I became the god of light.

Chapter 485 Ouroboros of Time

Chapter 485 Ouroboros of Time

"Ouroboros of Time!"

Looking at this giant snake, the eyes of all the true gods became dignified.

As a great existence that controls the power of time, Ouroboros of Time is the most advanced existence even among the true gods, possessing very terrifying strength.

No, it's not so much scary, it's better to say that the authority of time is difficult and powerful!
"What does he want?"

"Could it be that you want to seize the space authority?"

The gods analyzed his purpose, and naturally thought of the greatest possibility. After all, time and space have always been inextricably linked.

Their countenance changed.

Sure enough, in the next second, the Ouroboros of Time opened its mouth wide, biting towards the upside-down at an extremely fast speed, as if it was going to swallow him.

"Stop him!"

Coincidentally, all the true gods attacked the Ouroboros except for the Mysterious Core, which did not attack.
Boom boom boom!
The huge snake's eyes were cold, and it glanced at the attacking divine power, and the huge snake spit out mysterious and complicated words.

time stop!
The howling wind stopped, and the ordinary gods who were frightened also froze in place.

Everything stopped moving, like something sealed in amber, revealing a weirdness.

However, this does not include the real god!
The powerful force made them break free from the shackles of time, and their bodies could barely move normally.

Of course, although they can still move, their movements are much slower, and even the several divine power attacks they issued were frozen in the air!
A triumphant smile flashed in the eyes of Ouroboros of Time.

Seeing that he was about to devour the space gods upside down, the mother of the earth and the lord of the sky who understood the situation, and even the all-seeing one, were shocked and angry.

Can't let Him get the power of space!
This is their common thought at this moment.

"This damned alien god!" Mother Earth gritted her teeth.

This Ouroboros of Time was originally a true god from the outside world, but now he still wants to seize the power of space!
Originally, this snake was at the apex of great divine power. If it obtained the authority of space, all true gods could imagine what would happen next.

With the power of time and space, he is likely to be promoted to the legendary supreme divine power!
It is rumored to be able to do everything, the supreme power of omniscience and omnipotence!
When the time comes to do what he wants, no god can stop it, and the world may be destroyed!
In an instant, all the true gods present, as well as the hidden true gods, were all ready to use their back hands to stop Ouroboros!
However, before they could move, a huge blood-colored spear pierced out of the void, piercing directly on the huge body of Ouroboros.

Space distorted and shattered, and the space torrent swept violently.

Ouroboros of Time snorted in pain, and its huge body like a star was beaten upside down.

Time resumes its flow.

"God of War!" There was anger in the eyes of Ouroboros.

Most of the other gods use divine power or magical attacks, but this god of war likes to use brute force attacks, always ruining his good deeds!
Damn it!
At this moment, a scene that stunned the true gods appeared, and also made Ouroboros of Time stunned.

A black divine power with the breath of death suddenly appeared from the void behind the upside down.

Under the power of the true god, Reverse didn't even have time to react, and the whole body turned into a space rule and drifted away.

The ripples of space are constantly floating in the air, spreading across the entire sky in a blink of an eye!
Falling upside down!
The mother of the earth and other true gods were overjoyed, but ouroboros of time was furious.

He recognized the divine power that carried the breath of the end of all things.

Lord of all death!
Sweeping the joyful expressions on the faces of the true gods, he sneered, "You underestimate me too much!"

The huge snake letter stretched out, spitting out mysterious syllables.

After the words fell, a scene that shocked the gods appeared.

In the place where death is reversed, time stands still for a moment, and then, like a video tape played backwards, everything flows backwards quickly!
The ripples of the space rules retract, and the body is reconstituted from the scattered rules upside down, and the final force flows back.

Upside down and back to before death!
The gods couldn't help being shocked by this mighty power.

The faces of the true gods are ugly, the dead space gods are actually resurrected?

The power of time is really difficult!
Su Yun's avatar was astonished, and couldn't help but sigh at the power of time.

Then, a scene that was even more unacceptable to the gods appeared.

The Ouroboros of Time suddenly connected end to end, as if a long river of time appeared in a trance.

