I became the god of light.

Chapter 500 God's Advent Era

Chapter 500 God's Advent Era
"God has come!"

The surviving human beings were excited and had tears in their eyes.

At the same time, they also have a kind of grievance in their hearts, just like a child seeing a powerful father, full of dependence and wanting to complain.

Gnar, the little gray men, and other little gray men on the moon stared wide-eyed one after another, and their dark eyes were full of disbelief.

"No, how is it possible!"

"How could there really be..."

The little gray people who claim to be gods, while shocked, looked at the ineffable and boundless body, and a thought popped up in their hearts.

"Omniscient? Creator?"

Their bodies began to tremble, because of the incomprehensible scene in front of them, and the fact that the other party was God in human mythology.

What will he do to them?
Su Yun took a look at the earth, and immediately felt disgusted with the little gray people.

These little gray men are really cancerous, disgusting enough in the real world, but I didn't expect that the parallel world is not much worse.

The real world is destroyed by meteorites, and here are genetically mutated insects.

The earth looked like it had been brutally abused, and most of the creatures except insects died.

This earth is useless.

"It is estimated that global civilization will go backwards?"

Su Yun pondered and thought of a solution.

"It is said that after becoming a true god, I haven't used other rules much, try?"

At the first moment, he couldn't help but think of the rule of time.

Now the earth wants to recover once and for all, only this rule is the most appropriate.

In another world, due to the relationship between Ouroboros, the time rule is exclusive to the other party, and other true gods have never used it, and Su Yun naturally has no chance to use it.

"I can only briefly use the time rule. I don't know if I can go backwards?"

Su Yun didn't think much about it, and was going to test how well the rules were used.

The little gray men were terrified, and the human beings were excited, but the next moment, they were all stunned.

Avril looked at the sky longingly, as if she had foreseen the scene where she went to heaven to meet her parents.

Father Stephen murmured piously, and Pope St. Joseph screamed and trembled excitedly.

No matter what they were doing in the next second, everything froze.

Time began to turn backwards...

It's like a video played backwards, and everything starts to play back!
The bug left Avril's body, the blood flowed back, and the injury recovered.

The bug tide receded slowly.

Everyone's faces were full of horror, unable to control their bodies, like a marionette.

They could only go back in time and do various actions, looking at all this with shocking expressions.

Originally, they shouldn't be awake, and their memory will even start to go backwards, but another rule protects them, making them clearly witness this feat!

"Is this the mighty power of the Lord?"

The swarm of insects receded, and the dead people reappeared one by one, and joined the backflowing team in a daze.

The little grays looked shocked.

How could there be such an exaggeration?
Back in time?
How could it be possible!
They couldn't believe it, but the miraculous scene in front of them forced them to believe that there really is such a great power in this universe!
Incomprehensible power!
one day……

ten days...

three months...

Soon, people all over the world were revived, the collapsed cities, and the enlarged insects all became smaller, each in its own right.

There are only billions of dead human beings with dumbfounded faces.

where am I?
who am I?
what am i doing?
Am I not dead?

A series of questions appeared in their minds.

Su Yun glanced at the virus meteorite that appeared in the atmosphere and was about to fall as time went back.

With a single thought, the meteorite evaporated directly from the world, and there was not a single slag left!
Then, Su Yun let go of the time flow, and the time returned to normal.

Billions of human beings started talking in shock.

China region.

"Fuck! Am I resurrected?"

"Isn't it too exaggerated? The whole world goes back in time, this kind of power, I rely on it!"

"Now I believe that God is really omniscient and omnipotent!"

"I'm numb to everyone!"

Shocking words sounded from all over the world at the same time, which fully explained their shocking mood.

Su Yun ignored the voices and meditated alone.

"Sure enough, it works!"

"It's the rule of the universe, hasn't it been invaded by the Ouroboros of Time?"

At the same time, just turning back time, He discovered some problems.

"It took too long."

It took a minute or two to go back three months...

Su Yun thought, if ouroboros were to do this, it might be done in an instant.

"However, if you can use it to this extent, it is already considered powerful."

