Chapter 272

The breeze blew, and all the members of the Jiying team's reserve class, as well as the principal and the instructors gathered on the school field. Several positions were arranged a few feet away. Gu Xiaobai was dressed in a well-fitting camouflage uniform, standing stiffly in front of him When he took a deep breath and opened his eyes again, he was shining like the brightest star in the sky. His eyes swept over the gun in front of him, and he picked it up neatly. "Bang bang bang..." After a few shots, he put down the gun and returned to the original place position, waiting for the target announcer to take over.

"48 Rings..." The crisp voice of the target announcer resounded throughout the school grounds.

Everyone showed happy smiles, and even ran over to fist bump and hug him... Principal Li Jizhou had no choice but to snort harshly, and turned his face away, "Instructor Xiao, it really is a talented student who came back from Germany... " Laughed twice, turned and left, without a trace of smile on his face.

Regarding this, Qian Baobao just smiled modestly and prevaricated a few words until the principal turned around and drove a long way away, his face showed a tangled expression, hesitantly looking at the direction the principal left .

Seeing this scene, those present who knew the truth frowned. Gu Xiaobai withdrew his white-teeth smile and said seriously, "What's wrong with Instructor Xiao? It was Assistant Teacher Liu who cured me. What about her?" As he spoke, he was going to ask Xiao Han.

"Wait, what are you doing?" Xiang Hao was still immersed in the news that his brother's illness was finally cured, and quickly grabbed Gu Xiaobai who was reckless and wanted to go over.

"No, brother Hao, instructor Xiao is not doing it properly..." Gu Xiaobai frowned and looked in the direction of Kong Kong. In the corner far away from the crowd, there was Liu Lu, who was holding Liu Lu in his hand just now. When shooting the gun, Gu Xiaobai clearly saw Assistant Professor Liu cheering on him with a smile on his face. Sure enough, in that corner, Liu Lu had an unbelievable and unspeakable loss on his face.

"Is there anything real or not? If not, Xiao Han took the time to ask her to help you. Do you think she would help you so kindly? She even used the excuse of curing you to ask Xiao Han to leave the military academy and become a A real psychology instructor, really good!" Xiang Hao turned his head and glanced at the aggrieved space in the corner, Shen Wentao was worrying about going there, he really couldn't bear to look directly at him, it's really artificial for anyone to see this aggrieved look, She is also a girl, compared with Xiao Han's innocence and true temperament, she still has her own opinion, so she couldn't help but raise her voice.

Xiang Hao's voice was not low, and many people present were enough to hear his words, and there was a lot of discussion...

"...Xiang Hao!" Shen Wentao really endured it to the extreme. He is not a saint after all, and he has no way to bear Xiang Hao's unreasonable troubles again and again, so he can forget it, but now he treats a weak woman like this...

"Ding, Shen Wentao's favorability for you has been increased by 5, and it is currently 75. Please come on, host." Before Kong Kong was excited, his favorability, which had not fluctuated for a long time, finally increased, and he noticed the atmosphere at the scene.

Kongkong saw Shen Wentao's bloodshot eyes gradually, and the blood dripping on the ground along his fingers, exuding a strong sense of fighting all over his body, he couldn't help saying secretly in his heart, "That's bad".

Kong Kong hurriedly came to him in a few steps, stretched out his hand to hold his tightly clenched fist, and dissuaded him anxiously, "Wen Tao, don't be impulsive!" The regulations of the Longcheng Military Academy forbade military students to fight privately in the school. .

Under Kong Kong's constant begging, Shen Wentao's attitude finally loosened a bit, he let go of his fist unwillingly, lowered his head to comfort Kong Kong and said, "Don't worry, I won't be impulsive."

Shen Wentao doesn't want to fight with others on campus, but it doesn't mean that others will walk down the steps he gave. Xiang Hao put his hands in his pockets and shook his head. Under the carefree posture, the corners of his mouth curled up in a provocative arc, which is dangerous. Disgusting... "What? Want to refute? What you have done is what you have done. If you dare to do it, you dare not take it. How can a person with such a problematic character pay us to be a teaching assistant?"

"Brother Hao, you have misunderstood Assistant Professor Liu. I believe she is not such a person." Gu Xiaobai noticed that Assistant Professor Liu cared about Xiang Hao's words. He believed in Assistant Professor Liu's character. He couldn't forget yesterday's treatment. After waking up, he was warm all over, but he didn't dare to forget the back of Assistant Professor Liu's pale face and weak staggering away from the he didn't believe what Xiang Hao said.

"You don't believe me? You were seduced by her so quickly, Shen Wentao, this is the woman you like, she is really excellent!" Xiang Hao didn't say a word, there was a trace of despair on Kong Kong's face, and his chest seemed to be tightly squeezed. picked it up, and then was severely torn...

Shen Wentao's complexion also became darker and darker with Xiang Hao's words, gradually approaching the color of ink, and his obscure mood probably refers to the current Shen Wentao, knowing that every word Xiang Hao said now will make everyone Kong Kong seems to be on the edge of Ling Chi, but there is still a trace of luck in his heart. Is it because Kong Kong is completely desperate for Xiang Hao that he will have the intention to like others, and the heart that is full will be Make room, put him down...

(End of this chapter)

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