I became the god of light.

Chapter 537 World Distortion

Chapter 537 World Distortion
The space is trembling, the world is whining!
The sound of collapse interweaves a song of sorrow and joy.

Then it was infected and devoured...

The world has stopped its resistance, it is cheering and jumping for joy from the heart, and it is welcoming this unknown existence!
At the place where many wizards and Creation God believers were, before their sanity disappeared, many wizards showed bitter smiles on their faces.

So this is God?
It's God!
"We were wrong?" Carroll smiled miserably.

Is he what we want to study?
How ridiculous this is...

But it is worthy of being a god...

There was an obsessed smile on his face.

With just one glance, countless knowledge flooded into his mind, and he was asking for the secrets of the world.

"This is the truth!"

Haha screaming, he is also crazy!
At this moment, he is the same as all living beings in the world, there is no difference, even if he is Wizard Haoyue.

Because the stronger the spirit, the more it receives!!
Where the Creation Sect is located, countless believers face a mixture of fear and devotion.

They were afraid of his greatness and his great power, but the connection in their faith allowed them to recognize this existence in the first place.

He is their God!
"The opposite of the Creator God of Light... the Destroyer God of Darkness!"

Roman's face was full of bitterness, and at the last second of sinking, his face returned to piety.

He opened his mouth and murmured, the first generation of prophets passed down, rumored to be the holy words of prayer taught by God.

"Our Father, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven..."

"May you accept me..."

With the last murmur, he was also mad, laughing and joining the battle.

At this moment, no matter the wizards or the believers in this place, they all sank in madness, laughing and killing each other.

No, or a group of people are still sober!
Julio and the others looked at everything around them in horror, their faces full of fear.

At the same time, they couldn't help looking at a thin figure floating in the air.

Soft white light bloomed from his body, covering everyone, making the feeling of horror gradually fade away. It seemed that as long as this white light existed for a moment, they would be fine forever.

Something is wrong with Julio.

Arthur's face was icy cold, and the original feelings seemed to have disappeared.

Julio asked dryly, "What's going on, Arthur, you..."

A series of flustered eyes cast over.

"I'm leaving."

They only listened to what Arthur said.


Marquis Vicente asked nervously.

He felt that his youngest son was about to disappear, and he felt a little scared in his heart.

"Go where I should go." The indifferent voice replied.

Everyone was terrified when they heard the words. They didn't know what happened. What did Arthur mean?
Suddenly, at this moment, Arthur raised his head, and everyone followed him subconsciously.

I saw five golden rays of light suddenly appeared in the dark sky covered by darkness, the rays of light were like sunlight.

Lieyang witch god, or Lieyang wizard!
At this moment, no one thinks that Wizard Lieyang can be called a god, because they have seen the real god!
Enveloped by the golden light, the five Lieyang wizards who were already half-mad and about to go mad yelled frantically towards the darkness of the sky.


"Get out of our world!"

They are stern and stern, fearing the existence in front of them, but the reality forces them to take action!
Originally, they were watching the play with smiles on their faces, admiring the last glory of the Creation God Sect, even when that weird raving appeared, they didn't pay any attention to it.

They are confident, with their strength, no one can beat them!
They even looked forward to it, wondering if that god had descended.

If it is true, then they will make a lot of money, just grab it at that time, and then study...

And now, all they have left is a miserable smile.

They can't even look at God, so how can they study it?
They are afraid that if they look at it for a few more moments, they can't bear to look away and actively sink into the truth.

In a half-mad state, their death-seeking instincts made them attack crazily, trying to struggle to the death!
The vast energies that covered tens of kilometers land crashed into the darkness of the sky.

Unfortunately, they were desperate in the next second.

Because no matter whether it is fire, ice, or curse, they are all ineffective against him!
He is like an invisible thing, their attacks can't even touch it!
"It's over, the world is over..."

"We shouldn't..."

The five people were full of regrets, and felt that it was all because of the extinction of the Creation Sect, which led to the advent of this terrible existence!
They smirked.

Su Yun, who was traveling through contact, has already shielded most of the influence on himself by relying on his previous experience, thinking that there should be no accidents.


He seems to have overlooked a place...

After occupying the universe, his own form has changed into multiple forms, becoming even more indescribable, and even the ninth-level rule gods will probably go crazy if they read it!
So even if most of the influence is eliminated, all beings in the world cannot bear it. Now the world and all creatures have become lunatics because of his negligence and distortions!
Enough is enough!
When he was in trouble, the five ants whose strength was about the same as that of a fifth-level god attacked him actively. Even if the attack did not have any effect, it was still annoying enough.

Looking at the five people indifferently, one couldn't hold back, and he let go of some shielding.


The weird raving suddenly intensified!
The world began to turn black as a whole, and the five Lieyang witch gods froze in place for the first time.

Even if they try their best to avoid sight, they will inevitably be polluted when they get close.

"Cackling...great god!"

"God, please accept my spirit and flesh, accept my sacrifice!"

"Go away, only I can sacrifice to the gods!"

"You just get out, it's me..."

Boom boom boom!
They fought each other crazily, just to compete for the chance to merge with God!
Su Yun frowned.

Because He let go of some restrictions, the heads of all the living beings below exploded one by one, and even their bodies were wriggling even after they died, as if they were about to get up again!
He regrets coming to the body of darkness.


The strange words that belonged to the truth reverberated, and the world was slightly shocked after hearing it, sinking even deeper!
Su Yun: "..."

He really just came, not thinking of destroying the world!
In desperation, He started his old work, saving the world!
The world seems to be frozen in amber, and everything stops instantly!
The rules of time are violently turbulent!
Like a video tape in reverse, everything starts to flow backwards!
A large number of dead creatures got up one by one, and they were resurrected!

 Thanks to the Grandmaster of 'Black Cat in the Rain' for the reward of 1000 coins.

  Thanks to 'Youth and Tangerine' for the reward of 100 coins.

(End of this chapter)

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