As for separating the bodies of the past, present, future, and three true gods like the Ouroboros, that is a dream.

Moreover, the strength of the power of time is also different. Su Yun found that if his power of time wanted to imprison the true god, he was dreaming.

Sure enough, a brief is a brief...

"But this is barely omniscient and omnipotent. If you are promoted again..."

Su Yun himself can't even imagine the power he will have at that time.

And the Ouroboros of Time, who gained the authority of space, made him even more afraid.

It is absolutely necessary to be promoted faster than the other party, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable!
Maybe even if he hides in the real universe, he can find it!
Su Yun would not naively think that it would be safe to hide here. After all, everything has traces. How can he ensure that the other party can't find the real universe?
The real universe must never be discovered, otherwise...

After Su Yun pondered vigilantly, his eyes focused on the trembling little gray man.

Without saying much, he moved his hand directly.

He removed some of the covering of the ruled body, but not to the point of death.

Just for a moment, those little gray men who saw His real body... went crazy!
Looking at Su Yun's true god body, they yelled crazily.



"Master! I give myself to you!"

Pious and crazy colors appeared on their faces, they fell to their knees, and some even prepared to commit suicide.

At this moment, they no longer have any elegance, no any arrogance, only the appearance of seeing incomprehensible things and becoming crazy.

Su Yun didn't care about these little gray people, sometimes death is the easiest, and this kind of crazy ending is more suitable for them.

At this moment, he is observing his own body, which is composed of an entire galaxy and countless stars.

"Do you want to distort that Orr's galaxy?"

Su Yun thought, he had thought about it last time, if the Aur people, the superior civilization of the little gray people, came to make trouble again, the galaxy would be distorted by them.

Not to mention, now He can really do it!
"Forget it, just give them a curse!"

Su Yun directly mobilized the curse rules and gave the little gray man and Orr people a beautiful curse. As far as the degree is concerned, it's not that serious, the kind that can choke to death when drinking water?
"The curses of the entire group are added together, the power...the stars and the sun, or the planets they live in will explode on the spot?"

Su Yun's mind was wide open.

Although it's a little unbelievable, under the power of the curse, it might be possible.

After finishing all this, He turned his attention to the original goal, the origin of the universe!
As His body of rules invaded the galaxy, very natural and domineering, the rules here were invaded by Him in a blink of an eye!
The origin of the universe...

"This is……"

Su Yun was surprised.

He sensed something was wrong.

In astonishment, he felt it carefully.

Soon, he investigated the reason.

"The universe actually has one origin?"

Parallel universe and real universe, the origin is still related?
While thinking, he quickly found some clues.

"There is only one origin of the universe, because all parallel universes are actually just one universe, just because of different possibilities to split and derive?"

Like a different timeline?
Su Yun's expression changed.

This is not good news for him, countless original dreams are shattered?
In a bad mood, the entire galaxy became turbulent.

The galaxy is displaced, and a terrible disaster is coming!
If it weren't for Su Yun's quick reaction, I don't know how many planets would be destroyed.

But even so, even if it was just a false alarm, it would scare many civilizations into panic.

Su Yun calmed down quickly, and at the same time made another discovery.

Even if there is only one origin of the universe, occupying the parallel universe will speed up its absorption speed, and at the same time, the shape of the god body has also changed somewhat.

The body of rules seems to be split. If you look at it with the rules of space, you can see two bodies overlapping, which has the nature of a multiverse!
Su Yun's interest quickly rose.

If the assumption is correct, his form will definitely change in the end. To put it in a more vivid way, by then, he will be one and ten thousand, and become even more weird and indescribable!
Countless different possible shapes are added together. It is estimated that in the end, even the true God will not be able to understand Him!
And, although I haven't found any benefits yet, my intuition tells him that this is definitely a good thing!
After thinking about it, Su Yun used the rational thinking of the photon system to split a clone.

"Just use this tool that won't bore you to corrupt the parallel universe."

I regard myself as a tool, and only the photon thinking, which is very similar to the Dao and the way of heaven, can work hard without complaint.

