I became the god of light.

Chapter 498 Doomsday

Chapter 498 Doomsday
Father Stephen's speech revived the crowd, and the bad atmosphere eased a little.

However, Stephen also knew that as time passed, even what he said would have little effect.

The ammunition is getting less and less, and it won't be long before people will only be able to defend with cold weapons. At that time, the casualties will go up all at once, and it won't be long before the collapse of people's hearts.

Perhaps when people's hearts collapse, it is when this base is shattered.

Just when he was distracted, a thin and beautiful girl of seven or eight years old under the high platform asked curiously in a crisp voice, "Father Stephen, if God descends, how will He solve our problems? What about the predicament?"

Stephen looked down subconsciously, and couldn't help but fell silent.

She knew this little girl, her name was Avril. Half a month ago, when her father went out to look for food, she died in the mouth of insects. A few days ago, her mother also died.

She is the only one left...

If it wasn't for luck, she joined a group made up of children, which could barely keep her from starving to death, otherwise she really didn't know what would happen, and what would happen to this little girl.

Die like the little match girl, in the middle of nowhere, with the snow falling, or something worse?
Stephen didn't know, but he understood that before the adults collapsed, these children would collapse earlier and encounter misfortune earlier.

Looking at the expectation in Avril Lavigne's eyes, the little girl really believed in the existence of God.

Father Stephen felt that he should give a good answer, even if it was a white lie.

Under the gaze of many eyes, he showed a kind smile, "God is all-knowing and omnipotent, there is nothing He can't do, as long as He thinks, our disaster will disappear in a blink of an eye."

"God's power, that's wonderful, inconceivable, and beyond comprehension by us mortals."

Finally, he murmured, "We'll be fine."

"Really?" Avril was very happy, her sky blue eyes couldn't help showing hope.

She clasped her hands in front of her chest and closed her eyes silently, as if praying.

The nearby crowd, as well as the Devon and his wife who passed by here, listened to Father Stephen's speech with half-shocked and doubtful faces, wondering whether they should believe Father Stephen's words.

As adults, they are more rational than Avril Lavigne, knowing what is reality and what is impossible.

Does God really exist?
Is God really omniscient and omnipotent?
At this moment, there was a loud exclamation in the distance, and the siren sounded at the same time.

"What happened?" Devon looked puzzled.

"The bug swarm is coming, the bug swarm is coming!" The terrified shouts kept ringing.


"how so?!"

The crowd in the stands was unbelievable.

A middle-aged black man shouted in a panic, "Isn't it winter now? Why is there a bug infestation?"


The crowd was terrified and confused.

According to the recent observations, those insects are obviously not very active in winter, how could they suddenly become like this?
"Maybe there's not enough food?"

Someone guessed.

So those bugs came to attack?
In a panic, Bourne, who brought Devon and his son over, clenched the rifle in his hands tightly and said nervously, "I don't think I can take you there, you should find a place to hide!"

With that said, he strode away from here.

"Leah, I'll go over and have a look." Devon hesitated for a moment, and decided to take a closer look at the situation. If the situation is not right, it's better to make plans early.

Liya heard that, her right hand tightly grasped Devon's arm, her eyes met him, "Devon, don't go!"

"Dad..." The son Ike was at a loss.

"It'll be fine, I'm just going to take a look." Devin explained.

"Let's go together!" Liya said firmly.

In the end, he couldn't persuade Leah, so Devin had to let the two of them follow.

Along the way, many soldiers with bullets ran past them and ran towards the defense grid.

It didn't take long for Devon to take his wife and children to see the battle from a distance, and then he was shocked by the overwhelming black insect swarm.

Purple and black ants, black and red cockroaches, black flies, black beetles...

All kinds of bugs that are dozens of times larger than the normal size form a sea of ​​bug swarms.

Insects that are obviously not supposed to be active in winter, or those that attack each other, will live in peace and all move towards one goal?
This weird and abnormal scene is not only puzzled by Devon, but even insect research experts are puzzled, feeling that what happened in front of them violates common sense.

What made them go against their nature and aim so precisely here?
Is there anything here that attracts them?
But at this moment, there was no time for them to be confused. Tens of thousands of raging insect swarms rushed in, making them care about one thing and lose another.

Boom boom boom!
All kinds of bullets and artillery fire continued to vent in the swarm of insects.

The bugs screamed and screamed, and the burnt smell continued to waft.

The power grid has been flooded by the swarm of insects, and a pile of insect corpses formed an insect wall, allowing the insects to swarm in without hindrance.

There are also flying insects buzzing and flapping their wings, flying in the air, constantly rushing down to attack humans.


The screams were endless.

Insects with sharp mouthparts and claws constantly gnawed and pulled on the flesh and blood, spurting blood.

The creepy gnawing sound continued to come from the insect swarm.

Anyone who is submerged by the black torrent will scream for a few seconds, and then become silent.

Devon took Leah and Ike with him, looking terrified from a distance.

"We're fucked?"

Looking at the defense line that was retreating steadily and was about to collapse, Devon had already foreseen that the swarm of insects would engulf Shengguang City in a short time.

His eyes were full of despair.

Gritting his teeth, just as he was about to flee with his wife and children, a strange scene appeared in the sky above the city.

Not only him, but also the panicked crowd found out.

A huge light curtain appeared in the air, and then there was a sound.

"Lowly humans! Do you need help?"

With laughter, six strange people appeared in the light curtain.

They are humanoid, with gray skin, large heads, black eyes, and silver jumpsuits.

"these are……"

Even those who were fighting trembled, and the battle line almost collapsed.

Everything in front of them really made them unbelievable.

What did they see, even a humanoid?
This is an alien?
What they didn't know was that this scene happened in all surviving bases, not just here.

