Chapter 283

Xu Guan stared at Bai Lang as if to see his reflection. He actually saw the expression on the second master's face. It must be my mistake. Sure enough, when Bai Lang saw Xu Guan's gaze, Unnaturally, "Ahem, Xuguan, you find a girl with a clean and caring background to take care of Xiaohan."

Sure enough, I was wrong. Why did Second Master have such an expression, "Yes, Second Master."

"Second Master, the hospital is very busy, so I'll leave first. Uh, please change Ms. Du's medicine." The doctor hurried away with Xu Guan who looked puzzled.

The gate of the Bai family~
"Doctor, why did you pull me out?" Xu Guan broke free from the doctor's iron arm.

"Are you stupid? Young man, it's just Mu. You didn't see that the second master's intentions for that girl are clearly for Miss Du. What are we doing there as light bulbs?" The doctor looked at him with contempt , and then worried that this is a member of the Bai family after all, "My hospital is very busy, so I'm leaving." Then he fled the Bai family in despair.

"Xiaohan, the doctor said that your injury is not serious. As long as you take the medicine on time every day, your injury will be basically healed within a month." White Wolf approached Du Xiaohan excitedly with a smile on his face.

"Thank you, Second Master. I'll go home when the injury is almost healed. I've been bothering you so much during this time. I'm sorry for your trouble." Du Xiaohan smiled brightly, but his manners were estranged. dissatisfied.

The water droplets on the shards of the underground glass were crystal clear, and the large water stains reminded what the girl in front of him who wanted to keep a distance from him wanted to do. The white wolf silently poured another glass of water, and ordered his servants to clean up the mess.

"Xiaohan, the doctor's hospital has something to do... I'll give you some medicine." The white wolf looked at Du Xiaohan's round eyes with surprise and his inadvertently opened small cherry mouth in astonishment with satisfaction. "Come on, give me the water glass, and untie your clothes." The white wolf took the water glass that Du Xiaohan swallowed quickly and put it on the bedside table.

"Um... Where's the maid at home? There should be a maid, right?" Du Xiaohan immediately tightened his shirt with a conditioned reflex, crossed his hands around his chest, and just wrote on his face, pervert!You stay away from me.

"Maid, I'm busy and I don't have time." Bai Lang lied casually, as if he forgot that it was the maid who just cleaned the broken glass.I only heard him say: "It's not that I haven't seen it before, but I don't know if my body is as bad as it was five years ago." The white wolf folded his arms and leaned against the edge of the table, his slender right leg resting lightly on the edge of the table. Above the left leg, the corner of his mouth curled up into an evil arc, which is really indescribable... "I owe a beating, really... I really deserve a beating." Du Xiaohan couldn't help roaring loudly in his heart. "Five years ago, he said that I was not in good shape. I didn't beat him, but he actually made an inch of it. System, I can't help it. Shi can be killed, but not humiliated. Go, Picato, go and electrocute him, you white-eyed wolf."

"You are enough, host, following you will lower my IQ, you go, washboard." The voice in his head was soft and soft, but the voice really wanted to kill him.

"Dan Ding, Dang Ding... The world is so beautiful, but I am so irritable, okay?" Then his face changed from a distorted angle to a bright smile like a sunflower.

(End of this chapter)

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