Chapter 489

Although Papa Mu looked deserted on the surface, he still cared about his daughter very much in his heart. After the college entrance examination, Mu Kongkong called Papa Mu. As a result, Papa Mu had already driven to the door this morning. After finishing everything, Auntie helped clean up. Kong Kong saluted, and then, Kong Kong and Papa Mu embarked on the journey to Shanghai.

Lying empty-handedly outside the car window, looking at the fast-receding trees outside the window, the occasional passing vehicle whizzed by, the straight road just stretched infinitely, as if he didn't know where the right direction was...

Does love really have right and wrong?Just now Xiao Baozi reminded Kong Kong that Li Bala is dead, just like in the original drama, this silly girl, in the eyes of others, still gave her most innocent love to Zhang Yang, in order to have a better future in BJ, Zhang Yang and Jiang Jiao, a rich girl, endured humiliation, and under Jiang Jiao's persecution, they uttered a sentence. It was precisely because of this sentence that Bara wanted to ask Zhang Yang about the authenticity of the matter regardless of the heavy rain. , was hit by a car and died...

Although Li Bala has been wandering around the bars, Li Bala is not the bus in everyone's mind. She also hopes that someone can really like and understand her, but Zhang Yang's words directly shattered her illusion ...Li Bala, smelly woman...

"This Li Bala is quite pitiful." Kong Kong sighed regretfully after hearing the news about Xiao Baozi.

"Yes, host, but, if you think about Xu Yi in the original drama, you will know that she is actually very pitiful, but Xu Yi is even more innocent." Little Baozi resolutely defended his mission's original intention and did not let the host waver in the slightest.

"Okay, I understand. This is also the meaning of my decision to leave Xu Yi without saying goodbye. Since the two people were inseparable before, it is no longer enough to increase the favorability. It is better to take a step back. Distance creates beauty. After college, Xu Yi's favorability may be Just go up." Kong Kong let himself lean on the back seat in a relaxed manner, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

More than two months later...Shanghai Fudan University welcomes new students...

Papa Mu sent Kongkong to the school gate, and then left. Recently, there have been a series of incidents in the company.Even sending Kong Kong to school came in time.

Kong Kong obediently waved goodbye to Papa Mu. Kong Kong wore a simple white T-shirt, jeans, and white casual shoes. Although the hair on his forehead was parted on both sides of his cheeks, his palm-sized face was even more compact and delicate. With black hair as long as her waist, and a grass-green suitcase beside her, the whole person is quiet and beautiful, exuding a gentle atmosphere, and the seniors who are busy with welcoming new students are all eager to try...

Kong Kong smiled warmly without hesitation, followed a shy senior to his department, completed all the formalities, and then the senior eagerly took Kong Kong's suitcase and sent Kong Kong to the dormitory.

Kong Kong was evading it for a while, when the phone rang, Kong Kong saw that it was Xu Yi who hadn't contacted him for a whole vacation, Xu Yi was really able to hold on, "Hello..."

"Kongkong, it's me. Where are you? Have you come to school? I'll look for you..." Xu Yi's low voice came from the other side of the phone, full of exhaustion.

"Well, I'm going to the dormitory, is this place, wait a minute..." Kong Kong looked at the iconic buildings around Ken, except for the teaching building, and then asked the senior in front, "Senior, what are we doing here?" place..."

"Ah, I just came out of your literature school..."

There was another boy's voice on the phone, Xu Yi didn't listen to him and grabbed the key words, Xu Yi on the other end of the phone frowned slightly, and said, "Wait for me where I am."

Kongkong looked at the phone that was hung up in his hand, he was a little bit dumbfounded, the senior was eager to try, wanted to ask what happened, Kong Kong had no choice but to apologize to the senior, and then euphemistically said that it was his classmate who came to find her, and asked the senior to go first busy.

More than ten minutes later, Xu Yi appeared, and Kongkong took a closer look. The Xu Yi at this time was very different from before. The previous Xu Yi was a clean and sunny boy, so the person in front of him now is a mature, wise and stable man. , with a clean and fair face, showing a sharp-edged indifference; dark and deep eyes, full of mature wisdom, with some clearly visible blue-black eyes, he is very tired, this is the second thing Kong Kong read from Xu Yi's body. feeling.

Kong Kong concealed his surprise well, but Xu Yi, who had been paying attention to Kong Kong's every move, had a panoramic view, silently pulled Kong Kong's suitcase, and left first.

"Follow me." A deep and beautiful voice like a cello came, breaking Kong Kong's daze. If it wasn't for the little bun who knew that Xu Yi's affection for her was still 95, Kong Kong would have thought that her affection for her was just 70. [-]. What exactly happened to make Xu Yi change so drastically.

(End of this chapter)

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