I became the god of light.

Chapter 397 The Dream of Annihilation

Chapter 397 The Dream of Annihilation
Su Yun found that he was actually standing in space at this moment.

"Why did you have this dream?"

He glanced at the blue planet under his feet again, full of doubts in his heart.

After an unknown amount of time, looking at the dark and lonely starry sky, he suddenly noticed something, and his expression changed slightly.

Turning his head suddenly, Su Yun fixed his eyes on one direction.

In addition to planets, there are also floating meteorites in the solar system.

Given how much he surpassed ordinary people, in his eyesight comparable to that of a telescope, a yellow meteorite of nearly a hundred kilometers suddenly changed direction and was rushing towards this side!
"how is this possible!"

Su Yun's first reaction was astonishment, feeling something was wrong in his heart.

In his induction, the direction of the meteorite should not be here, why did it suddenly turn?
The speed of the meteorite seems to be getting faster and faster, and the target is directly aimed at the earth under Su Yun's feet.

His face changed.

According to his visual inspection, this yellow meteorite is nearly a hundred kilometers too small, probably compared to the size of several cities.

Not to mention its weird acceleration, but its size, if it hits the earth, the creatures on the earth will definitely usher in a mass extinction!
You must know that in the Cretaceous period more than 6000 million years ago, the meteorite that destroyed the dinosaurs was only ten kilometers in size. The size of this meteorite alone is nearly ten times that of the one that destroyed the dinosaurs!
With current human science and technology, it is impossible to intercept such a large meteorite!
If there is no accident, after this huge meteorite falls, the ecological environment will be directly destroyed, and most creatures will be extinct directly!
"Why did this happen? All right, how could such a large meteorite come?"

Just when he was puzzled and saw the meteorite was about to hit the earth, suddenly, the picture in front of him began to change.

In an instant, the originally dark and lonely space became an environment full of vitality and the fragrance of birds and flowers.

Su Yun glanced at the green forest in the distance, then looked down at the bustling city with many buildings under his feet, and suddenly raised his head.

In the atmosphere, a gigantic meteorite was rubbing against the atmosphere, with scorching flames burning on its surface, and it was approaching at extreme speed.

And before the meteorite fell, Su Yun saw sharply that some nuclear bombs exploded from the meteorite at the outer edge of the atmosphere!
Clearly, people are not doing nothing and are trying to save themselves.

However, there were no accidents in the result. Except for blowing up the insignificant part of the meteorite, the meteorite did not even change its orbit, and continued to come towards the earth!
Dazzling red lights descended from the sky, Su Yun could already see the panicked expressions of the people beneath his feet, all kinds of screams of collapse and voices of praying to God and worshiping Buddha continued to resound.

It's a pity that the reality will not change with a few words from people. The huge yellow meteorite, the size of several cities, is still aimed at this city!
The ear-shattering whistling sound from the sky, the meteorite wrapped in high temperature and shot at an oblique angle, without any accident, crashed on the suburbs outside the city!
The roar that caused tinnitus sounded in an instant.

Layers of soil splashed up where the meteorite landed, like ocean waves, and sea-like dust rose into the sky, splashing to a height of tens of thousands of meters!
The explosion that occurred at this instant, as well as the terrifying and huge shock wave, were like the explosion of tens of billions of Hiroshima atomic bombs, and the movement caused was devastating!
The earth trembled, and the monstrous heat wave erupted at the place where the meteorite fell to the ground. The powerful shock wave wrapped in high temperature, destroying everything in its path.

The shock wave of the heat wave swept across, and the trees quickly collapsed amidst the splash of mud, and the shock wave came to the city.

High-rise buildings are like bubbles. As the shock wave sweeps away, everything is swallowed up. The people in the city are ruthlessly swallowed up while the earth is shaking, crying and fleeing.

Boom boom boom!
The flame shock wave swept across at an extremely fast speed, and soon a city of tens of kilometers disappeared in the blink of an eye, and tens of millions of people died without a whole body...

The shock wave continued to sweep, and the range continued to expand.

It quickly swept to the distant forest. Whether it was tall trees or various beasts, they were as fragile as a piece of paper, and they were all swallowed up.

In a short period of time, the range of more than a thousand miles was wiped out!
Su Yun glanced at the shocking scene below, his face moved.

At the same time, the disaster caused by the falling of the meteorite was not limited to that. During the strong earthquake, the earth fluctuated, and the terrible earthquake affected the surroundings.

Affected by the earthquake, volcanoes erupted one after another in a very large area, and strong tsunamis soared into the sky. Huge waves hundreds of meters high rolled up and swept across cities.

Su Yun knew that the impact was more than that. With the impact of the meteorite, the dust covered the sky, and the world would be plunged into darkness. Plants would lose their photosynthesis and die one by one.

Most creatures will die because of this meteorite impact, and the world will face a reboot...

This devastating disaster filled Su Yun with doubts.

Not to mention the strange meteorite, but to say where he is now, why didn't he stop this world-ending disaster?
Just thinking about this, Su Yun suddenly noticed a blur in front of his eyes, and the picture began to change.

In the next second, he immediately felt that something was wrong with his current state.

My state at the moment is a bit wrong, my hands are crossed, and my feet are tied to an object.

At the same time, a strong tingling pain came from both hands and feet, as if being pierced by something sharp.

If you look from the perspective of God, you will see a white holy cross on which a being is fixed.

His outstretched hands and closed feet were nailed to them.

At this time, a sharp pain suddenly came from the heart.

Drops of radiant and golden divine blood flowed from various wounds and spread down the cross.

The severe pain made Su Yun frowned slightly.

At this moment, panicked exclamations resounded, and frightened and furious roars echoed.

"Do not!"

"You lied to us!"

People roared endlessly.

Then, a strange voice sounded.

"Hahaha... stupid humans!"

"No, Holy Son!"

In an instant, crying sounded.

Su Yun was a little puzzled, and slightly opened his eyes.

Then, in his field of vision, apart from the huge crowd, there were also several gray-skinned, long and strangely shaped humanoid creatures.

This is?
Just when he was wondering, suddenly his eyes went dark, everything around him gradually moved away, and the voices turned into chaotic phantom sounds.

The feeling from the gods told him that he was waking up.

(End of this chapter)

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