Chapter 267

As for Yin Shangpiao, Shan Chunqiu has carefully cultivated him for more than ten years in order to allow him to successfully blend into Changliu. Coupled with the rich expressions of Ni Mantian and Qingshui on his front and back, the ordinary him naturally passed the exam smoothly.

The dozen or so disciples left behind changed and washed their clothes. They have officially become the outer disciples of Changliu. They entered the main hall like a long dragon. The majestic main hall, the three sitting on it, dripping the life-testing stone is considered a great success.Kong Kong is currently tugging at the white and purple clothes on his body depressed. This clothes are really ugly. In the Demon Realm, Sha Qianmo prepares everything for her on weekdays. Even the clothes will be made of the same material as his. The red clothes are like fire, and it is the first time I wear such a light color when I come to this world, I really feel ugly.

Recalling in my mind, what happened before entering the palace just now.

"Senior Brother Eleven? Is this dress available in other colors?" The corner of Kong Kong's mouth twitched as he looked at the plain dress in his palm with disgust.

"What's wrong? But there is something missing in the clothes?" He was organizing the new disciples to receive new clothes. At this time, a depressed voice came from behind him, and when he turned around, he saw Mu Kongkong. This was beyond his expectation. It was Ni Mantian, a rich lady, who would dislike the quality of the clothes, etc. In his impression, Mu Kongkong was not talkative, but he knew the general situation and took good care of Hua Qiangu.

"No, it's just this color..." Kongkong hesitated, not knowing where to start.

"I know, Kongkong used to wear red clothes, Kongkong doesn't like plain clothes, haha, long-wearing clothes are despised... um..." A chubby body jumped out of Hua Qiangu's ear , bouncing on her shoulders, seeing Tang Bao say inappropriate words, Hua Qiangu quickly stretched out her index finger to cover her mouth, and smiled embarrassedly, "I'm sorry, Tang Bao didn't mean that."

"Heh, I, the daughter of the head of Penglai, haven't said anything yet. You are so valuable, but you actually despise the long-lasting clothes and things that don't know what is good or bad." Ni Mantian, who had just received the clothes and was excited, heard these conversations. He took off his clothes and looked at the two people behind him with disdain.

"You! Man Tian, ​​how can you talk like that... Kong Kong is just not used to wearing plain clothes." It's fine to talk about yourself, but Kong Kong is his friend, and he is not allowed to say that about his friend.

Tang Bao on Hua Qiangu's shoulder frowned with his almost invisible eyebrows, and with his small paws, he struggled to move Hua Qiangu's index finger, puffed his cheeks, and said in a soft voice, "You bad girl, only I can Say it, you are not allowed to say it! Bad girl!"

"You bug, I can crush you with one hand, what are you capable of? I like to wear red clothes, haha, it really made me laugh out loud, you will only tarnish the red color if you wear them." Worm, now that I can laugh at myself, I really don't know what the heavens and the earth are, and dare to challenge me without a master who can match her, I really want to die!Red, huh, remember when we first met, Kong Kong was dressed in red and had a lot of poses, and no one could overshadow her.

"Ni Mantian, the most frightening thing about people is not being ordinary, but provoking a habit like you, or provoking you without knowing the depth. Sooner or later, you will be raped to death by your ridiculous self-esteem. It won't be too late when you defeat me. Kongkong looked at her calmly and put down the challenge directly.Looking at Luo Shiyi, "Brother Shiyi, forget it, I should also try plain clothes." He retracted his gaze and continued to stare at the plain clothes in his hand, as if there was some deep hatred.

"Kong Kong, it doesn't matter, even if you wear plain clothes, you are more beautiful than some bad girl with colorful clothes." Tang Bao signaled Hua Qiangu to go find Kong Kong, and jumped directly onto Kong Kong's hand.

"You! Believe it or not, I'll crush you to death!" Ni Man jumped up and down, threatening Tang Bao viciously.

Originally, Luo Shili had a crush on Tang Bao, who was soft and waxy and cute, and was instantly cute, frowning, a little displeased, and it was not easy to attack "Okay, since I have nothing to do, hurry back and change clothes and come in a quarter of an hour Gather here and go to the main hall to meet the three."

"Wow, Kong Kong, look, so handsome..." Qing Shui poked the soft flesh around Kong Kong's waist quietly, Kong Kong was smart, Qing Shui's eyes were tightly attached to him, his face was red, and his eyes had become With a big peach heart, it looked as if she was about to pounce on her, Kong Kong followed her line of sight.

"Disciple Meng Xuanlang has seen the three." Dabu Meteor came to the main hall to salute the three, and saw a fiery gaze falling on him. There are some crazy royal ladies in the imperial city on weekdays. They smiled confidently and turned around. Turning around, it happened to meet Kong Kong's gaze, his eyes were lazy and only slightly curious, and his figure was somewhat familiar at that time.

After dripping the life-testing stone, Kongkong insisted that Eleventh Senior Brother be in the same dormitory with Hua Qiangu, because there were sugar babies acting like a baby, and in the end Eleventh Senior Brother finally broke the rules and agreed.What about us people.

(End of this chapter)

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