Chapter 265

"Haha, what's the matter? What do you think, today's basketball game, we Dongshan lost, I feel very uncomfortable, what can you say?" The black man felt angry when he thought of today's game, and Dongshan should have won. It's fixed.No one likes to fail.

"Boss, look, isn't this chick we saw that day? Isn't it her? Boss, look, is she more beautiful than Sister Bala?" One of the gangsters suddenly floated over, and the empty space behind Xu Yi , a head of iconic black long straight hair, slender, straight, white long legs, people will never forget.

"Let's see, it's really..." The black man walked to the side, trying to find an angle to see the empty space behind Xu Yi's protection, "Hey, girl, come, come and follow brother, don't follow this little boy, How about following my brother to make sure you eat well and drink spicy food?" Through Xu Yi, he whistled at Kong Kong, desperately wanting to lift Kong Kong's long hair.

"Don't go too far!" Xu Yi, who had been neglected for a long time, frowned tightly, and gradually tightened his grip on the empty hand.

"Excessive, haha, are you angry? What can you do if you are angry? Are you going to kill us?" One of the gangsters, with a wretched smile on his face, if you look carefully, you can see clearly that he is on the basketball court Above, the boy who almost knocked Xu Yi out when he made a three-step layup.

"Xu Yi, don't be impulsive." Kong Kong kept his face calm, and comforted him with his other hand. At this time, when facing the little gangster, don't show a panicked expression, at least not trembling cowardly, Kong Kong said to Xu Yi Yi smiled slightly to indicate that he was fine.

Xu Yi took a deep breath, took a step forward, and tried his best to maintain a decent smile, "Hello, why did you stop us? I don't remember anything we offended you?"

Dumbfounded by Xu Yi's attitude, the three of them were black people first, "It's nothing, it's just that I'm not happy about losing in basketball, I just met you guys, and I like the chick behind you very much. "

"Really? I think all of you brothers on the road should be able to afford to lose, at least you won't be fussy about losing the game. Also, honest and upright people shouldn't covet other people's girlfriends, oh, I remember , I seem to have seen it during today's game, your girlfriend is cheering you on." Xu Yi stretched out his hand to block Kong Kong, declared his ownership, and calmly reasoned with the blacks.

"What you said seems to make sense. I'm not the kind of person who cares about every detail." For the first time, the black felt that what the nerd in their heaven said was quite nice.At least not so jarring.

"Okay, then we won't disturb everyone." Xu Yi left with Kong Kong in his arms.

From behind came the voice of the little gangster, "Boss, why did you just let them go..."

"Is my father willing or not?"

"Yes, boss..."

Until he was far away from that alley, Xu Yi didn't let go of his empty shoulders, and his footsteps stopped slowly. "Kong Kong, do you think I'm cowardly?" Xu Yi's muffled voice reached Kong Kong's ears with a hint of loneliness.

Kongkong raised his head and saw Xu Yi with his head hanging down, half-length bangs covering his eyes, unable to see clearly the emotion he was looking at, "No, on the contrary, I think you are very rational and brave. In fact, I have been very scared just now, afraid of you Suddenly, like a hot-blooded kid, he just rushed out and fought with them."

"Why? Don't you girls feel that such a boy is handsome and courageous?" Xu Yi raised his head, stared straight at Kongkong, and looked into her eyes, not letting go of the slightest emotion in her eyes.

Kongkong knew that this was a very important affirmation for him, so he didn't shrink back cowardly, and looked directly into his eyes, allowing him to clearly see the emotions in his eyes, "Xu Yi, what was in my mind just now What I have always thought about is, Xu Yi, don’t be provoked by them, you are proud of your calmness. Once you make a move, at least the days before the college entrance examination will not have a peaceful life in the future. It’s not worth it. It will affect the college entrance examination. That is to say, it will affect the future life, you have done a good job and are very sensible." Kong Kong stood on tiptoe and touched the top of his head.

"Understood, I know I did a good job, but, what's the matter with you touching the top of your head? Don't you know that men's hair can't be touched?" Xu Yi was taken aback, and suddenly felt that his eye sockets were sore. His good self-control suppressed this feeling, and joked about it pretending to be nothing.

"What? Should I be responsible? Otherwise, I will marry you home after college..." Kongkong winked at him jokingly, "Don't even think about it..." He poked him hard while he was not paying attention The soft flesh around his waist, and then ran away.

"Mu Kongkong, don't run, stop!" Xu Yi exclaimed, clutching his waist, thinking about what Kongkong said, lovingly looking at the running figure not far away. is a nice idea...

(End of this chapter)

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