I became the god of light.

Chapter 398 The Dream and Guess of Destroying the World

Chapter 398 The Dream and Guess of Destroying the World

"What's going on? Those humanoid creatures?"

With doubts, he completely broke away from the dream.

in the bedroom.

The night wind blew, and the blown curtains rattled.

On the spacious bed, Su Yun slowly opened his eyes, looked at the snow-white roof, and frowned slightly.

"That dream was strange."

Not to mention that gods can't dream, but they even had a dream of destroying the world?
"Is it a precognitive dream? Is it something that happened in the future?"

Su Yun quickly thought of this.

Although it's a little unbelievable, but if you add his god essence, this kind of thing may not be impossible.

For this dream, Su Yun almost guessed the reason.

In addition to the essence of his own god, he may also be affected by his physical body.

Thinking of prophetic dreams, he thought of mortal dreams, and mortals sometimes have such miraculous experiences.

Some people have a dream, wake up and experience some things, but they will suddenly wake up, and find that the things they experienced are a bit familiar, and they seem to have experienced it somewhere.

After thinking about it carefully, I suddenly realized that it seemed like I had experienced this scene in a dream!
Superstitious people say that this miraculous phenomenon is a precognitive dream, while scientific people say it is memory disorder.

Of course, it is worth mentioning that such things as prophetic dreams do not seem to be a rare thing, on the contrary, they are very common, and many people have experienced them more or less.

Shaking his head, Su Yun didn't continue to think about predicting the dream, but remembered the experience in the dream.

If what happened in that dream is really a prophecy, that means, a catastrophe that will destroy the world will really happen in the future?
"Those humanoids...

Su Yun murmured.

Thinking of that strange meteorite, he had reason to suspect that they were the culprits of that disaster!
He began to think about how to deal with this matter.

After a while, he shook his head, "Forget it, don't think too much about it, since it will happen, let it happen naturally."

Glancing at the still dark night outside the balcony, Su Yun took out his phone to check the time.

This sleep has been going on since ten o'clock.

After experiencing the dream, Su Yun no longer had the mood to continue sleeping.

There was a flash of light on his body, and the divine body separated from the physical body, and after looking at the physical body, a black vortex appeared, directly engulfing the divine body.

He decided to go to another world to stay, and there happened to be a new magic that needed to be born.


God stone space.

Su Yun came out of the black vortex, and then turned his attention to the tribe.

Under the time difference, nearly ten days have passed in the other world during the short time he stayed in the real world.

After these days, all the silkworm eggs handed over to the old priest had hatched, and the silkworms, which were originally the size of rice grains, had grown up a lot, and were already close to the state of adults.

They were placed in a wooden frame by the old priest, and a large number of young mulberry leaves were placed in the frame.

There are hundreds of them in a rough scan, and they are crawling around on the mulberry leaves. Their white and tender bodies seem to be glowing. It is estimated that they will be wrapped in starch and fried in a pan, and they will make the children next door cry.

Of course, apart from most of the white silkworms, there are also dozens of very special silkworms. They are colorful, and with their glowing bodies, they look really good.

Looking at these technologically mutated silkworms, the corners of Su Yun's mouth twitched.

In addition to the silkworms, the tribute rice that had been planted also sprouted sprouts at this time.

Also, the memory of plant photosynthesis that was passed on to the old priest before, he has lived up to expectations and has passed on the knowledge.

In addition to these, during this period of time, small tribes often joined the tribe, which led to a surge in population, reaching nearly [-].

Some big tribes also came here especially for their reputation. As far as Su Yun saw at this moment, he found the figures of several unfamiliar big tribe envoys.

However, because the tribe is still developing, these envoys from the big tribe were a little disappointed after they came to this legendary tribe with a seventh-level god.

Because the Yanhuang tribe did not meet their expectations, not only did they not have as many people as their tribe, but they didn't even have staple food.

If it weren't for the magical manna, they would have wondered whether the Yanhuang tribe would starve to death.

There are also tribal buildings, which have not reached their imagination.

"It seems that in the future, it is necessary to reform the tribe." Hearing the evaluation of those envoys, Su Yun thought to himself.

After observing the changes in the tribe, Su Yun began to exercise his divine power.

Time passed quickly, and three days passed quickly.

At noon that day, Su Yun, who was avoiding resting his mind, suddenly opened his eyes. He felt a change in the space of the godhead, and an inexplicable fluctuation emerged.


Surprised, Su Yun quickly put his consciousness into the divine space.

Looking at the newly added transparent characters, he thought, "Sure enough, under the scientific basis, magic was born without accident."

The next moment, he controlled the godhead, and connected to the new character in the blink of an eye.

The originally transparent characters instantly turned purple-black.

Su Yun opened his eyes, glanced at the rice that had just germinated in the outside world, and wanted to test it out.

outside world.

In a field that has been reclaimed, several tribesmen are bending over to take care of the seedlings.

"Oh, I don't know when these little things will grow up!"

A burly and strong man in his thirties with bronze skin said while bending over.

"Should it be a long time?" A woman in her 20s next to her said hesitantly.

The burly man Huang Shi sighed, "I can't wait any longer, those envoys are really annoying!"

"Yes!" The woman named Xiaohe nodded.

Although those messengers hid themselves well and tried their best to talk in hidden corners, how could it be possible not to hear their words when there were so many tribesmen?
They said something in their mouths, what kind of high-yield food is available in their own tribe, but this Yanhuang tribe does not, which is really surprising.

Perhaps because there are seventh-level gods in the tribe, those foreigners stepped on the Yanhuang tribe everywhere in their words, and their words were full of pride.

It seems to be higher than the Yanhuang tribe, which makes them happy and proud.

And the discussions they thought were hidden were overheard by the Yanhuang tribe, so now every Yanhuang tribe is very upset.

They also have a staple food, and they told those people that they just planted it just now, but those people acted as if they didn't hear it, and they were still talking to satisfy their hearts.

The four tribesmen near the two also shook their heads, looking at the rice seedlings with anxious eyes.

Just when they were in a bad mood and wished that the rice would grow up all of a sudden, a sudden change happened!
A golden light spread from a distance, covering it straight!
"This is?"

They were stunned to see that the entire tribe was shrouded in golden light at this moment, as if filled with sunlight.

 Thanks for the reward of 588 coins from the rudder master.

  Thanks to the head of 'Black Cat in the Rain' for the reward of 500.

  Thanks to 'Gudu Jingmen farewell' for the reward of 444 coins.

  Thanks to 'Mohua' for rewarding 400 coins.

  Thanks to 'Peanut Bean Cake' for the reward of 100 coins.

  Thanks to 'Lijin' for the reward of 100 coins.

  Thank you! >_
  Recommend a friend's book, "The Strange World Corpse Toucher"

(End of this chapter)

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