Chapter 286

"Why bring this up again?" Zhihou retorted in a low voice, trying to get Kong Kong to stop talking about his embarrassing things.

"Okay, let's not mention it. To be honest, Zhihou has really grown up, so I can leave with peace of mind..." Kongkong laughed, the teasing look on his face gradually faded, and it was stained with nostalgia , eyes half down, fiddling with his fingers boredly.

"Leave, where are you going?" Hearing Kong Kong said that he would not tease himself, and then heard two words, the important two words, leave, these two words are as heavy as Mount Tai, and they are so heavy on him heart.The blushing cheeks turned pale in an instant, and the palms trembled unconsciously.

"Go to Paris, France. After my junior high school studies are over, I plan to go abroad for further study and fulfill my dream." Kongkong turned to look at Zhihou, his dark eyes looked straight into Zhihou's eyes, in the In the silver ocean, Kongkong sees attachment, fear, reluctance, sadness, loneliness...

"Dream, what is your dream? Do you have to go to Paris to realize it? You can also accomplish it in Korea." Zhihou hurriedly grabbed Kongkong's hand, his voice was trembling, and his eagerness was not the same. Words can explain.

"Chihou, you have also seen the situation just now. What do you think we can teach us in the school of our entire mythology series? The etiquette of the nobles? The etiquette and power of the nobles cannot be violated? Or how to use the power in your own hands? Power to better harm others to gain more benefits? What I want is not these, I want to use my own efforts to fulfill my dream." Kong Kong stood up and broke away from Zhihou's hand, pointing at everything around him, The darkest aspects of this school were cut open and placed in front of him one by one.

"I know what you said, dream, dream, what exactly is the dream you are talking about?" Zhihou followed her to get up, with a somewhat impatient expression, and now his heart is very anxious.

"You know, my parents' careers have been influenced by them since I was a child, and becoming an international lawyer who helps the poor and fights for the interests of the disadvantaged is my dream, a lifelong dream!" Kong Kong felt the anxiety in Zhihou's heart, But she had to say that if there were no comparisons to him in many things, he would rather hide in his hard shell than face reality.

It's like now she has to do this all the time, forcing Zhihou to think clearly, what is the feeling for her?Love is something else.

"I know, I know everything, but can you abandon me for this belief? Can't you stay for me? Min Ruixian..." Zhihou rubbed her shoulders with his hands, and his gray eyes were straight Staring into his eyes, I want to see something in it, but there is guilt and determination in it, but the only thing that is not there is nostalgia...

Min Ruixian, this is the first time Yin Zhihou has called her by her name so seriously since she was a child. The shoulders that are being held tightly hurt, but Kongkong knows that these pains are from He Zhihou's heart The pain is equal, Kong Kong understands his feelings for him, leaving Kong Kong now will make him surrounded by loneliness again, but sorry...she has a reason to leave...

"Zhihou, I'm sorry..." Kong Kong endured the pain from his shoulders, "It's not like I won't come, after three to five years, when I finish my studies, I'll be back..." Kong Kong acted as if nothing had happened. Smiling easily, he patted his shoulder.

"No, I don't want you to leave, Ruixian..." The hoarse voice with the tune of the last character was completely buried in the ambiguous atmosphere of the two people's lips and teeth.

The fear in his heart dominated his manly instincts, trying to find an exit anxiously, the smile on Kong Kong's face hadn't faded, he was pulled back to his thoughts by the hot and soft temperature on his lips, crazy, anxious, it was more like a kiss than a kiss The pain of being bitten, the teeth slamming on the lips, can be vaguely detected, and the smell of rust spreads in the mouth, this is a crazy little beast...

Kongkong sighed secretly, hey, although it was the first kiss, but as a boy, his skills need to be improved...

"Hey, I'm sorry... I..." After running wildly for a while, looking at the back of the man who was running away in a panic, leaving Kong Kong messed up in the wind, he touched his lips that were still burning and hurting.Uh, what's the situation, please, you took advantage of me, okay?Honey, what are you doing?Well, it's confusing, you have to think about it carefully.

Pack your clothes and get ready to go home...

When the lights came on, Zhihou wandered alone in the crowded streets, following the flow of people, but his head was always in a state of confusion.

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the surroundings, and the consciousness gradually came to him. He wanted to see what was happening around him. Suddenly, there was a pain in the back of his head, and he fainted as soon as his eyes went dark...

(End of this chapter)

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