Chapter 264

"What's wrong with Mr. Lu, look at this shady face, it looks like he has taken gunpowder..."

"Shh, keep your voice down, save yourself from being scolded for a while..."

"Oh..." The little employee who passed by in the corridor at the beginning covered his mouth with his hand, looking like he was frightening the baby to death...

Lu Licheng glanced at the people on one side, ignored his curiosity, and strode away with a gloomy face. The target person, Lin Da, Lin's ambition for a woman is obvious to all. , I thought Lu Licheng was a bully!
At this moment, Linda was packing up the company and preparing to go out. When the elevator was about to close, a shiny black leather shoe blocked it in time and stretched out. Lu Licheng put one hand on the elevator door, "Linda, I always thought that self-knowledge is Your specialty, now it seems that I was too worried, and the only one is probably erased by you."

"You! What do you mean?" Linda's sharp nails painted with black nail polish tightly clenched the leather bag in her hand.

"Don't you understand what I mean? Take care of your mess, your hand is too long, I don't mind cutting it off for you, you know if I dare!" Lu Licheng's sharp eyes shot at her, like a vicious wolf, who would jump over at some point and directly bite the person in front of him to pieces.

"..." Linda was stunned by his eyes, but he didn't react. The hand on the elevator had been released at some point, and the elevator door was slowly closing. Linda was just in a daze. Looking at Lu Licheng who had not left in front of the elevator, the corners of his lips slowly curled up, sarcastically and disdainfully.

Linda understands that in Maigu, no, even in the whole society, her position is not stable if she is not ruthless. She thinks she is ruthless enough. In order to keep her position, she has been going out as a single person, but no one knows , the head of Qin Chuan's support department, is her husband, but Lu Licheng is a man who is more ruthless, he is ruthless to others, and he is also ruthless to himself. Once she is angered, she doesn't know what is waiting for her, so she has been I was deeply afraid of him, I never thought that today I would come to find her personally because of Mu Kongkong, what does this mean?
Lu Licheng was sitting in the waiting room of the airport. He had been waiting for a long time. It could even be said that he was distraught. After a minute, he loosened the tie around his neck impatiently.

"It's not good, young commander. What you said made me pay attention to Mu Kongkong. I didn't see Kongkong this morning. I checked. Kongkong had already taken the flight to Qingdao last night. I checked and the ticket was an administrative ticket." It's all ordered." As soon as he came to the office in the morning, Helen came in to report anxiously.

"Going to Qingdao, I didn't sign the application form for Ailaiyi's case? Who signed it?" Hearing the news, Lu Licheng was in a bad mood and got up suddenly.

"It's Linda, she is the executive director, she also has the right to agree to Kong Kong's application." Helen silently backed away a few steps, lest she suffer unwarranted disasters.

"My man, when is it her turn to take care of it? Helen is going to book the earliest flight to Qingdao, and find out where Kong Kong is the nearest residence in Qingdao, and book the same room for me." After speaking, she hurried to Linda territory.

He took out his cell phone again and dialed the phone number that he knew so well, but the female voice was still as cold as a machine. The person you dialed has turned off the phone, please call again later... Take the cell phone back, lean back on the seat in frustration, exhausted He raised his head, closed his eyes slightly, and took a deep breath to calm himself down.As an excellent pitcher, you can't have obvious emotional ups and downs. At least, you can't be swayed by emotions when you are doing a case for a client.But now his emotions have surpassed his own likeness, and the time he had been in contact with Mu Kongkong was just over a month, but in this short period of time, Lu Licheng never knew why one person's actions could affect his emotions so much.Just like now, he was afraid that she would be bullied and in danger, so he threw away all his work and flew to Qingdao desperately.

"Ding, add 10 to Lu Licheng's favorability towards you, and the current favorability is 80, success is not far away, please come on, host..."

At this moment, Kongkong was waiting for the big fish to take the bait in a restaurant, when the little bun suddenly made a noise, almost throwing away the wine glass in his hand.After hearing the news clearly, he was instantly happy, shaking the goblet in his hand, the conspicuous red rippled in layers, and the curvature of the raised mouth made the whole person look evil and sexy.

When the big fish he was waiting for entered the door, he saw such a scene. Chen Ping, the president of Islay, is a self-made business genius, but everyone in the venture capital industry knows that this Chen Ping is actually a perverted, greedy and lustful man. , the person who is extremely difficult to deal with, Su Man spent a lot of time when she came here, pretending to be a couple with Lu Licheng, and Lu Licheng personally gave up ten commission points in private to get it done.

(End of this chapter)

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