Chapter 268

"Not bad, it's powerful enough." Du Xiaohan sat up with difficulty and leaned against the head of the bed, smiled, licked his dry lips, and reached for the water glass on the table, just like in countless idol dramas, the bloody thing happened , Du Xiaohan, who was weak all over, broke the water glass. At this moment, Shishi's excited voice came from outside, "Xuguan, hurry up, go and tell the second master, Miss Xiaohan is awake, I will go and see what happened inside."

"Okay, you go in quickly. I'll call the doctor and help Miss Xiaohan to see if there is anything else." Du Xiaohan heard the conversation outside.

Then I saw Shi Shi rushing in, "Miss Xiaohan, you are awake... Er, the second master will be here in a while." Shi Shi saw Du Xiaohan staring at himself with round eyes, with a puzzled look on his face, "Um, I am Stone of the Bai family, this is the Bai family, uh, the second master carried you here..."

"Stone~ Get back." Hearing the sound of the white wolf panting slightly, Du Xiaohan turned his head away, against the sun, the white wolf approached the bed, and suddenly a few words appeared in Du Xiaohan's mind, "You are warm, you walk against the light Come."

"Second Master? Thank you for saving me. I should go back. My brother will worry about me." Du Xiaohan lifted the quilt with difficulty and struggled to get up.

"Miss Xiaohan, you've been in a coma for 4 days, you're injured..." Shitou was obeying the white wolf's order and preparing to go out when he suddenly heard that Du Xiaohan was going back, and seeing his second master's lost expression, he knew that the second master Reluctant to give up, he opened his mouth and said, but was interrupted by the white wolf, "Shitou, you go out first, I will tell Xiaohan."

On the one hand, Shi Shi was worried that the second master didn't understand feelings, and didn't know how to keep him, but on the other hand, he had to follow his order and went out with a hesitant expression.

"Xiaohan, your shoulder was injured, and you were shot again in the arm. If you don't cultivate well, you the root cause of the disease." The white wolf slowed down his tone and coaxed Du Xiaohan gently. Everyone knows that the white wolf has always been cold and ruthless. However, this time he couldn't bear to tell the girl in front of him, because if he didn't take a good rest, her left hand would be disabled.

"But, if I don't go back, my brother will go crazy." Du Xiaohan looked anxious and was about to cry.

It touched Bai Lang's heart that was soft for her, "I will tell Shitou to find your brother and tell him not to worry. You can rest here with peace of mind."

"Thank you, Second Master. My family lives in a shanty town. My brother is Du Kun. He works at the dock. Please Second Master, please help me report my brother's safety." Du Xiaohan hurriedly explained her brother's details.

"Shitou, go report to Xiaohan's brother that he is safe." The white wolf ordered Shitou to go to the shanty town to find Du Xiaohan's brother.

"Yes, Second Master."

"Second Master, the doctor is here." Xu Guan walked in with a middle-aged male doctor.

"En." Bai Lang nodded, then frowned as if I was not happy, and walked outside the room with Xu Guan to wait for the diagnosis result.

"Doesn't this doctor have any girls?" Second Master complained in a low voice.Xu Guan thought he heard it wrong, but who knows, he heard our great second master say a few words, "From now on, all the doctors who see Xiao Han will be women."

Xu Guan stared in disbelief, but still nodded and said, "Yes."

"Second Master, when Ms. Du wakes up, it means that her life is not in danger, but in order to avoid inflammation of the wound, the dressing needs to be changed every day..." The poor doctor said that the dressing should be changed every day, and saw the cold eyes of the second master shot at As if I wanted to kill myself, the doctor immediately tied his tongue, "Uh, actually, my hospital is very busy. I will leave the anti-inflammatory medicine later, and the second master will trouble you to change Miss Du's medicine."

(End of this chapter)

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