As soon as the photon clone came out, it disappeared without a trace in an instant, blending into the rules and merging into one with the rules.

After finishing all this, Su Yun was just about to leave this parallel universe when he suddenly looked at the solar system.

"The earth is really full of disasters and disasters, let's transform it."

The billions of human beings surviving on the earth suddenly froze, seeing the whole world bright and bright, and the earth seemed to be turned into a light bulb!
Su Yun let go of the restrictions, and the huge body of rules began to erode the entire solar system!
The sun began to change color and turned into platinum, and the platinum sunlight shone out.

As for the moon, it turned into silver as a whole, like a silver plate hanging in the air, beautiful and magnificent.

And, it shines on its own!
The moonlight shining like silver sand, intertwined with the platinum sunlight, is like the essence of the sun and the moon!
In fact, it is almost the same, there is a mysterious power in these rays of light.

The earth is getting bluer...

Even for the sake of balance, Su Yun even joined the body of darkness.

For example, Pluto is dyed in a pitch black color, full of evil and weirdness, and has a taste of distortion.

Around it, there will even be subtle and strange sounds.

The speed of its movement also accelerated abruptly, quickly circling the solar system, guarding the solar system like a huge satellite.

At the same time, there is an invisible and colorless barrier on the periphery of the solar system.

In the end, the entire solar system is transformed, full of otherworldly factors!
Su Yun looked at it with a strange expression, "Is this spiritual energy recovery?"

"It means that humans won't be wiped out again, right?"

With so much flora and fauna, who knows what to expect.

"Forget it, there is only so much that can help them."

After Su Yun blessed silently, the indescribable body left here.

The light of the Milky Way slowly dimmed, as if the lights were turned off, and the light gradually dissipated.

Although he left, the influence did not disappear, and the legends about the creator of the galaxy began to flood.

Countless civilizations fear His mighty power, even worship His mighty power, and begin to pursue the secret of the Creator...

And people in other river systems may also look at it because the Milky Way has turned into a light bulb, and they will probably be very surprised by then.

Because there are similar legends of the Creator God in the entire Milky Way?
As for the earth...

Countless people are full of gratitude after adapting to the greatly changed earth.

"The end is over!"

"Thank you Lord!"

"Don't stop me, I will be a devout believer in God from now on..."

All kinds of words of gratitude appear on the Internet.

Cloudless, with a platinum-golden sun hanging, the sun shines brightly.

"very nice……"

Basking in the sun, Avril Lavigne snuggled up to her revived parents, her little face was full of happy smiles.

"Thank God!" said a rough male voice.

"Yeah." A soft female voice.

The three figures stood up together, with three smiling faces, full of happiness.

in the church.

Father Stephen looked at the clear sky and murmured in frustration, "The Lord has left."

Pope St. Joseph, whispering reverently, "Our Father in heaven..."

The disaster passed, but the glory of God was not forgotten.

Someone was surprised to remember that on the day when God came to show mercy, it happened to be December 25th, an important festival, Christmas!
A festival to commemorate the birth of the Son.

After making this amazing discovery, I don’t know who proposed it. After countless countries seconded, a special day appeared.

To commemorate this day, people changed the calendar again, just like the AD era that once appeared according to the birth of the Son of Man, it also has a new name from that day on.

The era of gods coming!

Because of Su Yun's extraordinary factors, interesting things will happen in the parallel universe, but all of this has nothing to do with him, because he has returned to the real universe.

Like a true god from another world, Su Yun turned into rules and merged into the universe, silently occupying the real universe.

At the same time, countless clones were sent out by him, and countless parallel universes began to be eroded...

 Thanks to the head of 'Black Cat in the Rain' for the reward of 1000 coins.

  Thanks to 'Xuan Qing Dao Zun' for rewarding 500 coins.

  Thanks to 'kisaragi tianyu' for the reward of 100 coins.

  Thanks for the reward of 100 coins from 'Self-creator God'.

  [-]-in-[-] update...no salted fish...

(End of this chapter)

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