Chapter 285

"Shall I go now? Let me go home and take a rest before going. Look at my dark circles, just like that national treasure giant panda. How embarrassing it is for you to let me go." Kong Kong stretched her arms forward. head, begrudgingly accusing the two big dark circles on the eyes.

"You, what can I say? Wouldn't it be better to realize that you have Mr. Xiao in your heart now? You see, we just came back from the set and rushed here non-stop. Some people say that you are more affectionate than pearls?" Jason couldn't help crying, and gave her a hard look.

"Listening to what you say is better than ten years of reading, Jason, I really can't tell at ordinary times, I'm sorry, I underestimated you, let's go, send me to the psychic company." Think carefully about what Jason said It's still very reasonable, it's best to use bitter tricks or something.

"It's not hopeless, you should be more careful!" Just as the traffic lights ahead were clear, Jason pushed the accelerator to the end, and turned at the intersection ahead to the psychic company.

"Hello, I'm looking for you Mr. Xiao." Kong Kong said in a low voice, taking off his hat and the sunglasses that covered half of his face.

"Hello, Ms. Gao Wen, you are Mr. Xiao's girlfriend, so you don't need to make an appointment, you can go directly to Mr. Xiao's office." Feeling very excited.

"Okay, thank you." For such a rule, Kongkong is still happy in his heart. At least it shows that he is treated differently from others. Kongkong likes to be special. Being special means being different, and it also means caring.

The screen shifts to the hospital...

"Hi, I'm the family member of Lei Yiming just now, where is he and how is he?" Mi Duo rushed to the hospital in a hurry.

"Hello, please wait a moment." The appointment lady looked up the registration book and looked up at her, but just now she was out of politeness, but now her eyes are full of disgust and dissatisfaction, "Lei Yiming’s family? This morning, Lei Yiming was found lying in the car with the window open. If the sanitation workers hadn’t discovered it in time and called 120, his life would be in danger now. Preliminary examination revealed that the patient had ingested too much alcohol, which caused alcohol poisoning, and last night, he had a high fever of more than 40 degrees, and the patient did not go home so late, so no one cares about it?" The last sentence is obvious It was for Mido.

"Sorry, I was delayed by something yesterday, where is my friend now, can I go and see him?" Mi Duo bit his lower lip halfway, with tears in his eyes.It's all because of her, in order to take care of Mr. Xiao last night, she left the matter of Lei Yiming out of the blue, otherwise he wouldn't be like this now.Mi Duo admit it, you are a person who forgets friends when he sees sex.

Under the reluctant guidance of Miss Appointment, Mi Duo finally arrived at Lei Yiming's ward.

"Miss Gao? Why are you here? Aren't you busy filming recently? Mr. Xiao just went out, otherwise you wait a while, I'll get you coffee." Qi Yu, who was sorting out documents in the office, heard the sound and looked up It turned out to be Gao Wen who had disappeared for a long time. "Okay, I'll wait for him here for a while." Kong Kong didn't expect such an unfortunate coincidence. At first, Kong Kong was still thinking, after such a long cold war, did she come to the psychic company like this today, does it mean that she was the first to be low? How can I talk to Xiao Liang in a while?It seems that there is no rush now, there is plenty of time, so think slowly.

Qi Yu put down his coffee, closed the door politely and went out.Kong Kong was quietly waiting for Xiao Liang in the tidy and clean office.But Xiao Liang still didn't come. He was very sleepy when he was empty, but now that he was quiet, he was even more sleepy.Thinking that I still had a task to do, I couldn't be sleepy, so I beat my head lightly, groped my way to the rooftop, and at this moment, I woke up with the cold wind blowing.

"You actually admitted in front of so many reporters, your relationship with that woman, how do you let others see our company? Do you still have my father in your heart?"

As soon as Kong Kong stepped onto the rooftop, he heard a Roaring Emperor shouting angrily, what's the matter, do you want to go over... Forget it, let's leave, it's not good to eavesdrop on other people's speech like this.However, just as she turned around, she heard another sentence.

"Dad, you can talk about business or private matters. If it's my personal emotional problem, then let me tell you that Gao Wen and I are very good, and there is nothing to be sorry for the company and Dad."

Xiao Liang's voice, and it's about his own affairs, no, he can't leave at this time, it's about his own affairs, how can he leave?Let's just listen... So Kong Kong did a very obscene thing, lying on the side and listening to the corner...

In short, after listening to Kong Kong so much, he finally understood that Xiao Liang's father, Xiao Zhendong, the chairman of the psychic company, thought that Xiao Liang should not be with him, a female star in the entertainment industry, because it would both It will affect the company's image, and it will make people feel that Xiao Liang's private life is indiscreet. As a chairman and a father, he does not allow Sales to be with Gao Wen...

But Xiao Liang believes that the matter between him and Gao Wen, Yu Gong will not affect the company's image, but can increase the company's performance. Yu private does not want her father to interfere in her private life.

(End of this chapter)

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