Chapter 296

Mu Kongkong obediently accepted the people at the flower party, dressed himself up, and obediently put on the bright red wedding dress. Mu Kongkong reached out and brushed the dignified phoenix embroidered with golden silk thread on the wedding dress. "It's also good to try the wedding dresses from the Republic of China once in a while."

Mu Kongkong stared at himself in the mirror, his thoughts drifted away.

President Hua sent her to the sedan chair, and four tall and mighty flower farmers dressed in red and festively dressed her up to Mowang Ridge, and then left.Mu Kongkong knew that they were all ordered to guard the intersection up the mountain in case someone disrupted the event.

Mu Kongkong stayed quietly in the small space on the side of the sedan chair.There is no danger in replacing Le Yan by myself, after all, in the original drama, Le Yan is on the Demon King’s Ridge, and the Japanese want to use the pretext of the Demon King’s marriage to bring Le Yan back to Japan to work for the Japanese.They did carry guns.I don't know if Ning Zhiyuan will come back.Mu Kongkong poked his head out quietly to observe the situation. As night fell, there were occasional howls of wolves in the distance. There was no one around, and it was quiet. I just don't know if it was the calm before the storm, or... Mu Kongkong Shivering, he shook his head in protest, expressing that he didn't want to die here.

Mu Kongkong planned to find a quiet place to hide first, saving his life was the most important thing.

"Ding, warning, there is danger approaching, please be careful to the host. Ding, the male lead is approaching, please seize this opportunity, the host."

Mu Kongkong, who was carrying the skirt and was about to run away, complained that the skirt looked good, but it was too cumbersome. When running for his life, who cares whether the clothes he wears look good?At this time, Xiao Baozi's voice came from her mind, which startled her. She looked around vigilantly, but the night was too dark, and there were rustling sounds from the woods not far away, before he could turn around. Come, a person dressed in a red robe and dressed as a queen led a group of little ghosts, rushed up, Mu Kongkong lifted the corner of his skirt and fled in a panic, but was quickly caught up, directly tied her hands, and her eyes were also red The ribbon was tied, and a handkerchief was stuffed in her mouth, "Uh...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" She was pushed into the sedan chair vigorously, and then she felt that the sedan chair was being lifted up.

If it weren't for the system prompt in my mind, I should be very flustered now. I only heard a gunshot outside, and a corner of the sedan chair fell. The next moment, as the sedan chair was put down heavily, Mu Kongkong wanted to vomit, the damned Japanese, if he didn't understand, he would feel sorry for him.

"Empty?! Are you alright?" Ning Zhiyuan who was outside the sedan chair slowly approached the sedan chair with a gun in his hand, and asked worriedly.

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Mu Kongkong heard Ning Zhiyuan's voice, and tried his best to make the sound himself.

Hearing the sound, Ning Zhiyuan felt that something was wrong, holding the gun in his hand, stepped back vigilantly, and then quickly got into the sedan chair.

"Kong Kong, sit a little closer." After hearing this, Mu Kongkong moved a distance to one side until he touched the corner of the sedan chair.

Ning Zhiyuan got into the sedan chair, took off the devil mask on his face, and then turned to look over.

The woman in the sedan chair is dressed in a wedding dress like fire, a golden phoenix spreads its wings on bright red silk, and her black hair, which is as smooth as a waterfall, is scattered behind her in a patchwork pattern. Vermilion painted plum blossoms, and the eyes were covered with bright red ribbons, making her palm-sized face look even whiter.With an off-white handkerchief stuffed in his mouth, it couldn't conceal his delicate makeup, and his fair and slender hands were tied with thick red strings. Ning Zhiyuan had always known that Mu Kongkong was very beautiful, but he had never been as thrillingly beautiful as he is now.

"Woooo..." Mu Kongkong thought to himself, what is going on with Ning Zhiyuan, is he stupid?Don't untie me yet.Mu Kongkong's voice awakened Ning Zhiyuan who was intoxicated. He touched his nose unnaturally, untied the red string that tied her hands, and then took off the handkerchief that blocked her mouth. Following the handkerchief, he pulled it out. A silver transparent thread, Ning Zhiyuan's fiery eyes fell on her vermilion lips, which immediately became deep.

Mu Kongkong, whose mouth can finally speak, just wanted to take off the ribbon on his eyes, and then wanted to say, let's leave quickly, before everything came, a force from the back of his head pushed himself forward, and then belonged to Ning The breath of Zhiyuan's sunshine surrounded and painted the whole space, Ning Zhiyuan kissed her lips, the indescribably wonderful touch from his soft lips made him slowly intoxicated, slowly drawing the line of her lips, Then slowly penetrated, sweeping everything about her domineeringly.The dense and lingering breath permeated the entire sedan chair.

"Ding, there is danger approaching, please be careful of the host, don't be intoxicated by beauty." The prompt in her mind made Mu Kongkong the first to realize that there were enemies outside, and she struggled to push Ning Zhiyuan away.Then, with an unnatural expression, he pulled off the ribbon covering his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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