Chapter 284

"Liu Qiqi, are you crazy! Do you know what you're doing?" Kong Kong clenched his fists, his sharp nails were stained with blood, and approached her with gritted teeth.

"Hmph... I'm crazy, and you forced me to be crazy! Song Ning, if I can't get it, you won't get it either. I'd rather destroy it!" Liu Qiqi smiled crazily, slowly Bending down to pick up the vase shards, the sharp shards in your fingertips.

"What do you want to do?"

Kong Kong suddenly remembered that in the original drama, Liu Qiqi cut his wrists with the vase fragments and cut himself, so it seemed that it was Song Ning's fault that caused this incident.

Kong Kong flashed up to her and tried to snatch the shard from her hand. It wasn't until she got close to her that she didn't want to cut her wrist. Cheek, despite dodging, still inevitably left scratches...

"Haha, look at your disfigured face, what are you going to use to seduce Shen An..."

Blood flowed down from the gap between Kong Kong's hands holding his cheek, and wordless anger swept Kong Kong's body, killing her, killing her!Every cell in his body screamed loudly.Her sinister smile appeared in her blood-red eyes, and then she watched her fall on the debris all over the ground, with bright blood flowing from her body...

"Ah, Miss Liu, what's wrong with you? Master, look, what's wrong with Miss Liu?" The sharp cry almost pierced through the entire roof, and Sasha ran in in panic.


Shen An, who arrived quickly, ran up to her and hugged her carefully, caressing her cheek gently, "Qiqi, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me..."

"...I'm's Qiqi's fault, you shouldn't break into the palace, don't blame the young woman..." The weak Liu Qiqi stretched out her fingers and gently wrote these lines on Shen An's palm... ...lived up to the expected coma...

"Song Ning! Tell me what you did? Even if there is something wrong with Qiqi, you can't just fight with a weak person like this. This is your so-called general demeanor!" Shen An hasn't heard the explanation yet, so he doesn't understand In fact, the result has been judged in this way!Standing up, he strongly accused Kong Kong.

"I didn't do anything. It was she who insisted on living in Zhen'er's Quexia Palace and made a mess here. She scratched my face and she fell down by herself! All I have to say is this, you Will you believe it?."

Kong Kong looked at him straight, determined to wait for his answer, but Shen An passed her gaze, "What do you want me to believe, but when I came here, I clearly saw that you pushed to Qiqi, you If you want me to believe your nonsense, I still believe what I see!"

Kongkong smiled sarcastically, she obviously already knew the answer, but she still held inexplicable expectations, it was ridiculous.Reaching out to tear off the corner of the underwear, biting his fingers, he wrote a few lines of bloody books and threw them to Shen An, "Shen An, the fate between you and me as a husband and wife ends here, and there will be a period later. When we meet again, we will meet each other in battle!"

All of a sudden, the dagger in his hand was out of his body with lightning speed, and with all his strength, he shot Liu Qiqi's face, the blood flowed continuously, and Liu Qiqi woke up yelling!The lively appearance was the appearance of just fainting, and Shen An's face suddenly turned black like ashes at the bottom of a pot.

"Shen An, this is the woman you cherish..." Kongkong's figure had disappeared, and these words echoed in the air, every word and every word.

That's right, could this be the woman he cherished, held in his palm like a jewel in his palm, knowing that she was lying to him, but he couldn't make up his mind to break away from her, because when he was blind, during that time not only It was the whole person, even the heart, that sank into the bottomless abyss, it was Liu Qiqi's meticulous care that gave him the determination and hope to live on, the lighthouse in the darkness, he didn't want to go out no matter what.

"Qiqi, is this really you? Why did that innocent and kind girl become what she is now? Didn't she live in a thatched hut with rough clothes and simple food? Isn't she just as happy? Now you live in the bedroom I don’t know how many times better than before? People’s hearts are like this, you don’t know how to be satisfied, he has already changed your face completely. You go back, besides, I don’t want to see you!” Shen An got up and shook his head in disappointment, looking up and down She obviously looks the same as before, but the inside is already rotten.

At this time, not far away, as for the stone pillar, a white figure flashed past, and quickly ran in the direction where Kong Kong left.

Kong Kong, remember your current changes, because no matter how you change, when you know the ins and outs of things, you are still you, the kind and principled Kong Kong.

"Brother, it's me, Ah Ning." Kong Kong, who was running fast in the dark night, stopped in front of a not-so-luxurious mansion, looked left and right, found no one was following him, climbed over the wall and entered, stopped in the master bedroom and knocked. knocked on the door.

"Ah Ning, how is it? Did things go well?" Knowing that it was A Ning's elder brother who quickly got dressed, the two had a secret meeting in the middle of the room.

"Brother, everything has been prepared. Liu Qiqi from Shen An's family has messed up the princess' bedroom. At that time, we can strongly condemn them for disrespecting our Princess Wei, framing and pro-princess. At that time, under these banners, restore us The regime of the Wei State is just around the corner, and the rest is up to the eldest brother." Kong Kong sat aside with a tired expression on his face, but his eyes sparkled.

(End of this chapter)

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