I became the god of light.

Chapter 435 System?

Chapter 435 Systems
The olm Xiaohei screamed, his huge body rolled on the gray rock.

Not long after, strands of blood began to seep out of its body, and its entire body was soaked in blood, making it look extremely bloody.

In the midst of the bloody smell, amidst the screams of the olm Xiaohei, ten minutes passed in a flash.

Su Yun, who observed quietly, found that this guy's body had changed a bit.

Two protrusions slowly appeared on the top of the head, which seemed to be two horns, and black scales also grew on the body, and the changing appearance was very similar to the legendary dragon.

"This situation..."

Su Yun was a little puzzled and didn't quite understand this scene.

Although olms are similar to dragons, they are actually two kinds of creatures. How could they evolve into dragons?
Moreover, the real world has no extraordinary power in his observation, so how could this dragon appear?
While his face was changing, he suddenly had a guess, "Could it be because of myself?"

The divine blood is related to him, and now the divine blood is flowing all over Xiao Hei's body.

Could the changes it produces be influenced by your own thinking?
After all, in his mind, dragons are of course more beautiful, and he also subconsciously felt that this little black might turn into a dragon after absorbing blood...

"Perhaps it was really influenced by me?"

Su Yun murmured.

This kind of speculation is not without reason. I believe in God for the time being, and I will be affected by the thinking of creatures, such as the birth of characters, but it may not be impossible to influence them in turn.

After thinking for a long time, he shook his head.

Only this possibility is the greatest. Apart from his extraordinary factor, there is no other power on the entire earth.

When this happens, no matter what the reason is, the biggest possibility is him.

"I don't want to, it's not bad."

Looking at Xiao Hei who gradually calmed down and whose body was already half like a dragon, he thought it was pretty good.

It's nothing like a dragon, if you ride it out, the effect should be good, at least it's qualified as a mount.

Xiao Hei, who had recovered from the severe pain of body transformation, opened his mouth and let out an excited roar, which shook the entire cave.

It feels empowered now!
Excited, he immediately shook his long tail, and was about to pounce on Su Yun.

Of course, Su Yun would not let him approach this bloody body, and directly sent out invisible spiritual power to imprison the opponent.

Unknown why, Xiao Hei panicked and wanted to struggle, but unfortunately even with his current strength, he couldn't struggle at all.

Su Yun played with this stupid guy for a while, controlling it to fly around in the air, almost scared the guy to pee, and directly wailed for help at him, the culprit.

Su Yun put it down kindly, and it immediately came up in surprise.

"Just stay in this mountain and don't sneak out casually."

He didn't care if this guy could understand or not, so he just gave an order.

He was really afraid that this guy would sneak out like this, and it would be bad to scare people.

After the order, it didn't care about the dazed Xiao Hei, and after leaving some divine fruit and divine blood behind, he thought of leaving.

With a flash of his figure, he disappeared in front of Xiao Hei, ignoring the loud shouts behind him.

Su Yun, who was flying at a height of one thousand meters, couldn't help but move the little black ball.

The black vortex quickly appeared, engulfing him in the blink of an eye.

Back at home in the community, Su Yun lay on the bed and began to think about things.

"The most important thing now is to comprehend the rules, but the speed is too slow."

According to his lowest estimate, it would take hundreds of years to fully comprehend it. How could he wait for such a long time?
Even in another world, it has not been a year since he became a god. How can it be possible for him to wait hundreds of years to become a true god?
And there were too many accidents, maybe he was crushed to death by the passing True God at a certain moment?
After thinking for ten minutes, he still couldn't come up with any specific solution.

Unable to bear it, he took out his mobile phone and sent the question to a Q&A software.

It is said that the brains of the masses are huge, and there are all kinds of questions on this question-and-answer software, such as the one he found above.

Landlord: "Ask me, how can I become a god?"

On the first floor, eat less big kidneys: "Wake up, you are still dreaming? Your mother told you to get up and eat!"

On the second floor, Cute Sauce: "Another guy who wants to become a god! Why are there so many problems like this now? Besides becoming a god, you can become a fairy. Why don't you go to heaven?"

On the third floor, Little Bee: "You can't blame the host, who knows that there are really gods in the world? It's understandable for him to have dreams!"

Under the question of becoming a god, a lot of ridicule appeared.

Of course, in addition to ridicule, there are also serious people who answer seriously.

On the seventh floor, Qianyouqian: "You, the landlord, go to develop an evil brainwashing organization, and rely on your faith to say that maybe you will become a god!"

"But remember to tell me the landlord's address, so that I can make a contribution!"

Su Yun read it funny, then scanned the software again, and found that there are really many problems of this type.

There is even the question of how to deceive oneself to believe in God, and the other party can still bestow divine grace.

He thought about it, and felt that his question was not too outrageous compared to the above, so he uploaded the question.

Landlord: How to speed up the speed of understanding the rules?
Soon, answers appeared one by one below.

On the first floor, Ye Xiaobai: "..."

"Another crazy one, I suggest you take it away!"

On the second floor, the wandering tortoise: "He's okay, at least he's better than becoming a god king!"

On the third floor, God King Zeus: "Is the upstairs talking about me? I'm cursing!"

"As a fellow man, I will answer the landlord's question. The main purpose of the landlord is to increase comprehension or thinking speed. The rules should be easy to comprehend..."

On the fourth floor, the hotel drives: "Thank you for the invitation, I think the landlord lacks a system! Just ding ding ding will be fine?"

The corner of Su Yun's mouth twitched, the taunt made him want to follow the network cable, and then destroy them humanely!
Of course, although these netizens answered a little badly, they still provided him with an idea after looking at it.

speed of thought?
It would indeed be a good idea if one could think faster.

As for the system...

Although he doesn't have a system, and his current strength doesn't need that kind of thing, it may not be impossible to create a system!
Isn't there a photonic computer in the world? If you study it carefully with your own light authority, you may not be able to figure it out.

If you create a photon system in your own mind, and then think and comprehend it at the speed of the system, it should be easy to comprehend the rules by then, right?
He became interested in it, and the more he thought about it, the more likely it became.

(End of this chapter)

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