Chapter 297

"Calm down, host, tell me, he's not because you're ugly... um, not... ahem, host your attribute information. Host, name: Mu Kongkong Age: 20 (modifiable) Gender: Female (may be modified) Revise)


"If the attribute point is 10, first of all, the body is 5, the appearance is 2, and the luck is 3." Looking at his attribute points, Mu Kongkong still feels that there are many unsatisfactory things, such as body, and luck...


"Okay, the system, can the function of one-line lead be transferred." If the system didn't remind her, she really forgot that there is still one-line lead.

"Well, it is possible in principle. There are up to three objects, but their functions will be reduced a lot."

"Okay, I'll transfer the function of the lead, part of it to the bracelet Wang Charlie picked up when we first met, and part of it to Xiaoyang's necklace on Xiong Ya's body." Mu Kongkong's eyes flashed with a kind of determination to win. of light.

"Yes, the function is being transferred...Ding, the function has been successfully transferred..."

"Good job little bun." If the little bun assassin was in front of her, she would definitely hug him and ravage his tender little face to her heart's content.

"Okay, the host has opened the pet column, whether the host hatches random pet eggs." The little bun raised his head proudly.

"Yes, but Xiao Baozi, do you know what this pet is?" Mu Kongkong looked at the pet egg that was hanging in his mind, exuding a glowing green color and bigger than Xiao Baozi.

"I don't know, because this pet egg is random, and we won't know until it hatches three months later." Xiao Baozi surrounded the pet egg and knocked curiously. In the meantime, the pet egg seemed to respond. Dodge to one side.This aroused the little bun's vindictiveness, and he rolled up his non-existent sleeves, and rushed towards the pet egg with his eyes blazing.

"Three months? Well, you continue to struggle..." Mu Kongkong couldn't help shaking his head with black lines on his face.

What she is more curious about now is what will happen to the appearance of 2. She picks up the phone and turns on the camera in front of the camera. Seeming to be a little more enlightened, she opened her eyes wide and pursed her lips slightly, "Kacha" Mu Kongkong's cute selfie was born.The self in the photo seems to be a little different, why, the dark eyes are flowing, and the eyes seem to be a little more charming.

"Hehe, Kong Kong also likes to take selfies?..." A familiar laugh came from behind him.

Mu Kongkong turned around unnaturally, "Little bear?!" and hid the phone behind him.Complaining in his heart, Yixianqian's function has weakened, and even Xiao Baozi is not doing his duty.Tired of chasing pet eggs, the sweaty and panting little bun lay on the gun.

"Why are you hiding it? It's not a good shot... Come to Kongkong, let's take a picture." Xiong Ya took out his phone and turned on the front camera, raised his left hand forward, and stretched out his hand to embrace Mu Kongkong.

"Eh..." Mu Kongkong was held in his arms in astonishment, thinking that only Wang Charlie and Xiaoyang showed affection in the play, didn't it make him very envious.So he posed very cooperatively, and even slightly twitched the corners of his mouth.

"Kong Kong?" Mu Kongkong, who was in a good pose, was suddenly called by Xiong Ya. When she turned around, Xiong Ya squatted down slightly. Because of the close distance between the two of them taking pictures, Mu Kongkong kissed his fair cheek directly, with a "click" The picture freezes from then on... In the photo, the girl's wine-red curly long hair is gently pinned behind her ears, revealing a palm-sized delicate side face. Her eyes are slightly closed and her slender eyelashes are slightly curled up. She gently kisses the boy's cheek. The boy's golden The middle-length hair was pulled back, revealing a smooth forehead. The boy smiled happily, revealing his pointed canine teeth. His amber eyes slowly pampered him. The whole picture was harmonious, making people feel happy and warm. .

"Ding, the hero Wang Charlie's favorability towards Yin Xiaofeng is 70, the host, hurry up and cheer up." Mu Kongkong returned to his home and was about to take a bath, his undressed hand paused, and continued randomly, his own was already 90 ,do not be afraid.

"Ding, the hero Wang Charlie has a favorable opinion of Yin Xiaofeng at 80, the host please pay attention." Mu Kongkong's fluke mentality had to stop, and she recalled in her heart that the plot should be that Yin Xiaofeng and Wang Charlie went to the principal together.Sure enough, the heroine and the hero cannot be given any chance to contact each other. As long as there is a chance, the heroine and the hero will have a spark.

"System, let's first increase the first-line function of Wang Charlie's bracelet... wait a while for the average." Mu Kongkong stopped the movement of undressing his hands.

"Okay." Xiao Baozi paused for a while, then said randomly, "Okay."

Location change~
Black Sky Gang, Wang Charlie's room...

Charlie Wang was leaning halfway on the bed, thinking about what the headmaster said tonight, that the sick bear was demonized, and Xiao Yang's death might also be related to him.Then...Will Mu Kongkong be in danger...Thinking of Mu Kongkong, he remembered that night at Ding Dang's house, that kiss, that heartbeat...He suddenly came to his senses, shaking his head violently, "No, that must be a hallucination, It is impossible for me to betray Xiaoyang...she just looks a lot like Xiaoyang..."

At this time, a bracelet in a corner beside the bed was flowing with a charming red color. Charlie Wang got up curiously and picked up the bracelet to look at it. It was Xiaoyang who didn't die, so it must have been Mu Kongkong that he met at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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