I became the god of light.

Chapter 499 The Coming of God

Chapter 499 The Coming of God

"Omniscient God, it shouldn't be these monsters!"

"Don't be fooled by them!"

Father Stephen sensed that something was wrong, and sometimes his heart collapsed only for a moment.

And these guys who are suspected of being aliens have grasped this point very well. A few words can make people's beliefs collapse.

So, he is trying his best not to believe it!
Of course, Father Stephen also thinks so in his heart, the Creator God in his heart should be omniscient and omnipotent, not these guys who look like creatures!
Thinking about it, Father Stephen continued to shout loudly, "God has great power, these guys don't have it, don't be fooled by them!"

"Their means are all the effects of technology!"

It has to be said that Father Stephen still has a certain influence in Shengguang City. In addition, the atmosphere of faith here is very strong. After hearing the words and thinking carefully, they all felt that what he said was right.

"Yes! These people are aliens!"

"They are confusing us, don't be fooled!"

"That's right, how could God be like them!"

Rebuttal words kept appearing from the crowd, and Shengguang City's originally collapsed battle line was restored somewhat.

The complacent Dole and other little gray men showed great interest when they saw the hearts of other cities collapsed.

Originally, they shouldn't have appeared so early, at least they would have to wait until there were only a hundred or so human beings left, and then they would appear to save human beings.

In order to experience the feeling of the creator, they just appeared in front of people, and they were very happy to see the desperate eyes of human beings.

Seeing that the hearts of almost all the surviving cities have collapsed, as a result, Shengguang City and the Vatican are so conspicuous standing there, directly becoming a thorn in the side!
Especially after listening to those human words from the auxiliary system, they sneered secretly after being taken aback for a moment.

In the light curtain, Dole looked arrogantly and said to humans with a sneer, "Ignorance limits you. For you humans, what is the difference between us and God?"

"We control your civilization and can make you live or die. The technology you are proud of is vulnerable to us!"

"In your opinion, we should be gods, gods!"

As for omniscience?
Dole and the others sneered.

How could such an existence exist in the world?
Humans' imaginations are quite serious, and they can even come up with this kind of existence!
They sighed and mocked in their hearts.

After a while, they became impatient after seeing that Stephen was still spreading strange remarks about omnipotence, and that the city was still insisting.

Gnar, the leader, thought of something, and suddenly his heart moved, and he asked the auxiliary system to broadcast the situation in Shengguang City.

"It's Shengguang City!"

"how so!"

The situation in Shengguang City immediately appeared in other bases, which surprised the surviving humans, and then found out in despair that they were not the only bases that were invaded!
Are those aliens going to kill them all?
Looking at the people in Shengguang City who were almost collapsed and fleeing, Gnar laughed and said, "Human beings, have you seen this? This is the power of our Creator God!"

"Anyone who disobeys us will only end in destruction!"

"Look, it won't be long before these human beings who disobey the gods will disappear from this world!"

Following his ruthless and aloof sentence of death to the humans in Shengguang City, hundreds of millions of humans fell silent, their bodies were lifeless, and their faces were full of despair.

Screams and howls sounded, and the swarm of insects devoured all living creatures cruelly.

A small number of people couldn't bear to turn their heads, but most of them stared fixedly, and didn't turn their eyes away, because they saw something in the picture.

Although Shengguang City collapsed, the hearts of the people have not collapsed. They are resisting...

"Kill! Fight with these bugs!"

"Mary, I'm coming for you!"

"Haha... I didn't commit suicide, my soul will go to that heaven after death!"


The roar continued to sound.

Although the swarm was crazy, the people in Shengguang City were even crazier.

People roared unwillingly and played a heroic piece of music.

This is a sad song for human beings!
However, no matter how desperate they are, everyone watching knows that they won't last long...

The surviving humans watching showed sad expressions, while the little grays watched with relish.

All of this made them happy.

Shengguang City.

The swarm of insects engulfed everything, and the remaining thousands of people tried their best to help others at the last moment, and to kill a few more themselves, even children.

behind the crowd.

Avril took out an iron rod and tried to kill a few black beetles that had sneaked in.

Behind her invisible back.

Creaking, bugs chirping, ferocious mouthparts, and ferocious eyes staring at Avril.

The black elytra buzzed and swooped towards Avril Lavigne!

After pounced on the exposed neck, the beetle bit down fiercely with its ferocious mouthparts.

blood flow...

Avril lavigne let out a mournful cry, her body limp and fell down.

Seeing this, the five beetles in the vicinity immediately jumped on it ferociously.

Soon, her thin body was covered with black beetles, and several sharp mouthparts opened and closed, screaming and blood spraying.

"Avril!" Father Stephen couldn't help exclaiming when he saw it from a distance.

He wanted to save the other party, but was hindered by the bugs in front of him. He was powerless and could only watch helplessly.

Seeing this scene, other people nearby felt helpless, because they were also unable to protect themselves.

Amidst several mournful cries, the call of that thin body gradually weakened in everyone's ears.

Avril Lavigne was lying on the ground, staring at the sky blankly with the sky blue eyes before.

"Mom, Dad, today's sky is so beautiful..."

Cloudless, dusk is approaching...

In a daze, Avril saw her father and mother coming to her.

However, what puzzled her blue eyes was, why is there light behind her parents?
Did they come down from heaven to pick her up?
Just when she was wondering, the original sad expressions of the remaining hundreds of millions of human beings in the world disappeared, their mouths opened wide and they became stunned, even the little gray man was stunned.

