Chapter 282

Mu Kongkong knows the plot, so of course he understands that today's party is mainly an opportunity to encourage Ding Dong to join the villainous girl group. That weak malice is nothing to fear, so Mu Kongkong, who is afraid of trouble, automatically made it to the food area. Next to it, I took some snacks and tasted slowly.

Wang Charlie looked around for traces of Mu Kongkong, and finally found her in an inconspicuous corner of the food area. She was eating snacks. Wang Charlie walked over, patted her on the shoulder, and held her with his slender fingers. With a delicate chin and twinkling lights in his eyes, he admired Mu Kongkong's unique style with great interest.

"Ah." Mu Kongkong was taken aback, his mouth full of snacks was bulging like a little hamster, staring at him with watery eyes, blankly.

"Haha. You, haha~" Looking at Mu Kongkong's appearance, Wang Charlie exaggeratedly covered his stomach and laughed with tears in his eyes.

Mu Kongkong's eyes were mournful, and he chewed the snack in his mouth viciously, as if he took Wang Charlie as a snack and crushed it...

At this time, an excited Ding Dong voice came from the center of the room, "Hey, everyone, everyone, next is an indispensable part of the idol team, free welfare, everyone should seize the opportunity, do what you usually want to do but can't do it It's something." Then with a loud finger-tapping sound, the light was turned off, and the room was plunged into darkness.

Before the black light, Mu Kongkong seemed to vaguely see the magnified face... Afterwards, there was a soft feeling, who is it?Kissing her?Charlie Wang, however, how could he?
Seeing Mu Kongkong's surprised eyes in the dark, Wang Charlie admitted that he began to have a teasing mood in it, with a faint unknown cool aroma, like jelly, more like peeled lychees, which made him have A moment of confusion.Grab the struggling hands of the opponent, and then sink, he would rather sink forever.

"When the light was about to be turned on, he reluctantly let go of Mu Kongkong, but his wide and warm palm was still on her waist.

"Crack" the lights turned on, and Mu Kongkong's face came into his eyes almost instantly, the wine red slightly curly long hair scattered on the small and white shoulders, and there was a layer of mist in the dark round eyes.

"The face is like the color of Mid-Autumn Festival, and the color is like the flowers of spring dawn." For some reason, this sentence suddenly appeared in Wang Charlie's mind.The sweetness of the butter seemed to reach his heart, and the pain in his heart because of Xiao Yang seemed to have weakened a little. Someone once said that the best way to forget a relationship is to start a new relationship.Could it be...

Wang Charlie was stunned and looked at Mu Kongkong in shock, as if he was being struck by lightning, and then he teleported away as if being stabbed by a needle, leaving Mu Kongkong watching him in a daze as if he was running away The back of leaving.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the random task and getting the kiss of true love from Charlie Wang. The task reward: open the pet bar and give a random pet egg as a gift. The points are 500, and the current points are 18451, plus 10 attribute points. The host is awesome~~ Great." Xiao Baozi's soft voice suddenly remembered.

"No, it's true love's kiss with just enough favorability! System, are you showing off..." Mu Kongkong now has doubts about the system's evaluation method, thinking that he got Xiong Ya's first kiss in a random mission. At that time, he had already touched it, so he had to say it didn't matter. This time, if the favorability is only in the [-]s, is it considered a true love kiss?
"Nonono, of course not." In the space, the little bun jumped off the chair, put one hand behind his back, and shook the index finger of the other hand left and right, indicating no." First, solve the host's question. The host's favorability with the host is 90, um, that sweetness just now Added after a kiss."

"Then why didn't you tell me..." Mu Kongkong gritted his teeth.

"Didn't you just remind me to complete the random mission, did you forget?" Xiao Baozi made a shy expression in the space, and casually blew a kiss to Mu Kongkong.

Mu Kongkong vomited in his heart very shamelessly...

"Ahem, Charlie Wang kissed you in a teasing mood at first, but then he couldn't help it, and then he was struggling with whether he fell in love with you. When he was struggling, the principal gave him a forehead needle and put it in the , I just remembered my mission for this trip, so I left in a panic, haha, it’s really funny, haha~" Xiao Baozi rolled happily in the space, clutching his stomach.

"Okay, let's get down to business..." Mu Kongkong recalled the unnatural twitching of the corner of his mouth just now, she thought it was because of her, and for the first time, she lost confidence in herself.

"Okay, the host got 10 attribute points, may I ask the host to allocate them?" Xiao Baozi got up on the ground and patted the dust that didn't exist on his body.

" me the previous attribute, let me take a look." Mukongkong glanced at the chaotic scene outside.It seems that the little bear was attacked, and it seems that Charlie Wang should have drawn blood.

Mu Kongkong slipped outside as unobtrusively as possible.She saw Wang Charlie who also sneaked out at the door, "Wang Charlie? Why are you here?" Mu Kongkong asked pretending to be suspicious.

"Mu Kongkong?!" Charlie Wang didn't expect to see him fleeing with a teleportation, what the hell is going on, am I that ugly?
(End of this chapter)

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