I became the god of light.

Chapter 419 The Passing of the Messiah

Chapter 419 The Passing of the Messiah

On the top of the mountain, everyone looked up and stared blankly at the sky that suddenly darkened.

The dark clouds spread quickly, the sky became dark, the cold wind blew and whined, and the oppressive atmosphere permeated.

Everyone tensed up.

The dull feeling weighed on their hearts, making them extremely uncomfortable.

Even the five little gray men felt a sense of trepidation.

This kind of astronomical phenomenon made the people below very scared, and a terrible thought also appeared in their hearts.

God is angry?
They subconsciously moved closer to the Holy Son, trying to seek shelter, and at the same time couldn't help looking at the Holy Son.

Messiah was dying, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

But even so, they still saw the Holy Son struggling to raise his head.

The Holy Son suffered such a serious injury, what should he do?
Then they heard the Son shout, "Father! Don't blame them!"

"All this is my choice. I am the good shepherd. A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. Don't blame them!"

Everyone's hearts trembled, and their heads gradually lowered. They dare not imagine that the Holy Son is still begging for forgiveness for them at this point?
Obviously, the Holy Son was about to die, but he was killed by them...

why is this...

They feel bad.

"I'm a sinner..." Simon murmured.

He bowed his head and kissed the Messiah's instep.

"Lord, forgive me!"

The prayers could not help but rang out, and everyone felt repentant.

At this moment, a smile suddenly appeared on Messiah's face. He didn't know why he was overjoyed, but he said, "It's done."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the sky and murmured intermittently, "Father... I... give you my soul!"

After saying this, Messiah gradually closed his eyes.

People froze for a moment, and then wept loudly.

The five little gray men breathed a sigh of relief after confirming through the instrument that the heartbeat and breath of the holy son had started to disappear.

"Finally dead!"

Looking at the dead Son, Kiru couldn't help laughing, "You think you can keep them alive if you die?"

"Or, God will appear?"

Following the mocking words, he let out a sigh of relief.

Under the sad and indignant gaze of humans, the other little gray men smiled and were about to say something.

However, an abnormal change appeared, which made them startled.

Not long after the Holy Son passed away, the stones on the ground jumped up one by one.

The gun stuck in Messiah's chest fell directly to the ground.

A handful of fresh blood exuding residual warmth could not help but shed it.

Simon, who stood at the feet of the Holy Son and looked up, was caught off guard, and blood splashed on his face.

He screamed and blinked his eyes soaked in warm blood.

Before he could make any other movements, a strong stabbing pain came.

He hummed and lowered his head to cover his face.

Simon's voice did not attract the attention of others, because more abnormal changes appeared.

The sky was getting darker and darker, almost to the point where you couldn't see your fingers, and people were shocked for a while.

And just at this moment, a loud noise resounded in everyone's ears.

The earth began to shake, and strong earthquakes hit the whole area, and cracks appeared one after another.

What is frightening is that under the attention of everyone, several nearby mountains were cut in half by cracks!
The sky is full of dust!
At this moment, it looks like the end of the world.

The five little gray men were surprised, and then thought of something.

Gnar pointed towards his wrist, and ordered the auxiliary system to send out the cause of the incident, and a projection screen tens of meters high appeared.

Everyone in panic couldn't help but look over.

In the projected picture, everyone saw a huge yellow meteorite, which shot down obliquely in the red flame package.

As the meteorite rubs against the atmosphere, intense light appears, and the screen is almost filled with white light.

Then people saw that the meteorite was heading for a big city.

There were dense crowds of people standing in the city. At this time, those people also looked up at the sky, and when they noticed the dazzling white light in the sky, they screamed in fright.


Huge meteorites the size of several cities in the sky fell directly near this city!
The deafening roar sounded in an instant.

Countless amounts of soil splashed up, like ocean waves, and sea-like dust rose into the sky, splashing to a height of tens of thousands of meters!
Like tens of billions of atomic bombs on Hiroshima exploded in an instant, and the movement caused was devastating!
The earth trembled, and the monstrous heat wave erupted at the place where the meteorite fell to the ground. The powerful shock wave wrapped in high temperature, destroying everything in its path.

The shock wave of the heat wave swept across, and the trees quickly collapsed amidst the splash of mud, and the shock wave came to the city.

One after another tall buildings, like bubbles, as the shock wave swept away, everything was swallowed up!
The people in the city were brutally engulfed while the earth was shaking, crying and fleeing!
Boom boom boom!
The flame shock wave swept across at an extremely fast speed, and soon a city of tens of kilometers disappeared, and tens of millions of people died without a whole body...

In a short period of time, the range of more than a thousand miles was wiped out!
The screen changed, volcanoes erupted one after another, strong tsunamis soared into the sky, and huge waves hundreds of meters high swept across cities.

This scene of the end of the world completely silenced the human beings, holding their mouths in horror.

It's over, is the world over?

"Lord! Help us!"

At this time, some believers prayed frantically.

Seeing this, the five little gray men couldn't help curling their lips, then looked at the picture and smiled with satisfaction.

This world is over, and it won't be long before there will be mass extinction!
The little grays floated half a meter into the air, and opened their mouths to mock.

"Stop praying! Your God can't save you, the end can't be stopped!"

However, as soon as they finished speaking, they noticed that the people below were not swayed by their words.

Looking along their line of sight, the little gray people noticed the dead Son.

"What's the use of a dead person?" Kiru looked disdainful.

As soon as he raised his hand, he was ready to take the corpse away, and wanted to take it back as an experiment.

However, the next second, he discovered to his astonishment that his power had failed!
"what happened?"

He shook his right hand several times, but the corpse didn't even move.

Kiru's expression changed.

Suddenly, amidst the prayers of the crowd, a vision appeared.

A ray of light appeared in the dark clouds, that ray was so dazzling that even the dark clouds shunned!
The light became more and more intense, and then turned into a beam of light and projected down, covering the place where the Holy Son was.

Then the light centered on the Holy Son and spread rapidly towards the surroundings.

In an instant, the entire mountain was shrouded in light, and then the light continued to cover the outside at an astonishing speed!
In the blink of an eye, the range of vision is completely shrouded in light!
"This is?"

Everyone looked on in horror.

(End of this chapter)

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