I became the god of light.

Chapter 536 The True God Descends!

Chapter 536 The True God Descends!
A large number of wizards immediately made a fuss, and one by one began to make fun of the believers.

"That god must have something special, and it must be of great help to us!"

"I think so. I don't know what that god is like. I hope it can be of some use. If that god can be as useful as world consciousness, it will be a great contribution to us!"


The sound of ridicule raged, making every believer of the god religion angry, but there was no way to resist.

Even the last Bright Moon wizard, Carol, betrayed, what else can they resist?
The white-bearded old man Roman was filled with sorrow.

This time, most of the God Cult members are here. With the death of everyone, even the remnants of the Creation God Cult will disappear, and it will really become dead in name only.

Perhaps, this is the original intention of Wizard Carroll's malicious plan?
Seeing the hundreds of people filled with despair, Wizard Carroll was very satisfied, and he sighed, "It looks like you will end up here."

"May God save you."

"May you live forever in the kingdom of God after you die."

Regretful hypocritical words came out of his mouth, which seemed to be well-intentioned words, but finally the wind direction changed.

"May God come down sooner, and let us study it, alas..."

The words were full of anticipation and sarcasm.

Many god believers are even more desperate.

With that said, Carroll was going to order to kill these stupid guys.

Behind many wizards, a group of twenty or so people is very conspicuous, they actually surround a child, seem to be centered on him?
If it weren't for the fact that the wizards had important things to do now, they would probably have noticed their abnormalities.

The old man Lucio said excitedly, "The cancer of the Creation God Sect is going to disappear!"

The wizards who followed him also had happy expressions on their faces.

The old wizard Luke and the three were about to agree, but subconsciously looked at Arthur, only to find that his expression was inexplicable, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Since they can't figure out his preferences, as the new three licking dogs, they are not good at opening their mouths, so as not to make the master unhappy.

Sure enough, in the next second, Arthur smiled and said, "What if their god descends?"

"Arrival?" Lucio was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed a few times.

"I haven't come yet. Sir Arthur, don't think there are only us now. In fact, the Lieyang Witch God who secretly organized this operation, he or they, must be watching from a distance!"

"For them with a long lifespan, how could such a good show be missed?"

Lucio said to himself, "So even if that god descends, it will be punished by the wizard gods!"

"Maybe it will be captured on the spot, and then it will be used for our research!"

He had a proud smile on his face, and he was extremely confident in the strength of the witch gods.

Su Yun showed a weird smile, nodded and said, "I hope so."

Lucio was puzzled and bewildered when he heard the words, feeling that his words were a little strange.

Marquis Vicente, who was standing by, was uneasy for some reason. His younger son Arthur acted a little strangely along the way, as if he was about to say goodbye, which disturbed him.

Especially now, it made him more uneasy.

At this time, Wizard Carroll shouted loudly in front of the wizard team, "Destroy them!"

A powerful aura erupted, and pressure filled the air. The ferocious and excited faces of the wizard team, and the fear and fear on the faces of the god believers.

Just when Carroll and other wizard Haoyue thought that the Creation God Sect would become history, time seemed to freeze at this moment, the world became quiet, and there was a strange atmosphere.

"what happened?"

Many wizards paused and looked up at the sky subconsciously.

At some point, the sky darkened, as if it was evening, and then a deep black shadow appeared on the sky.

Black ink smears spread across the sky, and countless eerie whispers were mixed with loud cheers.

"Hee hee ha ha... babble..."

The world is in turmoil, jumping for joy, cheering involuntarily!
"He was born in darkness, He is the Supreme One of darkness."

"Every place shrouded in darkness has His eyes, nothing can hide from Him, and no tongue dares to call His name directly."

"O primordial darkness, the only immortal one!"

"Your will overrides the will of the world."

"Your words and deeds override the rules of the world."

"You are eternal!"

The darkness is singing, the darkness is raving, praising this incredible existence.

"Eternal Zan Primal Darkness!"

"May your will cover all things and stars!"

The eerie whispers, like human voices and the voice of the world, are full of mysterious truths, which can make people addicted and pursue irresistibly.

While the ravings echoed, many wizards and believers were stunned, no, or the creatures of the whole world were stunned.

The voice of truth is echoing, they are indulging uncontrollably.

It was at this time.

He has come!
Formless, matterless, soulless, and spiritless, its body cannot be described, like the darkness at the beginning of the creation, and like the deep abyss.

But a closer look reveals more than that.

His body is like one, but also like ten thousand, layer upon layer, extremely weird, beyond the comprehension of any creature!
Ineffable, indescribable, indescribable!
He is an existence that no words can describe!
The moment the dumbfounded beings saw him, a word appeared in their minds for no reason.

He is God!
"So this is God?"

The faces of all beings in the world showed strange obsessed smiles.

Countless beings were in a trance, and the call of truth seemed to ring in their ears again.

"The foolish souls who are perishing and do not see the truth, come quickly! Come with us and sacrifice your soul and flesh together, become one with the Lord, and glimpse the eternal truth!"

"……come on……"

Strange ravings, weird whispers, and alluring voices tempted them, making them sink further into the bottomless abyss.

"He is the truth!"

"Hahaha, god... I want to become one with you!"

All creatures are crazy!

Countless giggling laughter echoed all over the world.

People sink in the fall.

People take pleasure in killing and madness.

Morality and law vanished!
Along with the sinking of all beings in the world, there are also those plants and all things in the world.

Distortion occurs, and the beautiful trees become strange in an instant, and the reflections of the trees are like ghosts, full of weirdness and horror.

The land is turning black...

Baiyun is...

With the advent of the unknown existence, the instinct of the world is resisting, wanting to expel this existence!
The world is shaking!
It's a pity, whether it's size or strength, it's so small when facing that unknown existence.

(End of this chapter)

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