the young master of the Xiang family is nothing more than that. I don't know how to respect teachers. Personally, I don’t think you can do anything big!” You can clearly see the blue veins on Kong Kong’s forehead exposed, and it seems that such a big well is about to materialize.

"You! Let me tell you, there are only three things. Once yesterday, once today, and a third time, I don't mind beating women!" Xiang Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at Kongkong dangerously, with fierce eyes, and there was something in his eyes. Deep disgust.

"Oh, classmate Xiang Hao was joking, I don't think there will be a third time, because I don't want to see you for the third time!" Kong Kong approached Xiang Hao's face without fear, and broke free from the shackles that bound him. hand, turned and left.

"You, stop there and go treat Xiaobai. I've come to invite you in person. What else are you dissatisfied with?" Xiang Hao looked at the hand that was thrown away in disbelief, and then caught up with him in a few steps , stretched out his hand in front of Kong Kong.

"Not satisfied, first I can't see that you are here, 'please' mine, second I don't want to see your face! I can go now." Kong Kong gave her a hard look and then left .

Xiang Hao let out a deep breath, closed his eyes and chased after him in two steps, picked up Kong Kong and headed towards Xiaobai's ward.

Kong Kong suddenly felt dizzy, and then he felt that he was hanging in the air. Xiang Hao's shoulder was separated from Kong Kong's stomach, "Xiang Hao, let me down, I will go by myself!"

It's a pity that the hoarse voice didn't attract Xiang Hao's attention, he just let out a cold snort and sped up to Gu Xiaobai's ward.

Finally arrived at the destination, Kong Kong gave Xiang Hao a hard look, then covered his mouth and went to the bathroom, vomited, and came to Gu Xiaobai's ward with a pale face. Naturally, he saw the lingering heroine Qian Baby, obviously noticed Kong Kong's gaze, Qian Baobao's eyes dodged, he laughed twice, hesitating, trying to say something.

"Please go out first, it's enough for me and Gu Xiaobai to be alone in the ward, and I hope to be absolutely quiet and undisturbed during this period of time." Xiang Hao asked with a glance at Kongkong.

"Okay, I promise you..." Xiang Hao's serious face was full of seriousness, and he took Qian Baobao who was about to say something and left.He also closed the door by the way.

Kong Kong and Gu Xiaobai were the only two left in the empty ward. Kong Kong and Gu Xiaobai chatted casually for a while, and then let Xiao Baozi invade his memory while he was relaxing his vigilance, copying his memory Revisited the side and found the reason.

The reason why Gu Xiaobai suffers from gunshot phobia is because a year ago, there was an actual demining in the selection of the last Jiying team. Xiang Hao took Xue Shaohua, Gu Xiaobai, and Shen Wentao to the demining practice. It was at that time that an accident occurred. No one thought that there would be real mines at the demining practice site. For Xiang Hao, Xue Shaohua sacrificed his life. Before he died, Xiang Hao was unwilling to let himself Xue Shaohua asked Shen Wentao to take Xiang Hao away, so Xiang Hao hated Shen Wentao because of this. He felt that Shen Wentao made him unkind. After that accident, Xiang Hao ran away from home, and Gu Xiaobai also Fallen gunshot phobia.

Because it was his brother who died, the impact was even more profound, because every sound of gunfire would lose the life of a friend, so I was deeply afraid in the subconscious.

So Kong Kong asked Xiao Baozi to weave a dream for him in his sleep. In that dream, it seemed to be a familiar scene, a familiar character, and a demining drill at the same place. He watched Du Feng step on a deadly stone. Then a small dagger with a cold light appeared in Xiang Hao's hand, he loosened the screw bolt, and then several lines of yellow, yellow, green and green were exposed. Xiang Hao searched for a while and found a red line , holding a small dagger, smiling silly to separate the line, Gu Xiaobai covered his ears and squatted on the ground almost reflexively, the unexpected thunder did not occur...

Gu Xiaobai looked blankly at the few people who were still smiling foolishly, showing their white and kind teeth, "Look, it's very safe, don't be afraid, now with our demining skills, there won't be any danger!"

Just such a light sentence, as if it is a key, a beam of sunshine, through the dark clouds and raining down on the world, the whole person is warm.

(End of this chapter)

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