I became the god of light.

Chapter 418 Immortal blood?

Chapter 418 Immortal Blood

The sound of the instrument reached the ears of the five gray men and billions of humans, making their eyes widen.

eternal life?
eternal life!
Nothing can describe their shock at this moment.

The word "immortality" is full of temptation, and for centenarians, this is the ultimate dream!
There is a great terror between life and death. It can be seen from the pursuit of immortality by so many emperors in ancient times. Almost no one wants to obtain the ability of immortality!
The word immortality can drive humans crazy!
People have no doubts about the eternal life of the Son, and they think it is normal. People with big brains quickly thought of a key point.

This time, the Son’s incarnation did not pass through the mother’s body, but directly descended into the human world. Maybe it was a body created directly. How could this body created by God have such a defect as lifespan?
They came to a sudden, and the five little gray men, this would not be much better, even if their technology is more advanced, and they have a lifespan far exceeding that of human beings, but there is a limit!
Even for them and their superior civilization, the word "immortality" is full of extreme temptation!
So at this moment, the five of them looked at the Holy Son in shock and greed.

"Why can this Messiah live forever?"

"If only we could..."

"Wait, it is said that this Messiah is the Son of God, is it true?" Kiru suddenly asked.

Listening to his words, the other little gray men also thought of this, and then became even more shocked.

Is this Messiah really the Son of God?
Is there really a God in the world?
Coupled with the experience of the inexplicable voice between them, just a little association made them shudder.

They were a little afraid, but the temptation of eternal life made them greedy.

If this Messiah is brought back alive...

No, even if it is a corpse, maybe after research, everyone of them can live forever!
Just when they were thinking this way, they saw all the human beings kneeling down.

They all looked adoringly and guiltily at the Son who was fixed on the cross, bleeding from his hands and feet.

Drops of blood flowed down and splashed into the gravel, staining the stone with a strange luster.

Some people even discovered that the three black iron nails on which the Holy Son was nailed had gradually begun to change color under the flow of blood, turning into a holy white.

Like the very existence of the Son himself, holy and without sin.

The little gray Dole couldn't bear it any longer, and he said, "Are you really going to give up your eternal life for them?"

"I can give it to you……"

After all, he still couldn't help it, wanting to get this living body with eternal life.

It is better to live than to die. If the guy in front of him is willing, they can let him go and take him back to study.

Before he could finish speaking, the Messiah on the cross spoke, "Will you spare them?"

The little gray man understood what the Holy Son was talking about, and his eyes instantly turned cold when he heard the words.

If they were not exposed, they might still be able to let humans go.

But now that it has been exposed, how could they still keep humans alive?
A test subject who doesn't know the truth is different from a test subject who knows the truth.

The former muddled through, while the latter could explode with unimaginable power, which made them dare not take risks.

Therefore, unstable creatures like human beings should be eliminated!
Moreover, their technology has almost developed to the point where they cannot tolerate it.

Among the billions of human beings watching, some smart guys all changed their faces wildly after seeing the expressions of a few little gray men when they heard this question.

Blood dripped down the cross, and everyone only heard the Holy Son say, "You have made your choice, and I have made my choice."

"Looking for death!" The five little gray men burst into anger upon hearing this.

They didn't have much kindness in the first place, but this guy didn't want it?
After discussing secretly with the equipment for half a minute.

"If you want to die, I can help you!" Dole said coldly.

At this point, even if they wanted to stay with the Holy Son, they couldn't stay.

It's not that they haven't thought about capturing them alive, but the mysterious power they showed before made them unsure of being able to capture them alive. It's very difficult for a person to want to live forever, but it's easy to want to die.

If the Holy Son is willing, they can use humans to temporarily stabilize him and let humans die later, but it seems that it is not possible now.

As for the person hidden behind the Son, or the Almighty God, they were not without fear.

But they had made this holy son so miserable before, they didn't think that nothing happened.

At the same time, they are betting!
Bet that the person behind this holy son is not Almighty God, but a bluff guy!
The probability between the two makes them more inclined to the latter.

The omnipotent God is so exaggerated that they can't believe it.

How could there be in the world?
If there is, isn't the universe also created by Him?
This kind of thing...

at this time.

"Are you going to lie to us?"

The guard captain Simon in the crowd shouted angrily.

From the faces of these little gray men, he saw something abnormal, and felt bad in his heart.

The five little gray men had strange expressions.

The billions of human beings watching were startled, and then they suddenly saw that one of the five little gray men suddenly picked up the long spear that had been prepared long ago.

It was a golden spear with an extremely sharp tip.

What does he want?!
Everyone was shocked.

Then they saw that the little gray man stabbed at the Messiah hanging on the white cross with the spear.

Kiru smiled cruelly.

The sharp tip of the spear in his hand pierced straight into Messiah's heart.

The golden gun head was inserted straight in, and the blood sprayed out instantly, flowed onto the gun, and then slid down drop by drop.

"don't want!"


The captain of the guard, Simon, roared and rushed up immediately.

There were many people behind him, including the pope, and they all rushed up.

The five little gray men didn't stop them either, they just backed away and watched with smiles on their faces.

Simon came to the cross, looked at the golden spear stuck in the Son's chest, and instantly burst into tears.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Messiah coughed, and a stream of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"You!" Simon turned his head to stare at the five little gray men.

Looking at the humans surrounded by the cross, Kiru who stabbed that spear smiled.

"Look what this is!" he laughed.

A huge projection appeared, and the picture on it made everyone's expressions change.

I saw that the yellow asteroid that had been orbiting around the earth suddenly changed its direction and rushed straight towards the earth at an incredible speed!
"Do not!"

"You lied to us!"

There were endless roars.

All five grays laughed.

"Hahaha... stupid humans!"

"No, Holy Son!"

Looking at the dying Son, people looked extremely desperate.

The grays laughed.

Suddenly, the sky gradually darkened.

 Dystocia (_)
  Xiuxian is updated, I suggest you watch it tomorrow.

  good night.

(End of this chapter)

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