Suddenly, two phantoms appeared on the left and right sides of Ouroboros of Time, and then quickly became solid.

Three giant snakes connected end to end looked at the gods mockingly.

"Past, present, and future." Mother Earth looked serious, and she analyzed what was going on.

This snake actually summoned the figures of the past and the future, which is like turning one true god into three...

With a sneer, the three giant snakes devoured and bit them in the upside-down direction.

Seeing this situation, the true gods who are also of great divine power naturally dare not keep their hands anymore.

In a very tacit understanding, the Mother of the Earth, the Lord of the Sky, and the God of War each picked a giant snake to fight alone.

Of course, there is also the core of the shit-stirring stick. He doesn't care, and attacks everywhere with an attitude of not helping anyone, which makes both parties disgusted.
The space was torn apart, the earth was shattered, and everything that was swept by the attack turned into dust.

The world mourns, and the sound of collapse interweaves a sad song!
If the sky and the earth were not strengthened, and the rules of the world were not supported, the whole world would have to be destroyed in the aftermath of the battle!
This means that the other world is special. If it were an ordinary world, it would have turned into scum by now!
Su Yun was startled and puzzled, "The Ouroboros of Time, why didn't you turn back the time to the time before the real god grew up, so you can crush it to death at will?"

He hadn't seen Ouroboros do this, despite the fighting.

"It seems that my guess may be right. Does the true god have any countermeasures?"

Just wait until the promotion is complete and you'll find out then!
Thinking of this, Su Yun checked the progress of his promotion, and then suppressed his excitement.

"Ninety-eight percent!"

At this moment, the upside-down fell again, and then the time at the place where he was was fiddled again, and time began to flow backwards.

Su Yun hid silently in the corner, quietly watching the performances of the true gods, trying to reduce the sense of presence, and at the same time mourned for the upside-down.

How miserable is this, to die and resurrect, to resurrect and die?
Suddenly, he thought of something.

"Where's the all-seeing one?" Su Yun's face changed suddenly, and his attention was immediately placed on the main body.

Su Yun, who was indulging in promotion, woke up startled, and carefully sensed his surroundings.

Sure enough, there seemed to be a sense of danger in a certain empty position.

If it wasn't for the fusion with the world, and the subtle induction brought by the blessing technique, he really wouldn't have discovered it!
It's like the world is going to end in person, reminding him instinctively, don't be too obvious!
"It's really hidden, what does he want to do?"

"At the last moment of my promotion, then make a move?"

Su Yun tried his best to maintain his expression, pretending he didn't notice anything, and continued to immerse himself in the feeling of being promoted.

It was just in the dark, but he focused on the gamma ray burst magic and the little black ball.

Ninety-nine percent!
Finally, when the last moment came, a powerful rule fluctuation instantly reverberated throughout the world, waking up all the ordinary gods and astonishing the true god.

Light and dark rules?
"It's Him!"

The gods immediately thought of who it was, and even the true gods such as Ouroboros of Time looked over.

When Su Yun arrived at the last moment, without even thinking about it, he attacked the place where the all-seeing man was hiding.

Gamma ray burst!
The vast beam of light shines!
As soon as Su Yun sent it out, he couldn't help but rejoice that he made a quick move.

Because in the second after the attack was issued, a strong sense of crisis appeared, and it was obvious that the All-Seeing One was ready to make a move!
It's just that He was a little late, and a trace of astonishment flashed through the psychedelic silver eyes of the All-Seeing One. He did not expect that Hidden could find His hidden location.

It shouldn't be!

How did a ninth-level rule god discover it?
But in doubt, he didn't have time to think too much, and concentrated on facing the attack in front of him.

"Hmph!" The All-Seeing One disdainfully.

The attack that is only close to the power of the true god, how much does it not take him seriously?
Approach is only approach after all!
The indescribable silver eyes moved slightly, staring straight at the gamma ray burst.

Under invisible force, the gamma ray burst stopped and quickly dissipated.

The All-Seeing One sneered inwardly, watching the Secret indifferently.

"Your divine body is mine!"

An unprecedented crisis hit Su Yun in an instant.

