Chapter 287

"Boss! Is this really what you want to say?" Gu Xiaobai shook off Du Feng's hand who was holding him beside him, desperately wanting to see the man in front of him wearing his brother's face...

"Xiaobai, don't be impulsive, Xiang Hao doesn't mean that!" Du Feng felt that he had no chance to intervene in the conversation between the two, so he could only persuade the tense atmosphere between the two to calm down gradually. .

"Ah...Everyone has something to do, go get busy here, it's fine here, the instructor will take care of it, let's go..." Qian Baobao, who was watching the excitement, saw that things seemed to be going in a bad direction, and then persuaded other students to leave .Don't watch the excitement, once the principal finds out, then this matter will be a big deal. The point is, who knows if Xiao Han will become angry and tell the truth directly to the principal. At that time, he will be the one who can't eat and walk around...

"Boss, tell me the truth, is this really your truth!" Gu Xiaobai's eyes widened in disbelief, his face was calm, and there was a loud roar at the end of his voice. In fact, his heart was gradually collapsing. Gu Xiaobai His thoughts are very simple, he is a simple and sensitive big boy, he habitually uses cheerful and heartless personality to cover up himself, and habitually relies on Xiang Hao, but now these things seem to be slowly collapsing... …

Xiang Hao didn't know why just now, those words just came out of his mouth, he didn't think about the harm it would do to Xiaobai at all, he only knew that those things that could make Liu Lu, the woman he hated, sad, and things that made her sad, he didn't Never tired of it.So he turned his head in silence...

Gu Xiaobai gave a wry smile, but after all he didn't say anything, turned around and ran away... Du Feng sighed deeply, and chased after him...

"Xiang Hao! When did you become so unreasonable! Do you really want to let everyone betray you?" Shen Wentao watched helplessly as he forced away his best brother in the past. How difficult is the brotherhood? fragile?
"What did you say?" Xiang Hao knew that he shouldn't treat Xiaobai like this. It's one thing to say it himself, but it's another thing to be accused by others. His face was gloomy, and he looked like he was ready to pounce The wild beast, no, the beast.

"I said, Shaohua and I were both blind. At the beginning, Shaohua sacrificed his life, and the brothers I thought would be able to live and die were exactly the same. What made you so unrecognizable, good and evil? Min, you have always been so self-righteous, you don’t think about other people, I regret it, Shaohua and I should never have known you at all! In this way, Shaohua doesn’t have to die at all!” If you don’t die in silence, you erupt in silence After all, Shen Wentao couldn't bear it anymore, and came to him in a few steps, so fast that Xiang Hao almost didn't react, and was knocked down by him with a punch.

"Shut up, you are the sinner, you are the murderer who killed Shaohua, I said I don't want to know you! I will not forgive you!" Xiang Hao's scarlet tongue licked the blood at the corner of his mouth, and rushed Go forward and wrestle with Shen Wentao.

"I'm a sinner, don't be ridiculous, have you forgotten, who was dragging us to mine clearance at the beginning, it was you, that person, it was you!" Shen Wentao kicked him hard, as if I want to vent all my anger over the past year...

"I'm a sinner, because I listened to Shaohua's words and pulled you away and let you live, so am I a sinner? Don't be ridiculous, Xiang Hao! Could it be that if it was in that situation, would you be a sinner?" I stepped on a thunderbolt, and you would watch me die when I was still your brother! It was the four of us who died there together, and you fucking felt that I was not a sinner! Ahh!"

Shen Wentao's words are undoubtedly not a thunderbolt to Xiang Hao. He is beyond recognition. Shen Wentao's words are very true. He tore up the bloody cruelty that he has been most afraid of this year, and put it in front of him. Not even given a chance!
In the end, it was Xiang Hao who was severely beaten by Shen Wentao, knocked down on the ground, panting like a fish out of water, struggling desperately on the dry land...

"Wentao, are you okay..." On the bench, Kongkong was carefully helping Shen Wentao with a bruised nose and swollen face.

"Well, it's okay, I just remembered what happened when Shaohua was still there before, and the things at that time are really vivid in my memory..." Shen Wentao was immersed in the past and couldn't extricate himself.

"I know, you blame yourself for this matter, just like what I said last time, no matter who it was at the time, they would do this, so you have to live well for him and take good care of him for him My younger sister and mother." Kong Kong stretched out his hand and gently rubbed his head, felt the hard hair in his palm, and let him lean on his shoulder, who said that a man does not flick his tears easily, but not to the point of sadness , so what Kong Kong has to do is to give him a gentle support.

"Well, I know what you said. Last time I secretly went to see Shaohua's home. It was very poor. I realized how wrong I was. Because I couldn't bear the accusations from his sister and mother, I kept running away from him." I was wrong, I failed Shaohua's expectations..." Shen Wentao recalled the old mother who was old, frail, blind, and bullied at Shaohua's home last time, and his eyes couldn't help but burst into tears. sore……

"It doesn't matter. Knowing the mistakes can make things better. Let's go see the aunt in a while." Kongkong comforted. During this time, because of Kongkong's reminder and persuasion, Shen Wentao completely protected Xue Shaohua's family within the sphere of influence of the Shen family. People who dare to bully, see a doctor for the aunt, hire someone to take care of them, they can do almost everything. If this is the case, there may be very few Xue Shaoqi blackened...

(End of this chapter)

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