I became the god of light.

Chapter 434 Little White Little Black

Chapter 434 Little White Little Black
After the mountain ascended to the sky, Su Yun came here, thinking about things here.

When the experiment was going on, he sensed it strangely.

Out of curiosity, he didn't stop him, wanting to see what they could do.

The result disappointed him, it exploded without even merging the blood.

"Didn't the great white shark Xiaobai and the pseudo-dragon Xiaohei from Kunlun Mountain succeed before? How did they fail?"

While thinking quickly, he came up with a point.

It may be that the level of the gods was too low before, but now the blood of the flesh has undergone a series of evolutions, and it is estimated that it has become more special, which makes those people unable to bear it.

Maybe it has something to do with fitness?
Of course, even for Xiaobai and Xiaohei, the divine blood in their bodies didn't really disappear, it just stayed with them.

From the faint sense of connection that appeared there, Su Yun could see it.

"By the way, Simon seems to be affected by my blood?"

Su Yun pondered.

If Simon wanted to say that he was fine, it was because he saw him dying in pain. Out of pity and the belief of the other party had reached the level of a devout believer, he simply let go of the restriction of the silk thread of belief.

After letting go, perhaps a series of changes occurred with the blood, so it was not affected.

After a while, Su Yun shook his head and didn't think about it any further.

As for the laboratory and the blasphemer, he pondered, wondering if he should destroy it...

It's just that those people are not worthy if they do it themselves.

After thinking for a while, he decided to leave it to the Holy See, which was a test for them.

Skipping these questions, he thought about Xiaobai and Xiaohei, not knowing what would happen to them.

Out of curiosity, his powerful mental power surged out of his mind, and then began to cover the entire earth, and then began to search.

Everything he saw in the process made him frown slightly.

In addition to seeing the thing about the eye of the needle, a lot of evil and ugly things also came into his eyes, which made him have the urge to destroy the world and human beings.

Of course, there are still a lot of good things coming into his mind at the same time, making him shake his head.

Vicissitudes of life……

Su Yun found that his mentality was changing as he watched.

In other words, as long as anyone sees the joys and sorrows, life and death, beauty and evil happening in the whole world, their mentality will change.

Su Yun found that his eyes for seeing things gradually changed, and his mentality reached a high level.

What is good and what is evil?
He knew that he was becoming indifferent, so indifferent that he could ignore what happened in the world.

After a while, he forced himself to separate his attention, not to watch what happened.

He was afraid that if he continued to look at it, he would really become that high god who looked down on all sentient beings indifferently.

Maybe one day it will actually become like this, but he wants to take it slow.

Ignoring most things, he focused on the ocean.

Compared with human beings, animals are more straightforward to eat the weak and strong, which can make him watch with interest.

It didn't take long before he spotted a huge great white shark in the black sea thousands of meters deep.

The great white shark has a huge body, more than ten meters long, black and white in color, with fine scales all over its body, giving it a mutated appearance.

But even though it looks mutated, this great white shark named Xiaobai still gives people a sense of simplicity.

A pair of swarthy eyes, and that chubby figure, looks very silly.

It is slowly wandering in the deep sea at this moment, it seems to be wandering.

Su Yun smiled, his body flickered, and quickly disappeared on the clouds.

After a while, he came to the surface of the sea, and then dived quickly.

The great white shark, Xiaobai, is swimming leisurely. As a mutant invincible shark, there is nothing that can threaten it in the ocean. With enough food, it becomes boring.

Most of the time, it will go to the surface of the sea, trying to meet the existence that once rode it.

To its disappointment, no matter how hard it looked, it couldn't find him.

However, in the process, he would often meet guys with the same appearance as that existence, facing them, it was much friendlier, and often swam up to say hello.

Just to keep it ignorant, is why whenever it shows up, those people are screaming and driving away?
During this process, it also encountered people in distress. Out of curiosity, it went up and rescued them ashore.

Of course, it also tried to bring them into the sea to play, but it was disappointed. Those people looked like they were going to die when they entered the sea, which was different from that existence.

Without Xiaobai's knowledge, the story about it was spread among the crew and people, and it gradually became another sea monster legend.

There are even excited and curious people who go out to sea just to encounter it.

Today, out of boredom, it ran here to wander, looking at everything around it curiously.

It's just that it hasn't been looking for long, and a luminous existence suddenly appeared in front of its eyes.

As soon as Su Yun appeared here, he saw this guy turn pale with fright, subconsciously wagging his tail and leaving.

But after fleeing a little, Xiaobai saw the existence in the white light clearly, and the movement of fleeing paused.

It ignorantly felt that this person was very familiar, as if it had seen it somewhere.

Seeing his appearance, Su Yun couldn't help being a little funny.

In a flash, he rode on the great white shark.

A familiar feeling appeared, and it didn't take long for Xiaobai, the great white shark, to figure out who the person in front of him was.

It swims happily in the water, wandering around with the people on it.

Su Yun found it interesting. After playing with Xiaobai for a while, he endured the other's approach to persuade him to stay, and chose to leave.

It's just that before he left, he left a lot of divine fruit and some blood from the blood cup of the blood god.

Then, he turned around and left, heading towards Kunlun Mountain.

On Kunlun Snow Mountain, he soon found Xiao Hei in an underground cave.

It is lying on a large gray rock, it seems to be sleeping.

"Other than being a little bigger, nothing else has changed."

The sound of pattering footsteps sounded in the quiet cave, which immediately attracted Xiao Hei's attention, and he raised his head vigilantly.

The olm Xiaohei stood up, revealing his huge body.

This is a guy with a black body, a snake-like body, four eagle claws on the ground, a flat head like a crocodile, and a beard and hair around his ears.

When this guy found him, he was also a little surprised, but after seeing his appearance and sniffing his nose, his eyes lit up, like a mad dog, crazily wagging its long tail and rushed up.

The huge olm rushed forward excitedly, and a strong force immediately hit him.

Su Yun's eyes showed helplessness, "If this is an ordinary person, he probably won't be able to get up if he doesn't lie in bed for a few months."

At this time, after rubbing against each other, Xiao Hei cried out aggrievedly.
The corner of Su Yun's mouth curled up, and he touched the guy's huge head.

"Here's something for you."

He took out the blood cup and made a ball of divine blood that was half a fingernail out of it.

As soon as the concentrated divine blood appeared, Xiao Hei's eyes turned red, and he circled around Su Yun, screaming frantically.

Then, it opened its bloody mouth, pointing its mouth forward, as if waiting to be fed.

The corner of Su Yun's mouth twitched slightly, and he flicked the old god's blood in the blood cup towards the big mouth, and waited quietly.

A dull howl sounded in the next moment.

 Thanks to 'Black Cat in the Rain' for the reward of 1000 coins.

  Thanks to the 'wonderful cat' for the reward of 100 coins.

  Thanks to '202010121405411836' for rewarding 100 coins.

(End of this chapter)

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