Gnar, the leader of the gray men, shouted, "Stupid humans! Are you guessing our identities?"

As he spoke, he laughed, "No need to guess, we can tell you our identities!"

The hundreds of millions of surviving human beings couldn't help being shocked, stopped their wild thinking, and listened nervously.

Kiru laughed, "You guys should feel humbled and respect us!"

"We are your creators!" the elegant Dole said proudly.

"It's your God!"

Gnar smiled.

When the words fell, the hundreds of millions of human beings in existence were in an uproar, listening to their speech in disbelief.

what are they talking about
These guys who seem to be aliens actually say that they are the creator, God?
In an instant, both ordinary people and believers were furious.

Avril turned red and shouted, "You guys are talking nonsense, God is a great omniscient being, not you monsters!"

Father Stephen also shouted loudly, "You are blasphemy!"

Creation attempting to usurp the glory of the Creator is a heinous crime!
Questions and rebuttals came from among human beings, all of which were speeches of unbelief.

There seemed to be a way to hear what they were saying, and all six greys laughed.

"Hahaha... I laughed so hard!" Kiru laughed.

Dole smiled and said, "Your human civilization has always been under our surveillance. We clearly know all your developments and all your secrets!"

"We can easily destroy your civilization."

"Even the birth of you humans is related to us!"

"All of this is not God your Creator, so what is?"

"Admit it! Inferior creatures!"

"We are your gods!"

The haughty words continue to resound all over the world, making every surviving human being unbelievable.

Anger, shock, fear, appeared in the hearts of human beings.

There are many smart and big-brained people in the world. From the words of aliens, they instantly think of something.

Meteorites that suddenly appeared out of surveillance!
The changes of the bugs, their weird behavior...

"You guys made this end of the world?"


People were startled for a moment, and then they were all shocked.

The more they think about it, the more weird they feel, and the more they feel that this guess is accurate.

Soon, similar remarks continued to appear all over the world.

The six little gray men looked a little surprised, as if surprised that they had guessed it.

"Yes, we did it." Dole said lightly.

Simply admit, without any words of mercy, the human beings exploded in an instant.

They actually did it!
"How cruel you are!" Father Stephen's face was full of grief and indignation.

"Why did you do that!" Devon said angrily.

Thinking of the billions of people who died tragically, one by one relatives or friends, who died in this disaster one after another, everyone was very angry.

Dole seemed to have heard their speech, and said a little surprised, "Is this difficult to understand?"

He smiled slightly, "We are gods and your creators. We don't like your shipments, so naturally they need to be cleared."

The human beings were shocked and couldn't believe it was because of this reason.

Of course, the fact is not such a reason. Human development is a bit beyond the limit, so naturally it needs to be cleaned up.

It's just that, Dole and the others won't say it.

"What do you want to do?"

They appear at this time, certainly not without purpose!
Dole and the others originally wanted to state their purpose, but after the auxiliary system screened out such problems, they simply stated their purpose.

Dole said proudly, "As gods, we naturally have to select a group of people to survive according to the myths and legends."

"Just like in your human legend, the long-standing flood, under the command of God, the human Noah built an ark and brought some animals and people with him so that they could survive."

He smiled evilly, "We also need some people to survive, but we don't need too many, so..."

In their view, it is just right for humans to keep some studs, but not too much, too many will hinder their plans.

People looked astonished, the big flood?
People all over the world can't help but think of the legend.

The "Bible" said: "God saw that man was very sinful on earth, so he announced that he would use floods to destroy all living creatures of flesh and blood in the world and on earth, and all of them would die!" '

According to Chinese legends, the cause of the great flood was a war between the water god Gonggong and Zhuanxu.

After Gonggong was defeated by Zhuanxu, in a fit of rage, he knocked down Mount Buzhou, which supported the sky, causing the sky to collapse and the earth to sink, flooding the sky.

The Mayan Indians have a sacred book "Bobowu Sutra" which they regard as their lifeblood.

There are also records about the flood in which the gods were angry and punished humans.

It is mentioned in the book that the gods created human beings at the beginning of the world, but this was an experiment that was not so smooth. The gods first carved human figures out of wood and let them speak.

These wooden men later fell out of his favor because they forgot the existence of the Creator.

The gods decided to launch a flood to destroy mankind...

And there is another legend in the Jewish legend, which is believed to be 'the Lord changed the positions of two stars'.

Babylon, one of the ancient civilizations, also had a prophecy related to the flood.

When the planets come together in Scorpius and align in a straight line through their orbits, all human beings on Earth will be destroyed.

And when the same gathering happens in Capricornus, the catastrophe of the Great Flood will happen again on the earth, the former will be in midsummer, while the latter will be in severe winter.

The famous European prophet Nostradamus also wrote a prophecy of the end of the world in a letter to his family in 1555.

"Before the world is destroyed, the raging tide will engulf everything and last forever. The few pieces of land left on the water will also be covered by flames and stones falling from the sky. The beautiful world will be destroyed once!"

Whatever it is, these legends are horrifying to contemplate, and they infer a terrible fact from the statements of these aliens claiming to be God.

"Could it be..."

"Are they really gods? Our human creators?"

"They will say the flood, and the flood is also sent by them to destroy mankind?"

It’s okay if you don’t want to, but when you think about it, the surviving humans panicked, feeling like their minds had collapsed.

Of course, most people collapsed, and a small number of people didn't believe it, and they always believed in the faith in their hearts.

Stephen in Shengguang City looked at the desperate crowd and the front that was beginning to collapse.

He blushed and retorted angrily loudly, "No!"

"Almighty God, it shouldn't be these monsters!"

"Don't be fooled by them!"

 Thanks to 'Black Cat in the Rain' for the reward of 1000 coins.

  Two more two in one
(End of this chapter)

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