I became the god of light.

Chapter 484 Another true god descends!

Chapter 484 Another True God Comes!
The ultimate white light bloomed from him, and the vast energy fluctuations exploded!
The world shook, and all the gods were attracted by the power erupting here.

A white beam of light that covered the sky and the sun was drowning towards the All-Seeing One at the speed of light.

The all-seeing person didn't react at all, or didn't expect it, so that there was no time to dodge.

The ocean of light formed by the gamma ray burst engulfed him in an instant!
A miracle appeared in the sky.

The vast beam of light rushed towards the star realm, and the white energy fluctuations emitted covered the entire sky, as if a milky white film was pasted on it.

The astonished all-seeing clone, in the wash of the ocean of light, only felt countless rays of light passing through his body. The light heat and extreme destructive power made his clone start to melt and gasify.

In the blink of an eye, his avatar completely disappeared...

All the powerful gods on the mainland noticed this dazzling beam of light, as well as the engulfed clone of the true god.

Regardless of whether it is an ordinary god or a true god, there is a flash of emotion on his face.

The Mother of the Earth, the Scarlet Giant, the Lord of the Sky, the All-Seeing One, the Spirit Body, the End Yan, and others in the dark looked in Su Yun's direction in surprise.

The power of this blow is infinitely close to that of a true god!
"A ninth-level rule god, using the power close to the true god?"

Mother Earth looked strange.

Although it is unbelievable, the disappearance of the all-seeing person clone is a good proof of the extent of that power!
Even if the All-Seeing One is careless, if he does it, he has done it. No matter how weak his clone is, it still needs the power of a true god to destroy it!
The soldier's eyes lit up, and he felt eager to try.

The spirit body's face was gloomy, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

In the end, there was no expression.

The figure was vague, as if it would dissipate in a gust of wind, and it was revived. I couldn't help but think, "The secret is really deep. I said that I couldn't break the seal of the artifact before. It's really a disguise."

"If anyone can become a true god, maybe it's only him?"

At this time, the ninth-level rule gods who were trying to advance died and were quickly hunted down.

The rules that were becoming real in the void also fell silent.

Up to now, only four rules are still slowly becoming true.

In addition to a space rule that is eye-catching, there is also a rule that is extremely obscure.

As for the rest, there are light and darkness, and they all focus on the existence who killed the true god clone.

This caused some gods to have an uncontrollable thought.

Having two authorities, and this kind of strength.

"Is it possible that you can really be promoted to a true god?"

It's really unbelievable for them to think so, that light and dark god is really too powerful.

At this moment, there was one less rule in the void.

The gods were startled, and after a closer look, they found that the extremely obscure rule was missing.

An unwilling sigh floated in the air.

Where the owner of the hidden authority disappeared, a yellow figure disappeared there.

The doppelganger of Mother Earth!
Up to now, there are only two left in the world who are still promoted...

The all-seeing man's eyes were cold, and the demise of the clone made him feel as if he had been slapped on the cheek, full of anger.


"very good!"

The mysterious and complicated voice spread throughout the world, and the minds of the surviving beings went blank.

"The All-Seeing One is ready to make a move?"

God sighs.

At the end of this promotion, is there still no one who can succeed?
The atmosphere of depression and despair weighed on the hearts of the gods on the mainland.

The promotion process is close to [-]%!
At the same time, Su Yun felt an unprecedented crisis and felt that he was about to be destroyed.

He naturally heard the voice of the all-seeing person, and his face turned ugly, "The clone is so strong, the real body..."

"Have you prepared so much, or can you just fail?"

Just as he was thinking this way, a scene that surprised him appeared.

There was a sudden change on the side of the avatar, and when the All-Seeing One was about to move away, fluctuations in space appeared, and a golden figure appeared on the battlefield of the Nucleus of Mystery.

"Upside down?" Su Yun felt astonished.

What does he seem to be avoiding?
Sure enough, in the next second, a figure shrouded in mist appeared, and it turned out to be the clone of the All-Seeing One again!
Just as he was about to crush the hidden all-seeing person to death, an accident flashed across his face.

This upside-down is because he has control of the space authority, and the space confinement is useless to him, and he runs very fast.

Originally, he was about to succeed, but he didn't expect that he would dare to run this way. Is it because he didn't die fast enough?
Surprised, he temporarily ignored the secret, and decided to get the authority of this space first.

The silver eyes turned slightly, and a gaze was turned upside down, imprisoning him.

Upside down wants to resist, but unfortunately in front of the real god's body, this resistance is insignificant, even his spatial ability has lost its effect!
Upside down can't help but feel hopeless.

However, just when he was desperate and the all-seeing man thought he had succeeded, several attacks came at the same time, breaking the all-seeing man's imprisonment.

The All-Seeing One roared, "Mother Earth!"

The Mother of the Earth smiled while fighting against the Nuclei of Myriad Stranger Things, "I'm sorry, but I'm also interested in the power of space."

Originally, she wanted to find the authority of space, but how could he turn a blind eye to what was delivered to her door now.

This is the power of space!

Among the many authorities, he can be ranked at the forefront, even if he is the true god, he can't help being moved!
The Lord of the Sky also had the same idea. As for the God of War, apart from some unavoidable thoughts, it was more that the All-Seeing One was upset and wanted to destroy His plan.

Even in this, the Nucleus of Myriad Strangeness also contributed, but he didn't have that much thought, he just did whatever he wanted.

In an instant, the upside-down became a sweet pastry, but Su Yun was temporarily ignored.

After all, one is in the distance and the other is near, so the one that is close must be chosen. Of course, the power of space is also a reason!
Su Yun was a little baffled and lamented how lucky he was.

At this moment, a whisper of prayer suddenly sounded in the void.

The void is cheering, jumping for joy, welcoming the arrival of a great being.

Praises and praises followed.

"He is the ineffable who travels through time!"

"In the past, in the present, and in the future, there is His existence!"

"Time swims because of him, time stops because of him, the supreme master of time!"

As the chants and prayers sounded, the faces of all the true gods changed.

"Ouroboros of Time!"

In a trance, the gods seemed to see a giant snake entrenched in the river, or, the river was the giant snake itself!
The giant snake holds its tail in its mouth, forming a ring shape.

Time is passing, years are passing by.

At this time, the giant snake opened his eyes, and cast his cold eyes over.

(End of this chapter)

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