Dusk was approaching, and in the sky that was about to darken, strands of light appeared at some point.

That light is so pure, so holy...

Before they came back to their senses, it seemed as if the universe was cheering, jumping for joy, singing praises, and the universe was welcoming the arrival of a certain great existence!
Countless whispers floated, from weak to deafening!
It seems that countless people are singing, praising, and praising a certain supreme existence.

"O omniscient and omnipotent creator, master of infinite creation!"

"You are one, and you are also ten thousand."

"You were, you are, and you will be forever, the one who is and always is..."

Divine praise, reverberate to the earth, reverberate to the moon, reverberate in the solar system, even reverberate in the whole galaxy!
It disregarded the limitation of distance, and resounded strangely in the ears of countless creatures.

Whether it was the lowly primitive civilization or the advanced civilization that could destroy galaxies, they were all stunned at this moment.

Who, who is praising?
Are you praising God?
he is
The praise of the universe continues to echo throughout the galaxy.

"Almighty God!"

"Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven."

"Because the kingdom, authority, and glory are all yours."


Cheers, sings, praises.

The sound echoed throughout the galaxy for a long time, as if the universe was welcoming some omniscient and omnipotent supreme being.

They belonged to different civilizations, but no one did not understand them, even primitive people could understand them clearly, as if there was no language barrier at all.

In the Milky Way, the primitive intelligent beings were cheering loudly. The low-civilized people didn't think about it at all, and directly regarded this as a divine revelation!
They are using their way to record everything they heard, and they have taken countless supreme names for that existence!
Just like singing praises, they also believe that that is the Creator of the universe!
Of course, apart from low-level civilizations, those high-level civilizations with interstellar navigation were stunned!
Nothing can make them feel more horrified than what appears now!
Not to mention the praise that can be understood by all intelligent creatures, but the range of sound transmission and the meaning contained in the words, it makes them shudder!
In the face of this matter, they are not much better than low-level civilizations.

What kind of power is this!

Is there really an omniscient and omnipotent Creator?
Some advanced civilizations were frightened, and even thought about erecting a statue to worship this inexplicable existence, so as to avoid possible unknown dangers.

Then, a scene that shocked those advanced civilizations appeared, accompanied by praises, white light appeared in the entire galaxy, and there was no place that was not covered by it!
The darkness disappears, and the Milky Way is like a light bulb in the dark universe, so bright and bright!
This kind of power... all advanced civilizations are dumbfounded, and some civilizations are extremely enthusiastic and feel that they have found the truth.

And then... the Supreme Being descends!
Intangible, qualityless, soulless, and spiritless, at a glance, it is impossible to describe its specificity, as if it is light itself!
The ineffable, indescribable, and indescribable body descended on the entire galaxy!
Countless stars, countless galaxies, embellishing him and foiling him, constitute a vast and supreme body!
The stars are in it, the starry sky is in it!
Countless creatures fell into a daze when they saw him for the first time.

A thought naturally and crazily appeared in their minds.

This is definitely an incomparably noble existence that cannot be described in words!
He is God!
What's more, this supreme existence just appears here, as if it has become the center of the universe.

Just like He is the origin of everything, the creator of everything, and the most noble existence of diversity!
All beings in the Milky Way, in their waking consciousness at the last second, even thought that their appearance and their birth were all because of this supreme being in front of them!
It is precisely because of His creation that I can appear here at this moment!
Soon, sluggishness and madness took over the minds of all beings!
They stopped their ability to think, looked at the indescribably stalwart body in front of them, and fell into obsession and madness.

Su Yun didn't care about other civilizations.

Relying on the connection in the dark, he forced the main body to come to this parallel universe, and the scene just now appeared.

In the real universe, his encroachment range has reached the entire galaxy, and it is covering the Andromeda constellation and its surroundings at superluminal speed.

Naturally, his body of rules has been further expanded, how much scope the rules have invaded, how huge he is!
And when Su Yun came, if most of the influences were not shielded, it is estimated that the entire galaxy would be completely wiped out!
Even more ruthlessly, He can also destroy the Milky Way wrapped in his body into nothingness, and disappear in the entire universe!
Su Yun didn't care about other places in the Milky Way, and directly looked at the Solar System.

Compared with other places, it is better taken care of by him here. At least the creatures will feel dizzy and uncomfortable looking at his body, but at least they still have the ability to think.

solar system.


All the surviving humans, as well as all the little gray men, stared blankly at the indescribable body.

No one can understand what He is, even see a little bit of it.

But just this little bit, they will shed tears when they look at it one more time, and their minds will sting when they look at it for a while!
Even inexplicably, they all knew that it was the kindness of this noble being, allowing them to witness a little bit of his body, otherwise they would encounter great terror at the first sight!
"God? Lord?"

"Did you come?"

Father Stephen felt dizzy when he saw it, and even felt like he was going to faint, but he couldn't bear to look away, staring at the majestic light.

This is God!
This is true God!
Not only him, everyone had this idea.

Compared with those little gray men, there is no comparison. Anyone with a normal IQ will know that this is God, the omniscient and omnipotent supreme being!
"So there really is a God." Devon muttered to himself.

His mood was agitated, and he couldn't believe it.

In the Vatican of this parallel universe, Pope St. Joseph has tears in his eyes and his white beard trembles.

"The Lord has not abandoned us..."

When the human beings were shocked, all the black bug swarms stopped moving, as if frozen in amber, trembling, not even daring to make a sound.

(End of this chapter)

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