Chapter 273

But on the contrary, Chen Ping is not lustful, it is just because beauties can arouse good inspiration and design good works, Chen Ping likes the pleasure of beauties.In fact, the relationship between Chen Ping and his wife has always been very good.

From the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Chen Ping coming in, put down his wine glass empty-handed, and stood up, drawing a beautiful arc in his pure white dress.Don't get me wrong, Kong Kong didn't go to please Chen Ping but went to the bathroom, got up slowly and left with graceful steps.

But such a glance made Chen Ping stop, noticing the dress on Kong Kong's body, Chen Ping frowned slightly, said a few words to the bodyguards around him, and then saw Chen Ping sitting on a table near Kong Kong. There was an empty seat, and the bodyguard nodded respectfully and left.

"Host, your guess is correct. You have already attracted his attention. He asked his bodyguards to check in that store. He will probably receive the news in a while." Kong Kong was facing the mirror in the bathroom , playing with a golden lipstick in his hand.Hearing the news about Xiao Baozi, he showed a smile that was expected and confident.

Different from Su Man in the original drama, wearing ten-centimeter stilettos, she found the place where Chen Ping ran in the morning. She was wearing a bright red dress and ran behind him, which caught Chen Ping's attention. Then she used a beauty trap in the hotel, In the end, relying on Lu Licheng who arrived, he finally completed the list.Kongkong's plan is to let Chen Ping find him on his own initiative.

The reason is that this dress on Kong Kong’s body, the style of this dress cannot be told how novel it is, and it can even be said to be a bit retro. Based on the combination of Chinese cheongsam and fashionable dresses, a brand new irregular style has been created. even clothes.

If it is a special reason, the designer of this dress, Chen Ping's son Chen Shi, this is the first work he designed, and the sales volume is not good, not because the style is not good, but because it is difficult for others to control , Chen Shi's clothes are more classic, but they have a sense of fashion. They are suitable for gentle women, but they are not perfect. Up to now, I haven't met anyone who thinks they can be completely suitable. I went to that store yesterday. I bought this dress from inside and made no secret of my liking for it. The manager at the time told Kong Kong that she was the most suitable one among so many people.

After tidying up his mood, Kong Kong returned to his seat, but just sat down, a handsome waiter politely told Kong Kong that a gentleman invited her to sit with him.The fish was about to take the bait, Kongkong raised the corners of his lips, got up and came to Chen Ping's seat.

"Hello, sir." Kong Kong came in front of him, stood Tingting, bowed her head slightly, her attitude was neither humble nor overbearing.

"Hello, please sit down." Chen Ping looked at the woman who was slowly seated in front of him. She had a beautiful face with an indescribable temperament. Under the slender and thick eyelashes is a pair of clear, transparent, black and white water eyes, calm without joy or sorrow, making people feel the tranquility in this noisy world, the small nose tip, thin lips, and the faint smile on the face. Small pear vortex.Her waist-length black straight hair was let down and pinned behind her head, and she looked gentle like a lady in an ancient mural.

Kongkong kept silent all the time, while Chen Ping on the opposite side was also silent. The atmosphere between the two people was quite weird. People passing by couldn't help but stare sideways. Only they themselves knew that they were actually waiting for this opportunity. At this time, whoever speaks is equivalent to mastering the backhand and falling into a passive position.

"I don't know this beauty, what's your surname?" In the end, Chen Ping lost his composure, and spoke first, picked up the wine glass and drank it down, as if venting his frustration just now.

Kongkong raised his smiling face, the dimples on his face were bright and dazzling, "Hello, I'm Mu Kongkong, I don't know if you're looking for me, what's the matter?"

"I'm sorry..." At this moment, Xiang Nian, a man in casual clothes, suddenly remembered his cell phone, said sorry, and then looked down at the text message on the cell phone, it was the bodyguard just now, just a report, the empty one The clothes are indeed the clothes in that store, and they are the ones designed by the young master.

"It's like this, Ms. Mu, this dress on you was designed by my son." Chen Ping raised his head, trying to start a conversation, thinking about how to express himself.

"Ah, please take me to express my gratitude to your son. I like this dress very much. Your son is great. I hope I can wear his clothes again in the future." Kong Kong first expressed his surprise in surprise, and then Deep gratitude, and appreciation.

"Um, thank you, but my son is no longer engaged in design work..." Thinking of the past, Chen Ping couldn't help being a little bit disappointed even if he had seen the storm. His son is a very talented fashion designer. Teacher, he was full of enthusiasm when he was young. The set of clothes he designed at the beginning was put into production, and the effect was not good. The reality is always cruel to those who need to be tempered. It started to enter a downturn period, until the later works were quite satisfactory, and then completely abandoned the previous design, locked the original design in the box and placed it at the bottom...

The current Chen Shi is no longer the brat he used to be, but a mature and steady man, but that has always been his dream, a dream that cannot be fulfilled.Chen Ping wants to fulfill this dream for his son.

"Uh, but I'm not a professional model after all. You asked me to walk a show for the clothes designed by your son. I don't think I can do it." Although Kong Kong had thought before that Chen Ping would let her wear this dress in front of his son Tell him that his work is actually great, but he never thought of this way, and she has never walked in a catwalk.

(End of this chapter)

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