Chapter 488

"Shut up, Nizi, when did you have the right to speak here? Have all these years of upbringing been eaten by dogs? Why don't you come over here and apologize to Xiao Han!" Xiang Shaoda stood up and the crutch in his hand slammed " Bump" sound, roaring full of energy.

"Father, just give up on this idea. I won't marry her. I came back today to explain it to you. Xiao Han also agreed. She is willing to retire. Dad, the twisted melon is not sweet. The person I like is not her!" I thought that Xiang Hao would restrain himself a little bit under Xiang Shaoda's aura, but now it seems that this is not the case at all, isn't it his style to commit crimes against the wind?

Kong Kong sat on the chair so dignifiedly and watched the Xiang family's father and son arguing, blushing and neck thick. It seems that Xiang Hao's temper is also inherited. Watching people fight is a lot of fun...

"You! You scoundrel, are you trying to piss me off? Xiao Han must have agreed because of your relationship. Don't think I don't know you. The thief you liked in your military academy is so morally corrupt. How could I let her into our Xiang family with peace of mind, don't even think about it, marry Xiao Han obediently, I can let you two have the same size, otherwise, don't blame me, don't miss love It's time to meet!" Xiang Shaoda has been dealing with his stubborn son for so many years, and he also understands his temperament. Even a few cows with a stubborn temper can't be pulled over, but he will never let the fat slip away. ...

"Master, don't be impulsive, young master, you just agree, don't make the master angry..." The adjutant was circling between the two, but it's a pity that they are both stubborn people, how could they agree so easily?Looking at the big-eyed father and son in the hall, they shook their heads helplessly.

"Heh..." The small laughter could be heard very clearly in this silent hall, after all, Kong Kong couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud, "Uncle Xiang, why are you doing this, Uncle Xiang must have received my father's letter." The letter to dissolve the engagement, since Xiang Hao doesn't like me, how can I have the heart to force it, Uncle Xiang, it's getting late, I have class tomorrow, so I won't bother you."

"Okay, Adjutant Liu will send Miss Xiao back to the military academy." Xiang Shaoda replied with a gloomy face.Seeing Xiao Han politely bid farewell to them and left.With a sigh, he had already received the contract termination letter. If he hadn't received it, he wouldn't have been in such a hurry to get the two of them married.

In Dragon City, there is a three-legged situation, everyone wants to break this restrictive situation, and the three forces are ready to move. At this time, if they can marry the Xiao family, it will be even more powerful, so why not worry about it.However, this useless thing insists on picking up fish eyes as pearls, and discarding real treasures like shoes...

"Now, are you satisfied?" Reluctantly, he knocked on the floor with his cane, looked at his son with obvious relaxation and smile on his face, and said bitterly.

"No, I just feel that this Xiao Han is very knowledgeable about current affairs, not bad. Dad, I know you care about the power of the Xiao family, don't worry if I'm here, I will definitely be the captain of the Jiying team. I can feel proud now, and I don't care about the power of the Xiao family." Seeing that his father's attitude softened, Xiang Hao hurried forward to pinch his shoulders and hammer his waist.

"Whoever asked you to come here, kneel down! Do you think the Xiao family's power is so small that even the commander-in-chief will give way to three points when he sees the Xiao family? We are married to the Shen family, and our Xiang family is just waiting for its downfall, when the time comes, we will all have to drink Xifeifeng!"

When Xiang Shaoda heard Xiang Hao's words, he couldn't help getting angry, "Slap!" He slapped him hard on the face, and finally warned, "Xiang Hao, don't think you are my Xiang Shaoda's son. I can't do anything to you, for the benefit of the Xiang family, go, go back to your military academy and let Xiao Han change his mind, otherwise, you and your Qian Baobao will die without a place to die! What happened today is a lesson!"

Xiang Hao's face was ashen ashes on the ground, his cheeks were red and swollen, and the corners of his mouth were bloody. Looking at the key that Xiang Shaoda dropped on the ground before he left, his pupils shrank slightly, and a rare look of fear appeared on his face. He grabbed the key and hurriedly run out.

This is the key to the warehouse in the backyard. He knows this key very well. This is the place where the Xiang family punishes prisoners and traitors. Why did they give him this key? The last thing I said, it's over, baby.

Xiang Hao ran to the backyard desperately, praying in his heart that nothing would happen to the baby, trembling, he opened the door with the key, and Qian Baobao fell to the ground covered in blood.

"Baby, are you okay, don't scare me, baby, I'm Xiang Hao!" Xiang Hao anxiously picked up Qian Baobao and rushed to the hospital.

The results of the final examination showed that both arms were wounded by gunshot wounds, leaving scars and sequelae. In the future, it will be impossible to use the arms flexibly. The face was injured, and there were symptoms of cerebral hemorrhage.

(End of this chapter)

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