Su Yun's heart sank, he had a hunch that he would be able to complete the final promotion in just two or three seconds!

As soon as his consciousness sank, a vast and boundless consciousness with a strong oppressive force, which made people unable to resist, descended on his body in an instant.

"The Authority of Light and Darkness!" The All-Seeing One was overjoyed, and his eyes were full of complacency and smiles.

At the same time, he somewhat despises the Ouroboros of Time and the others. How stupid is it that so many gods try to grab the authority of space but give up the authority of light and darkness?
Light or darkness alone may be slightly inferior to the power of space, but if the two are added together, it will be different!
In particular, the power of this secret move gave the all-seeing man a premonition that he may have underestimated the power of the authority of light and darkness!
No matter how strong the authority of space is, can it be possible to launch an attack close to the true god?
As he thought about it, the All-Seeing One became more and more delighted. He had already thought that after gaining the authority of light and darkness, the mother of the earth, the god of war, and our ouroboros would all be defeated by him!
However, just when he was excited and about to seize the hidden body, the whole world froze!
Everything came to a standstill, including True God, who couldn't move for a second!
time stop!
A giant snake exuding time fluctuations appeared where the All-Seeing One and Su Yun were.

"He's mine!" Sarcasm flashed in the eyes of Ouroboros of Time, and he glanced at the All-Seeing One with disdain.

Then, he stared at Su Yun greedily, opened his bloody mouth, and bit down on him like lightning under the horrified and angry eyes of the All-Seeing One.

Time is slow at this moment, and the gods have different thoughts.

God of War frowned.

The mother of the earth felt bad, "If that snake gained the power of light and darkness, wouldn't it become the Supreme God?"

Even if it is not successful, the strength will definitely become more difficult!
True gods such as Lord of the Sky, Spirit Body, and Final Yan all feel troublesome secretly.

No matter who it is, at this moment, they feel that the God of Light and Darkness is doomed.

After all, no one expected that the Ouroboros of Time was bound to win the authority of space on the surface, but secretly turned a corner, preparing to seize the authority of light and darkness.

In this case, who can stop him?
In the spotlight.

Su Yun felt that his thinking had stopped.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, the thinking of the photon system has some thinking ability, allowing him to barely think about some things.

Facing the All-Seeing One and Ouroboros of Time, there are wolves in front and tigers in back, and even time freezes the inevitable ending.

A trace of unwillingness flashed through Su Yun's heart, and then with the last consciousness, he activated the last preparation.

A preparation that He doesn't know if it will succeed!
The little black ball hidden in his divine body suddenly moved.

A strange black vortex appeared, covering the frozen Su Yun in the blink of an eye.

He discovered that the divine body, which was originally still, had regained the ability to move, and the stillness of time had lost its effect!
Under the dazed expressions of the gods, Su Yun was engulfed by the black vortex and disappeared, and the Ouroboros of Time bit an empty space!
"Time-space fluctuations!"

"This is impossible!"

Ouroboros of Time looked astonished.

Not only him, but other true gods were shocked.

The black vortex carried time-space fluctuations, which not only invalidated the time power of Ouroboros, but also made the target that should have been swallowed disappear without a trace!
what is that?!
Why can you break free from the power of time of the true god with time and space fluctuations?
In the shock, the true gods suddenly discovered something, the promotion did not stop, that is to say...

In a world frozen in time, the movement of a place is so obvious.

In the next second, they found Su Yun who appeared in the distance.

Suddenly, all true expressions changed.

The world is singing, jumping and excited!
Cheering for the birth of a great existence!
 Thanks to the head of 'Black Cat in the Rain' for the reward of 1000 coins.

  Thanks to '788 hectares of glass for love' for the [-] reward.

  Thanks to 'Qiumanmen' for the reward of 100 coins.

  Thanks to 'poemcode' for rewarding 100 coins.

  Thanks to '160726182140583' for rewarding 100 coins.

  Thanks to 'Crying Fish' for rewarding 100 coins.

  Thanks to 'Zhe Xingkong' for the reward of 100 coins.

  Thanks to 'Guru' for the reward of 100 coins.

(End of this chapter)

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